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[英]How add jQuery to Joomla Template?

抱歉,我的无知是我从Joomla开始,我需要在名为Lumiere的Joomla模板中添加一些jQuery脚本及其图像。 我正在查看模板,我看到Index.html没有代码,但是index.php文件是代码,我想我应该在代码中添加一个“那里” php脚本中的代码如下:

* @version   $Id: index.php 5057 2012-11-06 04:48:10Z rhuk $
 * @author RocketTheme http://www.rockettheme.com
 * @copyright Copyright (C) 2007 - 2012 RocketTheme, LLC
 * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU/GPLv2 only
 * Gantry uses the Joomla Framework (http://www.joomla.org), a GNU/GPLv2 content management system
// no direct access
defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die( 'Restricted index access' );

// load and inititialize gantry class
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/lib/gantry/gantry.php');

// get the current preset
$gpreset = str_replace(' ','',strtolower($gantry->get('name')));

<!doctype html>
<html xml:lang="<?php echo $gantry->language; ?>" lang="<?php echo $gantry->language;?>" >
    <?php if ($gantry->get('layout-mode') == '960fixed') : ?>
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=960px">
    <?php elseif ($gantry->get('layout-mode') == '1200fixed') : ?>
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=1200px">
    <?php else : ?>
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <?php endif; ?>

        $gantry->addStyle('grid-responsive.css', 5);
        $gantry->addLess('bootstrap.less', 'bootstrap.css', 6);
        $gantry->addLess('global.less', 'master.css', 8, array('main-body'=>$gantry->get('main-body','light'), 'main-accent'=>$gantry->get('main-accent', '#a84d6c')));

        if ($gantry->browser->name == 'ie'){
            if ($gantry->browser->shortversion == 9){
                $gantry->addInlineScript("if (typeof RokMediaQueries !== 'undefined') window.addEvent('domready', function(){ RokMediaQueries._fireEvent(RokMediaQueries.getQuery()); });");
            if ($gantry->browser->shortversion == 8){
        if ($gantry->get('layout-mode', 'responsive') == 'responsive') $gantry->addScript('rokmediaqueries.js');
        if ($gantry->get('loadtransition')) {
        $hidden = ' class="rt-hidden"';}

<body <?php echo $gantry->displayBodyTag(); ?>>
    <?php /** Begin Top Surround **/ if ($gantry->countModules('top') or $gantry->countModules('header')) : ?>
    <header id="rt-top-surround">
        <?php /** Begin Top **/ if ($gantry->countModules('top')) : ?>
        <div id="rt-top" <?php echo $gantry->displayClassesByTag('rt-top'); ?>>
            <div class="rt-container">
                <?php echo $gantry->displayModules('top','standard','standard'); ?>
                <div class="clear"></div>
        <?php /** End Top **/ endif; ?>

        <?php echo $gantry->displayModules('background','basic','basic'); ?>
        <?php if (($gantry->countModules('showcase')) and (!$gantry->countModules('feature'))) : ?>
        <div class="rt-bg-fade"></div>
        <?php endif; ?>

        <?php /** Begin Header **/ if ($gantry->countModules('header')) : ?>
        <div id="rt-header">
            <div class="rt-container">
                <?php echo $gantry->displayModules('header','standard','standard'); ?>
                <div class="clear"></div>
        <?php /** End Header **/ endif; ?>
        <?php /** Begin Showcase **/ if ($gantry->countModules('showcase')) : ?>
        <div id="rt-showcase">
            <div class="rt-container">
                <?php echo $gantry->displayModules('showcase','standard','standard'); ?>
                <div class="clear"></div>
        <?php /** End Showcase **/ endif; ?>
        <?php /** Begin Feature **/ if ($gantry->countModules('feature')) : ?>
        <div id="rt-feature">
            <div class="rt-container">
                <?php echo $gantry->displayModules('feature','standard','standard'); ?>
                <div class="clear"></div>
        <?php /** End Feature **/ endif; ?>
    <?php /** End Top Surround **/ endif; ?>
    <?php /** Begin Drawer **/ if ($gantry->countModules('drawer')) : ?>
    <div id="rt-drawer">
        <div class="rt-container">
            <?php echo $gantry->displayModules('drawer','standard','standard'); ?>
            <div class="clear"></div>
    <?php /** End Drawer **/ endif; ?>
    <div id="rt-main-container">
        <div id="rt-transition"<?php if ($gantry->get('loadtransition')) echo $hidden; ?>>
            <div id="rt-mainbody-surround">
                <?php /** Begin Utility **/ if ($gantry->countModules('utility')) : ?>
                <div id="rt-utility">
                    <div class="rt-container">
                        <?php echo $gantry->displayModules('utility','standard','standard'); ?>
                        <div class="rt-main-divider"></div>
                        <div class="clear"></div>
                <?php /** End Utility **/ endif; ?>
                <?php /** Begin Breadcrumbs **/ if ($gantry->countModules('breadcrumb')) : ?>
                <div id="rt-breadcrumbs">
                    <div class="rt-container">
                        <?php echo $gantry->displayModules('breadcrumb','standard','standard'); ?>
                        <div class="clear"></div>
                <?php /** End Breadcrumbs **/ endif; ?>
                <?php /** Begin Main Top **/ if ($gantry->countModules('maintop')) : ?>
                <div id="rt-maintop">
                    <div class="rt-container">
                        <?php echo $gantry->displayModules('maintop','standard','standard'); ?>
                        <div class="clear"></div>
                <?php /** End Main Top **/ endif; ?>
                <?php /** Begin Main Body **/ ?>
                <div class="rt-container">
                        <?php echo $gantry->displayMainbody('mainbody','sidebar','standard','standard','standard','standard','standard'); ?>
                <?php /** End Main Body **/ ?>
                <?php /** Begin Main Bottom **/ if ($gantry->countModules('mainbottom')) : ?>
                <div id="rt-mainbottom">
                    <div class="rt-container">
                        <?php echo $gantry->displayModules('mainbottom','standard','standard'); ?>
                        <div class="clear"></div>
                <?php /** End Main Bottom **/ endif; ?>
                <?php /** Begin Extension **/ if ($gantry->countModules('extension')) : ?>
                <div id="rt-extension">
                    <div class="rt-container">
                        <?php echo $gantry->displayModules('extension','standard','standard'); ?>
                        <div class="clear"></div>
                <?php /** End Extension **/ endif; ?>
        <?php /** Begin Bottom **/ if ($gantry->countModules('bottom')) : ?>
        <div id="rt-bottom">
            <div class="rt-container">
                <?php echo $gantry->displayModules('bottom','standard','standard'); ?>
                <div class="clear"></div>
        <?php /** End Bottom **/ endif; ?>
        <?php /** Begin Footer Section **/ if ($gantry->countModules('footer') or $gantry->countModules('copyright')) : ?>
        <footer id="rt-footer-surround">
            <?php /** Begin Footer **/ if ($gantry->countModules('footer')) : ?>
            <div id="rt-footer">
                <div class="rt-container">
                    <?php echo $gantry->displayModules('footer','standard','standard'); ?>
                    <div class="clear"></div>
            <?php /** End Footer **/ endif; ?>
            <?php /** Begin Copyright **/ if ($gantry->countModules('copyright')) : ?>
            <div id="rt-copyright">
                <div class="rt-container">
                    <?php echo $gantry->displayModules('copyright','standard','standard'); ?>
                    <div class="clear"></div>
            <?php /** End Copyright **/ endif; ?>
        <?php /** End Footer Surround **/ endif; ?>
        <?php /** Begin Debug **/ if ($gantry->countModules('debug')) : ?>
        <div id="rt-debug">
            <div class="rt-container">
                <?php echo $gantry->displayModules('debug','standard','standard'); ?>
                <div class="clear"></div>
        <?php /** End Debug **/ endif; ?>
    <?php /** Begin Popups **/
        echo $gantry->displayModules('popup','popup','popup');
        echo $gantry->displayModules('login','login','popup');
    /** End Popup s**/ ?>
    <?php /** Begin Analytics **/ if ($gantry->countModules('analytics')) : ?>
    <?php echo $gantry->displayModules('analytics','basic','basic'); ?>
    <?php /** End Analytics **/ endif; ?>

我想,应该将js文件添加到Js文件夹中,然后将css文件添加到CSS文件夹中,将图像添加到Images文件夹中,但是如果我有以下js / css脚本:


什么代码必须添加到此php脚本(以上),以便该脚本正常工作? 预先感谢亚历杭德罗PS:对不起,我的英文太少了






加载Javascript和CSS文件的Joomla方法是JHtml::script('path-to-file'); JHtml::stylesheet('path-to-stylesheet'); Docpage: http ://docs.joomla.org/Adding_JavaScript_and_CSS_to_the_page

您可以自由地将文件存储在何处,但是建议您对其进行一些整理。 将它们放入js和css文件夹是大多数人所做的。

旁注:Joomla 3.x随附了jQuery(1.8.1)版本。 您可以使用JHtml::_('jquery.framework'); 这还将确保仅加载一次。

Bootstrap中已经包含一个轮播插件,该插件也随Joomla 3.x一起提供。 您可以使用JHtml::_('bootstrap.carousel');加载该文件JHtml::_('bootstrap.carousel'); 如果使用那个,则不必显式加载jQuery,因为它也将解决此问题。



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