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如何在Play Framework 2.2中自定义unmanagedResourceDirectories和excludeFilter?

[英]How to customize unmanagedResourceDirectories and excludeFilter in Play Framework 2.2?

我正在根据指南将MyBatis与Play Framework 2.2集成在一起。 本指南是针对使用project/Build.scala而不是build.sbt Play v2.1.x build.sbt

在这种情况下,如何将mapper xml文件添加到classpath?


val main = play.Project(appName, appVersion, appDependencies).settings(
  // Add app folder as resource directory so that mapper xml files are in the classpath
  unmanagedResourceDirectories in Compile <+= baseDirectory( _ / "app" ),
  // but filter out java and html files that would then also be copied to the classpath
  excludeFilter in Compile in unmanagedResources := "*.java" || "*.html"


unmanagedResourceDirectories in Compile <+= baseDirectory( _ / "app" )

// but filter out java and html files that would then also be copied to the classpath
excludeFilter in Compile in unmanagedResources := "*.java" || "*.html"



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