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[英]How can I deal with this MEF related ReflectionTypeLoadException exception?

我有三个项目,即Shell.CoreShellServices.Employees ShellServices.Employees导入零件,即后者是外部项目,在任何解决方案项目中均未引用。 Shell ,“ Shell.Core”也是WPF应用程序,而不是类库。 我将其作为DevExpress的项目类型启动,以包含对我所有正确的引用,因为它定义了某些共享的UI组件。

Services.Employees确实引用Core ,它定义了它使用的某些基类。 现在,当启动应用程序Shell ,它应该加载Core ,然后执行MEF组合,从DirectoryCatalog加载Services.Employees部件,但是MEF看到了对Core的依赖,并希望从该目录中加载它们,尽管宿主应用程序已经引用了这些Core依赖项。


异常:'TypeLoadException':无法从程序集'XTime900.Shell.Core,Version =,Culture = neutral,PublicKeyToken = null'中加载类型'Shell.Core.MappedViewModel`1'。

我有什么办法呢? 我是否还应该导入Shell.Core.MappedViewModel ,尽管它已经在引用的项目中? 我是否应该将Core转换为类库,以便它以DLL的形式出现在目录目录中,而MEF会将其作为Services.Employees的依赖项进行加载? 还有其他方法可以解决这个棘手的小问题吗?

看来这件事发生了。 Shell.Core.MappedViewModel1, referenced by the plugins, loaded the ViewModel types. Then, the MEF plugins referenced this project, and during composition, couldn't find the right objects. When I factored View Models out into a separate project, referenced by both Shell.Core.MappedViewModel1, referenced by the plugins, loaded the ViewModel types. Then, the MEF plugins referenced this project, and during composition, couldn't find the right objects. When I factored View Models out into a separate project, referenced by both Core和MEF导入Shell.Core.MappedViewModel1, referenced by the plugins, loaded the ViewModel types. Then, the MEF plugins referenced this project, and during composition, couldn't find the right objects. When I factored View Models out into a separate project, referenced by both ,所有这些都再次运行良好。


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