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Scala Swing重新粉刷

[英]Scala swing repaint

因此,我对scala感到非常新。 我正在用GUI实现Conways的生活游戏。 当2D阵列更改时,我不知道如何更新面板。 有人能指出我正确的方向吗? 我的整个代码如下:

import swing._
import java.awt.{Color, Graphics2D, Dimension}

// initialize variables
// infinite plane variable
var infCurrent = scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[List[Int]]()
var infNext = scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[List[Int]]()
var infNext1 = scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[List[Int]]()
var infLifeTester = scala.collection.mutable.MutableList[List[Int]]()

// general variables
var lifeCount = 0
var yes = 1

// displayed variables
val xDim = 20
val yDim = 20
var currentState = Array.ofDim[Int](xDim, yDim)
var colorIndexList = scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[List[Int]]()
var colorData = Array.ofDim[Color](xDim, yDim)

// initial value
infCurrent = scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer(List(6,6), List(6,7), List(6,8), List(5,8), List(4,7))

// this function tests if a CURRENTLY ALIVE CELL on the INF PLANE STAYS ALIVE
def infStayAlive(current: scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[List[Int]]): scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[List[Int]] = {
  for (i <- current) {
    var a = i(0)
    var b = i(1)
    if (current.contains(List(a - 1, b - 1))) lifeCount += 1
    if (current.contains(List(a - 1, b))) lifeCount += 1
    if (current.contains(List(a - 1, b + 1))) lifeCount += 1
    if (current.contains(List(a, b - 1))) lifeCount += 1
    if (current.contains(List(a, b + 1))) lifeCount += 1
    if (current.contains(List(a + 1, b - 1))) lifeCount += 1
    if (current.contains(List(a + 1, b))) lifeCount += 1
    if (current.contains(List(a + 1, b + 1))) lifeCount += 1
    if (lifeCount == 2) infNext = infNext :+ i
    lifeCount = 0
  return infNext

// this function gets ALL NEIGHBORS for what's on the INF PLANE
def infGetNeighbors(current: scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[List[Int]]): scala.collection.mutable.MutableList[List[Int]] = {
  for (i <- current) {
    var a = i(0)
    var b = i(1)
    infLifeTester = infLifeTester :+ List(a - 1, b - 1)
    infLifeTester = infLifeTester :+ List(a - 1, b)
    infLifeTester = infLifeTester :+ List(a - 1, b + 1)
    infLifeTester = infLifeTester :+ List(a, b - 1)
    infLifeTester = infLifeTester :+ List(a, b + 1)
    infLifeTester = infLifeTester :+ List(a + 1, b - 1)
    infLifeTester = infLifeTester :+ List(a + 1,b)
    infLifeTester = infLifeTester :+ List(a + 1, b + 1)
  infLifeTester = infLifeTester.distinct
  return infLifeTester

// this function determines whether cells on the INF PLANE DIE or COME ALIVE
def infComeAlive(infLifeTester: scala.collection.mutable.MutableList[List[Int]]): scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[List[Int]] = {
  for(i <- infLifeTester) {
    var a = i(0)
    var b = i(1)
    if (infCurrent.contains(List(a - 1, b - 1))) lifeCount += 1
    if (infCurrent.contains(List(a - 1, b))) lifeCount += 1
    if (infCurrent.contains(List(a - 1, b + 1))) lifeCount += 1
    if (infCurrent.contains(List(a, b - 1))) lifeCount += 1
    if (infCurrent.contains(List(a, b + 1))) lifeCount += 1
    if (infCurrent.contains(List(a + 1, b - 1))) lifeCount += 1
    if (infCurrent.contains(List(a + 1, b))) lifeCount += 1
    if (infCurrent.contains(List(a + 1, b + 1))) lifeCount += 1
    if (lifeCount == 3) infNext1 = infNext1 :+ i
    lifeCount = 0
  infNext1 = infNext1.distinct
  return infNext1

def printGrid(infCurrent: scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[List[Int]]): Array[Array[Int]] = {
  for(i <- infCurrent) {
    if(i(0) >= 0) {
      if(i(0) < xDim) {
        if(i(1) >= 0) {
          if(i(1) < yDim) {
            currentState(i(0))(i(1)) = 1
            colorIndexList = colorIndexList :+ i
  return currentState

def colorGrid(colorIndexList: scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[List[Int]]): Array[Array[Color]] = {
  for (i <- colorIndexList) {
    colorData(i(0))(i(1)) = Color.WHITE
  return colorData

// define panel class
class DataPanel(data: Array[Array[Color]]) extends Panel {

  override def paintComponent(g: Graphics2D) {
    val dx = g.getClipBounds.width.toFloat  / data.length
    val dy = g.getClipBounds.height.toFloat / data.map(_.length).max
    for {
      x <- 0 until data.length
      y <- 0 until data(x).length
      x1 = (x * dx).toInt
      y1 = (y * dy).toInt
      x2 = ((x + 1) * dx).toInt
      y2 = ((y + 1) * dy).toInt
    } {
      data(x)(y) match {
        case c: Color => g.setColor(c)
        case _ => g.setColor(Color.BLACK)
      g.fillRect(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1)

// make swing app
object Draw extends SimpleSwingApplication {

  val data = colorData

  def top = new MainFrame {
    background = Color.RED
    title = "Shombo's Game of Life"
    val button = new Button {
      text = "Stahhhp!!"
    val life = new DataPanel(data) {
      preferredSize = new Dimension(500, 500)
    contents = new BoxPanel(Orientation.Vertical) {
      contents += life
      contents += button

Draw.top.visible = true
while(yes == 1) {

  infLifeTester = infGetNeighbors(infCurrent)
  infNext = infStayAlive(infCurrent)
  infNext1 = infComeAlive(infLifeTester)
  infNext = scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer.concat(infNext, infNext1)
  infCurrent = infNext

  infNext = scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[List[Int]]()
  infNext1 = scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[List[Int]]()
  infLifeTester = scala.collection.mutable.MutableList[List[Int]]()

  currentState = printGrid(infCurrent)


  colorData = colorGrid(colorIndexList)
  currentState = Array.ofDim[Int](xDim, yDim)
  colorIndexList = scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[List[Int]]()
  colorData = Array.ofDim[Color](xDim, yDim)
  yes = 1


您不清楚将var可变元素混合在一起的情况。 您应该将var与被替换的不可变状态结合使用,或者使用可变状态(例如数组),但要对其进行就地更新,并且不要创建新的数组。

在您的应用程序中,创建一个DataPanel实例,该实例将存储在colorData的数组作为参数。 但是然后在迭代中,您并没有更新 colorData 的内容 ,而是实际上创建了一个全新的数组并替换了变量colorData的值:

colorData = Array.ofDim[Color](xDim, yDim)


如果您在colorData重新使用该数组, colorData需要更改colorGrid以将黑色分配给不活动的单元格。 现在,您将null色用作黑色,将Color.WHITE用作白色。 定义val colorData = Array.ofDim[Boolean](xDim, yDim)会更有意义。 colorGrid您将首先将所有元素设置为false ,然后遍历colorIndexList

您应该将迭代定义为在每个步骤中调用的函数。 现在,您有一个无限循环while(yes == 1)因为yes永远不会改变。 执行此操作将冻结您的计算机。

还要注意,调用Draw.top并不是这样,因为您将其定义为一个函数。 每次调用时,都会创建一个新窗口。 始终使用lazy val top =可以防止出现此问题。

您的代码仍然很混乱,但是至少您还有一些需要改进的地方。 这是一个最小的工作示例,仅包含上面的更改:

import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer

val colorData = Array.ofDim[Boolean](xDim, yDim)

def colorGrid(colorIndexList: ListBuffer[List[Int]]): Unit = {
  colorData.foreach { row => java.util.Arrays.fill(row, false) } // all 'black'
  for (i <- colorIndexList) {
    colorData(i(0))(i(1)) = true  // some 'white'

class DataPanel(data: Array[Array[Boolean]]) extends Panel {

  override def paintComponent(g: Graphics2D): Unit = {
    val dx = g.getClipBounds.width.toFloat  / data.length
    val dy = g.getClipBounds.height.toFloat / data.map(_.length).max
    for {
      x <- 0 until data.length
      y <- 0 until data(x).length
      x1 = (x * dx).toInt
      y1 = (y * dy).toInt
      x2 = ((x + 1) * dx).toInt
      y2 = ((y + 1) * dy).toInt
    } {
      g.setColor(if (data(x)(y)) Color.black else Color.white) // !
      g.fillRect(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1)

def step(): Unit = {
  infLifeTester = infGetNeighbors(infCurrent)
  infNext = infStayAlive(infCurrent)
  infNext1 = infComeAlive(infLifeTester)
  infNext = scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer.concat(infNext, infNext1)
  infCurrent = infNext

  infNext = scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[List[Int]]()
  infNext1 = scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[List[Int]]()
  infLifeTester = scala.collection.mutable.MutableList[List[Int]]()

  currentState = printGrid(infCurrent)


  currentState = Array.ofDim[Int](xDim, yDim)
  colorIndexList = scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[List[Int]]()

object Draw extends SimpleSwingApplication {
    lazy val life = new DataPanel(colorData) {
      preferredSize = new Dimension(500, 500)

    lazy val top = new MainFrame {
    background = Color.RED
    title = "Shombo's Game of Life"
    val button = Button("Step") {
      step()             // updates colorData
      life.repaint()     // refreshes view
    contents = new BoxPanel(Orientation.Vertical) {
      contents += life
      contents += button

运行: Draw.main(Array())


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