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[英]Cancel button not working for the confirm window


if (document.ExamEntry.GCSE.checked == true) {
    confirm("You have selected GCSE. Is this correct?");
if (document.ExamEntry.AS.checked == true) {
    confirm("You have selected AS. Is this correct?");
if (document.ExamEntry.A2.checked == true) {
    confirm("You have selected A2. Is this correct?");


我已经尝试过诸如返回结果之类的事情; 结果=假


查阅有关确认的文档。 它说,


这意味着您的每一行都应检查返回值。 一种简洁的方法是,例如:

if (!confirm("You have selected A2. Is this correct?")) {
    // event.cancel = true, or whatever you need to do on your side to cancel
} // otherwise fall through and do what you're doing.

因为它是现在,因为你从来不看的返回值confirm ,所以你总是通过落到你的“成功”的情况。

var gcse = true, 
    as   = true,
    a2   = true;

if (document.ExamEntry.GCSE.checked == true) {
    gcse = confirm("You have selected GCSE. Is this correct?"));

if (document.ExamEntry.AS.checked == true) {
    as = confirm("You have selected AS. Is this correct?");

if (document.ExamEntry.A2.checked == true) {
    a2 = confirm("You have selected A2. Is this correct?");

if (gcse && as && a2) {
    // you're golden
    window.location.href = 'otherpage'
if (document.ExamEntry.GCSE.checked == true) { 
    if(confirm("You have selected GCSE. Is this correct?")) {
        // do something
} if (document.ExamEntry.AS.checked == true) {
    if(confirm("You have selected AS. Is this correct?")) {
        // do something
if (document.ExamEntry.A2.checked == true) {
    if(confirm("You have selected A2. Is this correct?")) {
        //do something


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