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[英]Binding RadGridView with stored procedure's result in EntityFramework

我已将存储过程的结果(在Entity Framework中)存储在IList ,然后将网格与此IList绑定。 当此结果为null时,网格没有任何列,但是我需要在网格中显示这些列。 有什么办法解决这个问题?


IList list = new ArrayList();

    var context = new SabzNegar01Entities1();

    list = (from p in context.tbl_ReturnSalesFactor_D
            let add = (p.MainNum * p.Fee)
            let pureAdd = ((p.MainNum * p.Fee) - (p.MainNum * p.Discount)) + ((p.Tax + p.Charges) * p.MainNum)
            let taxChange = (p.Tax + p.Charges) * p.MainNum
            let discount = p.Discount * p.MainNum
            where p.DocNo == inDocNo
            select new { p.Row, p.StockCode,  p.tbl_Stock.PDescription, p.Fee, p.MainNum, add, taxChange, discount, pureAdd }).ToList();
catch (Exception ex)
    PMessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error in Reading  ReturnSalesFactor_Details Data");


radGridView_Product.DataSource = list ;


  • 定义一个与您从存储过程中获取的数据相匹配的C#类(例如SalesInfo或您要调用的任何数据)

  • 然后将您的IList定义为List<SalesInfo>不要再使用List<SalesInfo> ArrayList !)

  • 当您调用存储过程但没有返回任何值时,只需在返回的列表中添加一个虚拟SalesInfo条目即可,例如, no data found描述作为no data found ,其他均为空/0.0




// just a data container to hold the information - call it whatever you like!
// also: with the datatypes, I am just *GUESSING* because you didn't exactly tell us
// what those values are - adapt as needed !
public class SalesInfo
    public int Row { get; set; }
    public string StockCode { get; set; }
    public string Description { get; set; }
    public decimal Fee { get; set; }
    public decimal MainNum { get; set; }
    public decimal Add { get; set; }
    public decimal TaxChange { get; set; }
    public decimal Discount { get; set; }
    public decimal PureAdd { get; set; }


// Define a method to return an IList of that data container class defined above
public IList<SalesInfo> GetSalesInfo()
    // please, as of .NET 2.0 - use the List<T> and stop using ArrayList!
    IList<SalesInfo> list = new List<SalesInfo>();

        // put your context usage into using()..... blocks to ensure proper disposal
        using (var context = new SabzNegar01Entities1())
             // fetch the data, turn it into SalesInfo records
             list = (from p in context.tbl_ReturnSalesFactor_D
                     where p.DocNo == inDocNo
                     select new SalesInfo
                                Row = p.Row,
                                StockCode = p.StockCode,
                                Description = p.tbl_Stock.PDescription,
                                Fee = p.Fee,
                                MainNum = p.MainNum,
                                Add = p.MainNum*p.Fee,
                                PureAdd = ((p.MainNum*p.Fee) - (p.MainNum*p.Discount)) + ((p.Tax + p.Charges)*p.MainNum),
                                Discount = p.Discount*p.MainNum,
                                TaxChange = (p.Tax + p.Charges)*p.MainNum

        // if you get back no data -> add a dummy entry
        if (list.Count <= 0)
             list.Add(new SalesInfo { Description = "(no data found)" });
    catch (Exception ex)
        PMessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error in Reading  ReturnSalesFactor_Details Data");

    // return the resulting list
    return list;


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