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[英]Calling a method from a superclass

你好。 我试图通过子类从超类调用一个方法,但不断收到错误。 我试图调用的方法是setDestination()但是编译器一直给我错误“找不到符号 - 方法setDestination(java.lang.string)”我的讲师说这是方法参数的简单错过匹配调用和方法,但我有类型String两个方法参数所以我有点困惑。



     public class Vehicle
     // A unique ID for this vehicle
     private String id; 
     // The next destination of this Vehicle.
     private String destination;

     * Constructor for objects of class Vehicle
     public Vehicle(String id)
         destination = null;

     * Return the ID of the Vehicle.
     * @return The ID of the Vehicle.
     public String getID()
        return id;

     * Return the destination of the Vehicle.
     * @return The destination of the Vehicle.
     public String getDestination()
         return destination;

     * Set the intented destination of the Vehicle.
     * @param destination The intended destination.
     private void setDestination(String destination)
         this.destination = destination;


public class Taxi extends Vehicle
    // The location of this taxi.
    private String location;
    // Whether it is free or not.
    private boolean free;

    * Constructor for objects of class Taxi.
    * @param base The name of the company's base.
    * @param id This taxi's unique id.
    public Taxi(String base, String id)
         location = base;
         free = true;

    * Book this taxi to the given destination.
    * The status of the taxi will no longer be free.
    * @param destination The taxi's destination.
    public void book(String destination)
        free = false;

    * Return the status of this taxi.
    * @return The status.
    public String getStatus()
        return getID() + " at " + location + " headed for " +

     * Return the location of the taxi.
     * @return The location of the taxi.
     public String getLocation()
         return location;

     * Indicate that this taxi has arrived at its destination.
     * As a result, it will be free.
     public void arrived()
         location = destination;
         destination = null;
         free = true;


这是一种private方法。 您无法访问私有方法。 将其更改为受保护。


   Modifier Class   Package Subclass    World
    public      Y      Y        Y           Y
    protected   Y      Y        Y           N
    no modifier Y      Y        N           N
    private     Y      N        N           N



private void setDestination(String destination) 

所以你不能通过继承访问它。 将其更改为protected或“公共”。 此处了解有关访问修饰符的更多信息

private Modifier无法从类外部访问。


使用private void setDestination(String destination)代替

 public void setDestination(String destination) 


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