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[英]Down casting Object array to array of type parameter

GenericArrayCreationIsDisallowedInJava构造函数中的语句如何工作? 有人可以解释一下吗?

public class GenericArrayCreationIsDisallowedInJava<I> {

    private I[] i;

    public GenericArrayCreationIsDisallowedInJava(int n)
        i = (I[]) new Object[n];//works and prints out "Created". How?

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        new GenericArrayCreationIsDisallowedInJava<String>(2);

        String[] strs = (String[])  new Object[2]; // throws ClassCastException. When this statement doesn't work, how is the "(I[]) new Object[n]" statement working? 


i = (I[]) new Object[n];

您对上述内容的看法尚不完全清楚,但最不明确的一件事是创建I数组。 负责选择数组类型的唯一部分是在new关键字之后:它是Object的数组,不安全地强制转换为I[]

编译器必须允许该行进行编译,因为它对I类型一无所知:它也可以是Object ,因此该行是合法的。

还要注意, I[]擦除类型是Object[]i变量的实际类型(在字节码中)是Object[] 因此,无论实例使用哪种类型的参数,赋值都会在运行时成功完成。

仅当将数组分配回可更改的类型时,才会引发ClassCastException 例如:

GenericArrayCreationIsDisallowedInJava o =
        new GenericArrayCreationIsDisallowedInJava<String>(2);

String[] strs = o.i; // ClassCastException thrown here

在类型擦除过程中,编译器将强制类型转换为String[]插入分配strs的行中。 这表明需要防止i泄漏到正在使用它的类之外。


public class GenericArrayCreationIsDisallowedInJava {

    private Object[] i;

    public GenericArrayCreationIsDisallowedInJava(int n)
        i = (Object[]) new Object[n];//works and prints out "Created". How?

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        new GenericArrayCreationIsDisallowedInJava(2);

        String[] strs = (String[])  new Object[2]; // throws ClassCastException. When this statement doesn't work, how is the "(I[]) new Object[n]" statement working? 




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