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[英]Creating an expression that can be calculated at run time

我有一个产品列表,需要针对这些产品创建表达式树,这些树可以持久保存,以后再检索和执行。 这是用于客户端计算生成器的。

我是Expressions的新手,尽管我已经阅读了大量的文档,但是这里的学习曲线有些陡峭。 我想要的是能够开始累积PropertyExpression和Operand对。 这是我到目前为止的内容,不确定是否正确构造了它。

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
    public enum ProductType { Perishable, Fixed, Miscellaneous }    
    public enum OperandType { Addition, Sunbtraction, Multiplication, Division }

    public class Product
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public ProductType Type { get; set; }
        public float Price { get; set; }

    public class Configuration
        public Dictionary<string, float> Dictionary { get; set; }

    public class Operand
        public OperandType Type { get; set; }

    public class CalculationPair<TEntityType, TProperty>
        where TEntityType: class
        where TProperty: struct
        public ValueTypeProperty<TEntityType, TProperty> Left { get; set; }
        public Operand Operand { get; set; }
        public ValueTypeProperty<TEntityType, TProperty> Right { get; set; }

        // How to specify TResult as an [out] parameter?
        public TResult Calculate<TResult> ()
            where TResult: struct
            TResult result = default(TResult);

            if (this.Operand.Type == OperandType.Multiplication)
                // How to execute the expression?
                //result = this.Left * this.Right;

            return (result);

    public class ValueTypeProperty<TEntityType, TProperty>
        where TEntityType: class
        where TProperty: struct
        public string Name { get; set; }

        public Expression<Func<TEntityType, TProperty>> PropertyExpression { get; set; }

    public class ProductPriceProperty:
        ValueTypeProperty<Product, float>

    public static class Program
        public static void Main ()
            Configuration config = new Configuration();
            List<Product> products = new List<Product>();

            config.Dictionary.Add("ExportFactor", 80);
            config.Dictionary.Add("ChannelMargin", 100);

            products.Add(new Product() { Name = "1", Type = ProductType.Fixed, Price = 10 });
            products.Add(new Product() { Name = "2", Type = ProductType.Miscellaneous, Price = 20 });
            products.Add(new Product() { Name = "3", Type = ProductType.Perishable, Price = 30 });

            foreach (var product in products)
                if (product.Type == ProductType.Fixed)
                    CalculationPair<Product, float> calculation = new CalculationPair<Product, float>()
                        Left = new ProductPriceProperty() { Name = "Product Price", PropertyExpression = (entity => entity.Price) },
                        Operand = new Operand() { Type = OperandType.Multiplication },
                        Right = new ProductPriceProperty() { Name = "ExportFactor", PropertyExpression = (entity => config.Dictionary ["ExportFactor"]) },

                    // Calculation needs to be persisted to be retrieved later.
                    // ???!

                    // Once calculation has been reconstruction from the persistence layer, it needs to be executed.
                    product.Price = calculation.Calculate<float>();

更新 :这是我在努力的优先顺序:

  • 如何在CalculationPair.Calculate<TReult>()函数中执行表达式?
  • 如何在CalculationPair.Calculate<TReult>()函数CalculationPair.Calculate<TReult>() TResult指定为[out]参数?
  • 如何持久保存计算表达式并在以后检索?


public class CalculationPair<TEntityType, TProperty>
    where TEntityType : class
    where TProperty : struct
    // not sure that first three properties are needed here
    public ValueTypeProperty<TEntityType, TProperty> Left { get; set; }
    public Operand Operand { get; set; }
    public ValueTypeProperty<TEntityType, TProperty> Right { get; set; }

    // closure method
    public Func<TEntityType, TProperty> Calculator { get; set; }


foreach (var product in products)
    if (product.Type == ProductType.Fixed)
        CalculationPair<Product, float> calculation = new CalculationPair<Product, float>()
            Left = new ProductPriceProperty() { Name = "Product Price", PropertyExpression = (entity => entity.Price) },
            Operand = new Operand() { Type = OperandType.Multiplication },
            Right = new ProductPriceProperty() { Name = "ExportFactor", PropertyExpression = (entity => config.Dictionary["ExportFactor"]) },

            // only this property is needed, and it will handle reference to config object in the closure
            Calculator = (entity) => entity.Price * config.Dictionary["ExportFactor"]

        // Once calculation has been reconstruction from the persistence layer, it needs to be executed.
        product.Price = calculation.Calculator(product);



您的Left和Right节点表达式的问题在于,每个此表达式都链接到自己的实体参数,而不是我们创建的ParameterExpression,并且指向实际实体对象,因此我们需要使用ExpressionVisitor将旧表达式重写为新表达式 它用于解析和重写需求。


public class ParameterRewriter : ExpressionVisitor
    private readonly ParameterExpression _expToRewrite;

    public ParameterRewriter(ParameterExpression expToRewrite)
        this._expToRewrite = expToRewrite;

    protected override Expression VisitParameter(ParameterExpression node)
        // we just use type checking to understand that it's our parameter, and we replace it with new one
        if (node.Type == this._expToRewrite.Type) return this._expToRewrite;
        return base.VisitParameter(node);


public class CalculationPair<TEntityType, TProperty>
    where TEntityType : class
    where TProperty : struct
    public ValueTypeProperty<TEntityType, TProperty> Left { get; set; }
    public Operand Operand { get; set; }
    public ValueTypeProperty<TEntityType, TProperty> Right { get; set; }

    public TResult Calculate<TResult>(TEntityType entity)
        where TResult : struct
        TResult result = default(TResult);

        var prop = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TEntityType), "param");
        var visitor = new ParameterRewriter(prop);
        var leftExp = visitor.Visit(Left.PropertyExpression.Body);
        var rightExp = visitor.Visit(Right.PropertyExpression.Body);

        Expression body;

        switch (this.Operand.Type)
            case OperandType.Multiplication:
                body = Expression.Multiply(leftExp, rightExp);
            case OperandType.Addition:
                body = Expression.Add(leftExp, rightExp);
            case OperandType.Division:
                body = Expression.Divide(leftExp, rightExp);
            case OperandType.Sunbtraction:
                body = Expression.Subtract(leftExp, rightExp);
                throw new Exception("Unknown operand type");

        var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<TEntityType, TResult>>(body, prop);

        // compilation is long operation, so you might need to store this Func as property and don't compile it each time
        var func = lambda.Compile();
        result = func(entity);

        return (result);


product.Price = calculation.Calculate<float>(product);


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