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从VB6调用C dll,该dll是使用Visual Studio 2013编写的

[英]Calling C dll from VB6, where the dll is written using Visual Studio 2013


我需要使用C编写一个DLL,将从VB6调用它。 我正在使用Visual Studio Express2013。我知道... VB6很古老,我认为代码管理人员现在确信他们应该将其当作垃圾。 但是与此同时,这需要完成。



#define TINYDLL_API __declspec(dllexport)
#define TINYDLL_API __declspec(dllimport)

extern TINYDLL_API void __stdcall testdll();


#include "stdafx.h"
#include "TinyDll.h"
#include <stdexcept>

using namespace std;

void __stdcall testdll()
  printf("Got into the dll.\n");

顺便说一句,无论是否使用__stdcall,我都尝试过。 我还尝试使用.def文件对dll中的名称进行分解,但现在尚不清楚它是否可以正常工作。 我发现的示例表明这应该可行


但事实并非如此。 dll中的名称仍然是乱码形式:?testdll @@ YGXXZ。

我的测试代码相当琐碎,并且可以与VB.NET完美配合,但不适用于VB6。 该问题与VB6进程无法找到dll和/或在其中查找功能有关。 作为记录,这是用于测试的VB6代码

Declare Sub testdll Lib "TinyDll.dll" Alias "?testdll@@YGXXZ" ()

Sub Main()
End Sub    

首先,我是否正确,没有必要调用regsvr32或regasm? dll不是COM对象-VB6正在调用我的C代码,而不是相反。 当我们尝试执行这两项操作时,“找不到入口点DllRegisterServer”或“找不到指定的模块”。

最重要的是,VB6开发环境太旧了,无法在我的Windows 7计算机上运行,​​并且试图测试我的DLL的人处于另一种状态,并且严格来说是VB程序员。



我们认为,如果没有dll的完整路径,VB6找不到它。 如果我们用

Declare Function TestTinyDLL Lib "e:\full\path\down\to\TinyDll.dll" Alias "_testdll@0"

然后调用就可以了,但是如果没有给出完整路径,则无论dll位于何处都不会起作用。 我们还发现,可以通过如下所示“初始化” dll来避免提供完整路径(这是由于:出于此提示, 从vb6加载dll时找不到文件 ):

Option Explicit

' Windows API method declarations
Private Declare Function FreeLibrary Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hLibModule As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function LoadLibrary Lib "kernel32" Alias "LoadLibraryA" (ByVal lpLibFileName As String) As Long
Private Declare Function GetProcAddress Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hModule As Long, ByVal lpProcName As String) As Long
Private Declare Function CallWindowProc Lib "user32" Alias _
    "CallWindowProcA" (ByVal lpPrevWndFunc As Long, ByVal hWnd As Long, _
    ByVal msg As Any, ByVal wParam As Any, ByVal lParam As Any) _
    As Long
Private Declare Function FormatMessage Lib "kernel32" Alias _
    "FormatMessageA" (ByVal dwFlags As Long, lpSource As Long, _
    ByVal dwMessageId As Long, ByVal dwLanguageId As Long, _
    ByVal lpBuffer As String, ByVal nSize As Long, Arguments As Any) _
    As Long

Declare Function BogusCall Lib "otherdll.dll" Alias "_BogusCall@0" () As Integer

Declare Function TestTinyDLL Lib "TinyDLL.dll" Alias "_testdll@0" () As Integer


Sub Main()

    InitializeDLL App.Path & "\" & "otherdll.dll", "_BogusCall@0"

    InitializeDLL App.Path & "\" & "TinyDLL.dll", "_testdll@0"

    Dim Version As String

    Version = "TinyDLLTestProgram" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf

    Version = Version & "BogusCall = " & CStr(BogusCall ()) & vbCrLf

    Version = Version & "TestTinyDLL= " & CStr(TestTinyDLL()) & vbCrLf

    Form1.txtOutput.Text = CStr(Version)

End Sub

Sub InitializeDLL(myDLL As String, myFunc As String)

    ' Locate and load the DLL. This will run the DllMain method, if present
    Dim dllHandle As Long
    dllHandle = LoadLibrary(myDLL)

    If dllHandle = 0 Then
        MsgBox "Error loading DLL" & vbCrLf & ErrorText(Err.LastDllError)
        Exit Sub
    End If

    ' Find the procedure you want to call
    Dim procAddress As Long
    procAddress = GetProcAddress(dllHandle, myFunc)

    If procAddress = 0 Then
        MsgBox "Error getting procedure address" & vbCrLf & ErrorText(Err.LastDllError)
        Exit Sub
    End If

    ' Finally, call the procedure
    CallWindowProc procAddress, 0&, "Dummy message", ByVal 0&, ByVal 0&

End Sub

' Gets the error message for a Windows error code
Private Function ErrorText(errorCode As Long) As String

    Dim errorMessage As String
    Dim result As Long

    errorMessage = Space$(256)
    result = FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, 0&, errorCode, 0&, errorMessage, Len(errorMessage), 0&)

    If result > 0 Then
        ErrorText = Left$(errorMessage, result)
        ErrorText = "Unknown error"
    End If

End Function

为何有效,这是一个谜,但确实如此。 我希望这可以帮助其他面对旧VB6代码的人!


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