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[英]Best way to split string by last occurrence of character?


输入字符串:“我的名字是Bond._James Bond!” 输出2个字符串:

  1. “我的名字是邦德”
  2. “_占士邦!”


int lastDotIndex = inputString.LastIndexOf(".", System.StringComparison.Ordinal);
string firstPart = inputString.Remove(lastDotIndex);
string secondPart= inputString.Substring(lastDotIndex + 1, inputString.Length - firstPart.Length - 1);


string s = "My. name. is Bond._James Bond!";
int idx = s.LastIndexOf('.');

if (idx != -1)
    Console.WriteLine(s.Substring(0, idx)); // "My. name. is Bond"
    Console.WriteLine(s.Substring(idx + 1)); // "_James Bond!"

你也可以使用一点LINQ。 第一部分有点冗长,但最后一部分非常简洁:

string input = "My. name. is Bond._James Bond!";

string[] split = input.Split('.');
string firstPart = string.Join(".", split.Take(split.Length - 1)); //My. name. is Bond
string lastPart = split.Last(); //_James Bond!
string[] theSplit = inputString.Split('_'); // split at underscore
string firstPart = theSplit[0]; // get the first part
string secondPart = "_" + theSplit[1]; // get the second part and concatenate the underscore to at the front

编辑:以下评论; 这仅在输入字符串中有一个下划线字符实例时才有效。

  1. 假设您只希望拆分字符出现在第二个和更大的拆分字符串上...
  2. 假设你想忽略重复的分裂字符......
  3. 更多花括号......检查......
  4. 更优雅......也许......
  5. 更有趣......哎呀!

     var s = "My. name. is Bond._James Bond!"; var firstSplit = true; var splitChar = '_'; var splitStrings = s.Split(new[] { splitChar }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) .Select(x => { if (!firstSplit) { return splitChar + x; } firstSplit = false; return x; }); 


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