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[英]Moq Verify with anonymous type parameter


public class AnonymousGenericTypeParameterTests
    public void Test()
        // Arrange
        var dependency = new Mock<IDependency>();

        var towns = new List<Town>
            new Town { Name = "Lifford", County = "Donegal", Country="Ireland", Population = 1658 },
            new Town { Name = "Ballyshannon", County = "Donegal", Country="Ireland", Population = 2504 },
            new Town { Name = "Buxton", County = "Derbyshire", Country="United Kingdom", Population = 13599 },

        var sut = new MyClass(dependency.Object);

        // Act

        // Assert
        // The following line needs to be fixed.
        dependency.Verify(d => d.Execute(It.IsAny<IEnumerable<object>>(), It.IsAny<Func<object, decimal?>>()));
public interface IDependency
    void Execute<T>(IEnumerable<T> collection, Func<T, decimal?> rateSelector);
public class MyClass
    private readonly IDependency dependency;
    public MyClass(IDependency dependency)
        this.dependency = dependency;
    public void DoSomething(IEnumerable<Town> towns)
        var counties = towns.GroupBy(t => new {t.Country,t.County});
        foreach (var county in counties)
            dependency.Execute(county, c => c.Population);
public class Town
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string County { get; set; }
    public int Population { get; set; }
    public string Country { get; set; }


Dependency.Execute(System.Linq.Lookup`2+Grouping[<>f__AnonymousType0`2[System.String,System.String],UniFocus.Staffscope4.Tests.Town], System.Func`2[UniFocus.Staffscope4.Tests.Town,System.Nullable`1[System.Decimal]])

我看到很多关于Moq中匿名参数的问题(例如thisthis and this ),但是找不到任何与使用匿名类型作为实际类型参数有关的内容。



更新 Jesse的解决方案只通过测试,因为我在制作示例时做出了错误的选择。 我应该已经意识到任何IGrouping<out TKey, out TElement>也是一个IEnumerable<TElement> 有更普遍的解决方案吗?

更新2我觉得我的原始示例可能过于复杂,并不能很好地代表我的问题的实际标题。 有没有任何解决方案适用于这个更直接,更直接的例子?

using Moq;
using NUnit.Framework;

namespace Tests
    public class SimpleAnonymousGenericTypeParameterTests
        public void Test()
            // Arrange
            var dependency = new Mock<IDependency>();
            var sut = new MyClass(dependency.Object);

            // Act
            sut.DoSomething("Donegal", "Lifford");

            // Assert
            // This verify works for both calls to Execute()
            dependency.Verify(d => d.Execute(It.IsAny<object>()), Times.Exactly(2));
            // This verify should specifically refer to only the first call to Execute()
            dependency.Verify(d => d.Execute(It.IsAny</*HowToRepresentAnonymousTypeHere*/object>()), Times.Once);
        public interface IDependency
            void Execute<T>(T thing);
        public class MyClass
            private readonly IDependency dependency;
            public MyClass(IDependency dependency)
                this.dependency = dependency;
            public void DoSomething(string county, string town)
                dependency.Execute(new { county, town });
                object someUnknownObject = "";

由于类型在测试的上下文中是已知的,因此您可以为Verify调用提供特定的类型参数。 以下更改通过了测试:

dependency.Verify(d =>
  d.Execute(It.IsAny<IEnumerable<Town>>(), It.IsAny<Func<Town, decimal?>>()));


关于Update 2中的示例,以下是传递,但它需要了解DoSomething()方法的内部工作方式,据我所知,它是使其工作的唯一方法:

var anonymousType = new {county = "Donegal", town = "Lifford"};
dependency.Verify(d => d.Execute(anonymousType), Times.Once);



public static class AnonHelpers
    public static object MatchAnonymousType(object expected)
        return Match.Create(Matcher(expected));

    private static Predicate<object> Matcher(object expected)
        return actual =>
            var expectedProp = expected.GetType().GetProperties().ToDictionary(x => x.Name, x => x.GetValue(expected));
            var actualProp = actual.GetType().GetProperties().ToDictionary(x => x.Name, x => x.GetValue(actual));

            foreach (var prop in expectedProp)
                if (!actualProp.ContainsKey(prop.Key))
                    return false;
                if (!prop.Value.Equals(actualProp[prop.Key]))
                    return false;
            return true;


var anon = new { SomeKey = "some value", SomeOtherKey = 123 };
myMock.Setup(x => x.MyMethod(personIDs, AnonHelpers.MatchAnonymousType(anon))).Verifiable();



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