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在不同的C ++编译器中读取文件

[英]File reading in different C++ compilers

编辑:本来我以为这是由于我在程序上测试了不同的IDE而引起的。 该问题似乎仅限于每个IDE使用的单独的编译器。

对于我对C ++类的介绍中的一项作业,我需要编写一个程序来从文件中读取双精度数,并对它们进行评估,然后将内容输出到另一个.txt文件中

我使用Visual Studio 2012编写了程序,它会按预期读取文件,并按预期执行

我相信我的老师使用的是Dev C ++,所以我在该IDE中编译了相同的代码以及Code :: Blocks。

我注意到的是,get指针的行为有所不同,我相信这是由于编译器引起的。 在Code :: Blocks和Dev C ++中,在读取第一个double(6.0)之后,inFile.tellg()返回15。在VS2012中,它返回3。



6.0 6.0 10.3 5.0 10.0
6.0 5.0 10.3 5.0 10.0
12.0 3.3 4.0 3.0 11.0
12.0 3.2 4.0 3.0 11.0
9.5 6.5 7.5 6.0 9.5
9.5 6.5 7.5 6.0 9.0
4.5 8.0 4.5 4.0 7.5
4.0 8.0 4.5 4.0 7.5
7.3 7.3 17.0 7.0 16.0
6.8 7.3 17.0 7.0 16.0
7.3 7.3 16.2 7.0 16.0
7.2 7.3 16.3 7.0 16.0


           BOX                                 JAR
   L        W        H                 D        H     FITS?
  6.0      6.0     10.3               5.0     10.0     YES
  6.0      5.0     10.3               5.0     10.0      NO
 12.0      3.3      4.0               3.0     11.0     YES
 12.0      3.2      4.0               3.0     11.0      NO
  9.5      6.5      7.5               6.0      9.5      NO
  9.5      6.5      7.5               6.0      9.0     YES
  4.5      8.0      4.5               4.0      7.5     YES
  4.0      8.0      4.5               4.0      7.5      NO
  7.3      7.3     17.0               7.0     16.0     YES
  6.8      7.3     17.0               7.0     16.0      NO
  7.3      7.3     16.2               7.0     16.0      NO
  7.2      7.3     16.3               7.0     16.0      NO

Code :: Blocks和Dev C ++的输出:

               BOX                                 JAR
   L        W        H                 D        H     FITS?
  6.0      6.0     10.3               5.0     10.0     YES
  0.3      5.0     10.0              12.0      3.3      NO
  1.0     12.0      3.2               4.0      3.0      NO
  5.0      6.5      7.5               6.0      9.5      NO
  5.0      7.5      6.0               9.0      4.5      NO
  0.5      4.0      7.5               4.0      8.0      NO
  4.0      7.5      7.3               7.3     17.0      NO
 16.0      6.8      7.3              17.0      7.0      NO
  0.0      7.3      7.3              16.2      7.0      NO
  6.0      7.2      7.3              16.3      7.0      NO
 16.0     16.0     16.0              16.6      7.2      NO


#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
bool hasDouble(ifstream&);  // prototype

int main()
    // initialize constants
    // MAX_BOX_LENGTH must be modified to evaluate boxes with one or more sides >= 100.
    const double ACCEPTABLE_CLEARANCE = 0.25, MAX_BOX_LENGTH = 100;
    const int WID = 9;

    // initialize variables
    ifstream inFile;
    ofstream outFile;
    bool data_In_File = true;
    bool jar_Fits = false;
double large_Box_Dim = 0, small_Box_Dim = 0, jar_D = 0, jar_H = 0, focus = 0;       

// Welcome User to Program
cout << "Welcome to the \"Jar Fit?\" utility.\n\n\nThis program will open the     \"P4Boxes.txt\" file"
    << " located in the same\ndirectory, and read the data from within it. The     program will "
    << "then\ndetermine if the jar provided will fit in the box provided,     with\nthe allowed "
    << "clearance. This data will be entered into the     file\n\"NCBoxesOutput.txt\" in the same "
    << "directory.\n" << endl;

inFile.open("P4Boxes.txt"); // Open input file

// Check for errors opening file by looking for a double
    cout << endl << "There was an error opening the file.\n\nThe program will     now terminate."
        << endl;
    return 1;   
outFile.open("NCBoxesOutput.txt");  // Open output file

// Make output file header
outFile << setprecision(1) << fixed << showpoint << boolalpha << setw(WID * 2) << "BOX"
    << setw((WID * 4) + 1) << "JAR\n" << setw(WID) << "L " << setw(WID) << "W " << setw(WID) 
    << "H " << setw(WID * 2) << "D " << setw(WID) << "H " << setw(WID) << "FITS?" << "\n" 
    << setfill('=') << setw(WID * 7) << left << "    " << right << setfill(' ') << endl;

// Main program loop
    jar_Fits = false;   // Reset variables for each iteration
    large_Box_Dim = 0;
    small_Box_Dim = MAX_BOX_LENGTH;
    for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)  // Get box dimensions.
        inFile >> focus;
        cout << "The read number is " << focus << " and the pointer is at " << inFile.tellg() << endl;
        if(focus > large_Box_Dim)
            large_Box_Dim = focus;  // For jar height comparison
        if(focus < small_Box_Dim)
            small_Box_Dim = focus;  // For jar width comparison
        outFile << setw(WID) << focus;
    inFile >> jar_D >> jar_H;   // Get jar Dimensions
    outFile << setw(WID * 2) << jar_D << setw(WID) << jar_H;
    jar_D += ACCEPTABLE_CLEARANCE;  // Account for needed clearance
    if((jar_D <= small_Box_Dim) && (jar_H <= large_Box_Dim))    // Does jar fit?
        outFile << setw(WID) << "YES\n" << endl;
        outFile << setw(WID) << "NO\n" << endl;
    data_In_File = hasDouble(inFile);   // is there another double in file?
outFile << setfill('=') << setw(WID * 7) << left << "    " << right << setfill(' ') << endl;
cout << "\nThe program has executed successfully.\n" << endl;   // Inform user
return 0;   

bool hasDouble(ifstream& inFile) // This function checks the file for for a double
    double test = 0;
int place = 0;  
place = inFile.tellg();     //This records the location of the get pointer  
if(inFile >> test)
    inFile.seekg(place);    // If a double is found, the point is returned to previous location.
    return true;
    return false;   



查看输入数据并将其与获得的数字进行比较,很明显,在读入一组五个数字之后,读取将跳过九个字符。 这显然是由于在while循环结束时对hasDouble()的调用-您已经显示出不能依赖tellg,而hasDouble需要它起作用。


我真的不能说为什么tellg的行为方式有所不同,但是在我看来,它似乎在Code :: Blocks和Dev C ++中已损坏。 可能是我们期望它表现得更好。

输入文件P4Boxes.txt可能不同吗? 目前还不清楚哪个目录将是所有这些IDE的当前工作目录,以及那里有P4Boxes.txt ...否则,这是一个错误...



bool hasDouble(ifstream& inFile) // This function checks the file for for a double
    double test = 0;
    int place = 0;  
    place = inFile.tellg();     //This records the location of the get pointer  
    if(inFile >> test)
        inFile.seekg(place);    // If a double is found, the point is returned to previous location.
        return true;
        return false;   


bool hasDouble(ifstream& inFile) // This function checks the file for for a double
    double test = inFile.get();
        return true;
        return false;   



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