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[英]display items inside a session variable inside a repeater?

我正在尝试将存储在会话变量中的项目放入转发器中,以供用户查看。 但是,我不完全确定该怎么做(我是会话变量的新手)。 基本上,当用户在点击提交的第一个页面上输入商品数量时,他们将被带到“订单摘要”页面,该页面将显示他们打算购买的商品。 我已经成功设置了一个会话变量,以包含用户选择的每种产品的sku和数量,但是我不知道如何获取信息。

我已将信息存储在会话变量中,分别为[sku],[quantity],[sku],[quantity],[sku],[quantity]等。 我认为我必须根据逗号和分号进行拆分或其他操作,但是我不确定如何使用会话变量进行拆分。


public partial class GojoptproductlistSublayout : System.Web.UI.UserControl
    private void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Item CurrentItem = Sitecore.Context.Item;

            Item HomeItem = ScHelper.FindAncestor(CurrentItem, "gojoMarket");

            if (HomeItem != null)
                Item ProductGroup = HomeItem.Axes.SelectSingleItem(@"child::*[@@templatename='gojoMarketOfficeBuildigProductMap']/*[@@templatename='gojoProductList']");

                if (ProductGroup != null)
                    Item[] LocationList = ProductGroup.Axes.SelectItems(@"child::*[@@templatename='gojoProductLocation' and @Active = '1']");
                    if (LocationList != null)
                        DataSet ds = new DataSet();
                        DataTable locations = ds.Tables.Add("locations");

                        locations.Columns.Add("LocationName", Type.GetType("System.String"));
                        locations.Columns.Add("LocationID", Type.GetType("System.String"));

                        foreach (Item LocationItem in LocationList)
                            DataRow dr = locations.NewRow();
                            dr["LocationName"] = LocationItem.Fields["Header"].Value;
                            dr["LocationID"] = LocationItem.ID.ToString();

                        locationRepeater.DataSource = ds;
                        locationRepeater.DataMember = "locations";

    protected void SetInner(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e)
        if ((e.Item.ItemType != ListItemType.Footer) & (e.Item.ItemType != ListItemType.Header))
            Label refID = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("refID");
            Label test = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("test");
            Repeater areaRepeater = (Repeater)e.Item.FindControl("areaRepeater");

            Database db = Sitecore.Context.Database;
            Item LocationAreaItem = db.Items[refID.Text];

            if (LocationAreaItem != null)
                Item[] AreaList = LocationAreaItem.Axes.SelectItems(@"child::*[@@templatename='gojoProductLocationArea' and @Active = '1']");

                if (AreaList != null)
                    DataSet dset = new DataSet();
                    DataTable areas = dset.Tables.Add("areas");

                    areas.Columns.Add("AreaName", Type.GetType("System.String"));
                    areas.Columns.Add("Sku", Type.GetType("System.String"));
                    areas.Columns.Add("ProductName", Type.GetType("System.String"));
                    areas.Columns.Add("masterSku", Type.GetType("System.String"));
                    areas.Columns.Add("masterName", Type.GetType("System.String"));
                    areas.Columns.Add("Size", Type.GetType("System.String"));
                    areas.Columns.Add("SkuID", Type.GetType("System.String"));
                    areas.Columns.Add("productID", Type.GetType("System.String"));

                    foreach (Item AreaItem in AreaList)
                        DataRow drow = areas.NewRow();

                        drow["AreaName"] = AreaItem.Fields["Header"].Value;
                        drow["AreaID"] = AreaItem.ID.ToString();


                        Item[] SkuList = AreaItem.Axes.SelectItems(@"child::*[(@@templatename='gojoPTRefill' or @@templatename = 'gojoPTAccessories' or  @@templatename = 'gojoPTDispenser' or @@templatename = 'gojoPTSelfDispensed') and @Active = '1']");

                        foreach (Item ChildItem in SkuList)
                            Item MarketProduct = db.Items[ChildItem.Fields["Reference SKU"].Value];
                            drow["productID"] = ChildItem.ID.ToString();

                            if (MarketProduct != null)
                                Item MasterProduct = db.Items[MarketProduct.Fields["Master Product"].Value];
                                if (MasterProduct != null)
                                    DataRow newRow = areas.NewRow();

                                    if(MasterProduct.TemplateName == "gojoSKUSelfDispensed" || MasterProduct.TemplateName == "gojoSKURefill")
                                        newRow["Size"] = MasterProduct.Fields["Size"].Value;
                                        newRow["Size"] = "-";

                                    newRow["Sku"] = MasterProduct.Fields["SKU"].Value;
                                    newRow["productID"] = MasterProduct.ID.ToString();

                                    Item MasterProductName = db.Items[MasterProduct.Fields["Complete Product Name"].Value];

                                    if (MasterProductName != null)
                                        newRow["ProductName"] = MasterProductName.Fields["Complete Name"].Value;

                    areaRepeater.DataSource = dset;
                    areaRepeater.DataMember = "areas";


    protected bool checkQtys(ref int ItemCnt, ref  ArrayList LinesToOrder)
        Repeater locationRepeater = (Repeater)FindControl("locationRepeater");

        bool validQtys = true;
        string productID = "";
        int qty;
        qtyErrorMsg.Text = "";
        qtyErrorMsgTop.Text = "";
        foreach (RepeaterItem repItem in locationRepeater.Items)
            if (repItem != null)
                Repeater areaRepeater = (Repeater)repItem.FindControl("areaRepeater");
                if (areaRepeater != null)
                    foreach (RepeaterItem skuItm in areaRepeater.Items)

                        if (skuItm != null)
                            Label SkuID = (Label)skuItm.FindControl("SkuID");
                            Label qtyID = (Label)skuItm.FindControl("qtyID");

                            PlaceHolder inner = (PlaceHolder)skuItm.FindControl("ProductTable");

                                if (inner != null)
                                    foreach (Control ct in inner.Controls)
                                        if (ct is TextBox)
                                            TextBox lineQty = (TextBox)ct;
                                            Label prodID = (Label)inner.FindControl("productID");

                                            if (lineQty.Text != "")
                                                    productID = prodID.Text;
                                                    qty = int.Parse(lineQty.Text);

                                                    if (qty > 0)
                                                        noItemMsg.Visible = false;
                                                        noItemMsgTop.Visible = false;
                                                        ItemCnt++; //only count items with valid qty values
                                                        LinesToOrder.Add(new LineItem(productID, qty));
                                                    {//Qty is 0 or less error
                                                        validQtys = false;
                                                        qtyErrorMsg.Text = "Quantity must be a number<br />";
                                                        qtyErrorMsgTop.Text = "Quantity must be a number<br />";

                                                {//NaN - display error msg
                                                    validQtys = false;
                                                    qtyErrorMsg.Text = "Quantity must be a number<br />";
                                                    qtyErrorMsgTop.Text = "Quantity must be a number<br />";





        return validQtys;

    class LineItem
    {//This class will store the product information
        public string SKUID;
        public int Qty;

        public LineItem(string InSKUID, int InQty)
            this.SKUID = InSKUID;
            this.Qty = InQty;

    protected void orderSubmit(object sender, EventArgs e)
        int ItemCnt = 0;
        bool validQtys = true;
        ArrayList LinesToOrder = new ArrayList();
        Label lb = FindControl("order") as Label;

        if (checkQtys(ref ItemCnt,ref LinesToOrder))
            if (ItemCnt == 0)
            {//make sure at least one item with proper qty amount is entered before submitting the order
                validQtys = false;
                noItemMsg.Visible = true;
                noItemMsg.Text = "You must order at least one item<br />";
                noItemMsgTop.Visible = true;
                noItemMsgTop.Text = "You must order at least one item<br />";
            if (validQtys)
            {//save the information to a session variable and send users to order review page      
                    foreach (LineItem WorkLine in LinesToOrder)
                        lb.Text += WorkLine.SKUID + ", " + WorkLine.Qty + ";";

                    Session["orderComplete"] = lb.Text;

                catch (Exception x)



<asp:Repeater ID="orderRepeater" runat="server" >
            <td><%#Eval("sku") %></td>
            <td><%#Eval("qty") %></td>


private void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) 
    Item CurrentItem = Sitecore.Context.Item;
    Item HomeItem = ScHelper.FindAncestor(CurrentItem, "gojoMarket");

    if (Session["orderComplete"] != "")
        if (HomeItem != null)
            Item ProductGroup = HomeItem.Axes.SelectSingleItem(@"child::*[@@templatename='gojoMarketOfficeBuildigProductMap']/*[@@templatename='gojoOrderReview']");

            if (ProductGroup != null)
               //this is where I am confused on how to proceed





在尝试解决您的问题之前,让我们看一些基本知识。 会话可以保存一个对象,而不仅仅是一个字符串对象。 我会改变:

 if (Session["orderComplete"] != "")

if (Session["orderComplete"] != null && Session["orderComplete"] != "")

如果您不这样做,并且Session["orderComplete"]为null,则Session["orderComplete"] != ""将抛出一个错误object not set to an instance of an object

现在是您的问题。 将会话变量设置为[sku],[quantity];[sku],[quantity];[sku],[quantity]并不是一个好主意。 对于它,它不是面向对象的,而对于2,它是不会绑定到任何转发器或数据源的。 您应该创建一个对象并将这些对象的列表绑定到控件:


class Program
 static void Main(string[] args)
     List<Order> orders = new List<Order>();
     orders.Add(new Order { Sku = "ABC", Qty = 10});


public class Order {

 public String Sku { get; set; }
 public int Qty { get; set; }


然后,您可以将orders绑定到中继器。 例如:

 if (Session["orderComplete"] != null && Session["orderComplete"] != ""){
     List<Order> orders = Session["orderComplete"] as List<Order>;
     myRepeater.DataSource = orders;


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