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Java Iterator用于循环链表

[英]Java Iterator for circular linked list

我创建了CircularLinkedList类,而不是使用util LinkedList类。 该问题基于约瑟夫斯问题 ,指出约有 20人的圈子中,每12个人将被杀死,直到确定幸存者将处于哪个位置(使用迭代器)。 我对如何使用迭代器解决此问题感到困惑,因为我使用的是我自己的类而不是LinkedList,该类已经具有iterator()方法,因此我可以这样声明一个迭代器:

Iterator<E> iter = cll.iterator();

我不知道如何编写自己的Iterator方法,我觉得我不得不考虑这个问题。 任何帮助表示赞赏! 如果可以清除我忘记提的任何内容,我可以发布我的代码

我仍然坚持这一点,所以我认为我会发布代码以查看是否有人可以提供帮助。 很多,所以我很抱歉。


import java.util.Iterator;

public class Itr<E> extends CircularLinkedList<E> implements Iterator<E>

  /** the size of the list */
  private int size = 0;
  /** for the hasNext() method for Iterator */
  private int nextNode = 0;
  /** two Nodes used for next() method for Iterator */
  private Node<E> lastReturned = null;
  private Node<E> nextUp;

  /** part of the Iterator implementation */
  public boolean hasNext()
    return nextNode < size;

  /** part of the Iterator implementation */
  public E next()
    lastReturned = nextUp;
    nextUp = nextUp.getNext();
    return lastReturned.data;

  /** part of the Iterator implementation */
  public void remove()
    Node<E> lastNext = lastReturned.getNext();
    if (lastReturned == null)
      nextUp = lastNext;
    lastReturned = null;    


public class Josephus<E>
  public static void main(String[] args)
      CircularLinkedList cll = new CircularLinkedList();
      Itr iter = cll.iterator();

      int lastMan = 0;
      int n = 20;
      int passes = 12;
        while(n > 1)

          for(int i = 0; i < n; i += passes)
          if(n == 1)
            lastMan = n;
    System.out.println("Survior: " + lastMan);


public class CircularLinkedList<E> 
  public class Node<E>
    /* data value **/
    public E data;
    /* the link **/
    private Node<E> next = null;

    /** constructs a Node with given data and link
      * @param data the data value
      * @param next the link
    public Node(E data, Node<E> next)
      this.data = data;
      this.next = next;

    /** construct a Node with given data value
      * @param data the data value
    public Node(E data)
      this.data = data;

    /** return the data value of a Node
      * @return the data value
    public E getData()
      return data;

    /** set the next Node in a list
      * @param append the data value that the new Node will contain
    public void setNext(Node append)
      next = append;

    /** return the next Node
      * @ return the next Node
    public Node<E> getNext()
      if(current.next == null)
      current.next = current;

      return next;

  /** a reference into the list */
  private Node<E> current = null;
  /** the size of the list */
  private int size = 0;

  /** helper methods */

  /** remove the first occurance of element item.
    * @param item the item to be removed
    * @return true if item is found and removed; otherwise, return false.
  public void removeItem(E item)
    Node<E> position = current;
    Node<E> nextPosition1,

    while (position.next != null)
        nextPosition1 = position.getNext();
        nextPosition2 = nextPosition1.getNext();
        position = position.getNext();  

  /** set the first Node in a list
    * @param append the data value that the new Node will contain
  public void addFirst(E append)
    current = new Node<E>(append, current);

  /** add a new Node as the last in the List
    * @param data value of the new Node
  public void addNext(E value)
    // location for new value
    Node<E> temp = new Node<E>(value,null);
    if (current != null)
      // pointer to possible tail
      Node<E> finger = current;
      while (finger.next != null)
        finger = finger.next;
    } else current = temp;

  /** return the data value of the fourth Node in the list
    * @return the data value
  public E printFourth()
    current.next.next.next = current;
    return current.next.next.next.getData();

  /** return the size of the LinkedList
    * @return the size
  public int size()
    return size;

  public E get(int index)
    Node<E> temp = null;
    for(int i = 0; i < index; i++)
      temp = current.next;
      System.out.print(temp.getData() + " ");

    return temp.getData();

  public Itr<E> iterator()
    return new Itr<E>();

  public String toString()
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    Node<E> aux = this.current;
    boolean isFirst = true;
    while(aux != null)
        sb.append(", ");
      isFirst = false;
  return sb.append("]").toString();


nextUp = nextUp.getNext();

我在CircularLinkedList类中做错了什么,因为它实际上不是循环的,还是我的驱动程序/ Itr类存在问题? 我有点迷失了。 任何帮助表示赞赏。


灵感请参见LinkedList#ListItr但本练习考虑Iterator方法(next,hasNext,remove)。 真正的循环链表将始终始终位于下一个节点之后,并且没有结束-如果存在至少一个元素,则hasNext将始终返回true。 如果您的CLL实现有一个“结束”,那么请确保在遇到它时“移回开始”。

另外,CLL类应符合Iterable ,这意味着它具有用于获取Iterator的iterator方法。


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