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替换 Apache POI XWPF 中的文本

[英]Replacing a text in Apache POI XWPF

我刚刚发现 Apache POI 库对于使用 Java 编辑 Word 文件非常有用。 具体来说,我想使用 Apache POI 的 XWPF 类编辑DOCX文件。 我发现没有合适的方法/文档可以做到这一点。 有人可以逐步解释如何替换 DOCX 文件中的某些文本。

** 文本可以在一行/段落或表格行/列中


您需要的方法是XWPFRun.setText(String) 只需按自己的方式浏览文件,直到找到感兴趣的 XWPFRun,找出您想要的新文本,然后替换它。 (运行是具有相同格式的文本序列)


XWPFDocument doc = new XWPFDocument(OPCPackage.open("input.docx"));
for (XWPFParagraph p : doc.getParagraphs()) {
    List<XWPFRun> runs = p.getRuns();
    if (runs != null) {
        for (XWPFRun r : runs) {
            String text = r.getText(0);
            if (text != null && text.contains("needle")) {
                text = text.replace("needle", "haystack");
                r.setText(text, 0);
for (XWPFTable tbl : doc.getTables()) {
   for (XWPFTableRow row : tbl.getRows()) {
      for (XWPFTableCell cell : row.getTableCells()) {
         for (XWPFParagraph p : cell.getParagraphs()) {
            for (XWPFRun r : p.getRuns()) {
              String text = r.getText(0);
              if (text != null && text.contains("needle")) {
                text = text.replace("needle", "haystack");
doc.write(new FileOutputStream("output.docx"));

这是我们使用 Apache POI 为文本替换所做的工作。 我们发现替换整个 XWPFParagraph 的文本而不是一个运行的麻烦和简单的做法是不值得的。 由于 Microsoft Word 负责在文档段落内创建运行的位置,因此可以在单词中间随机拆分运行。 因此,您可能正在搜索的文本可能一次运行一半,另一次运行。 使用段落的全文,删除其现有的运行,并使用调整后的文本添加新运行似乎解决了文本替换的问题。

但是,在段落级别进行替换是有成本的; 您会丢失该段落中运行的格式。 例如,如果您在段落中间将“bits”一词加粗,然后在解析文件时将“bits”一词替换为“bytes”,则“bytes”一词将不再加粗。 因为粗体是随着段落的整个正文被替换时被删除的运行而存储的。 附加的代码有一个注释掉的部分,如果需要,它可以在运行级别替换文本。

还应该注意的是,如果您插入的文本包含 \\n 返回字符,则以下内容有效。 我们无法找到插入返回的方法,而无需在返回之前为每个部分创建运行并标记运行 addCarriageReturn()。 干杯

    package com.healthpartners.hcss.client.external.word.replacement;

import java.util.List;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.poi.xwpf.usermodel.XWPFDocument;
import org.apache.poi.xwpf.usermodel.XWPFParagraph;
import org.apache.poi.xwpf.usermodel.XWPFRun;

public class TextReplacer {
    private String searchValue;
    private String replacement;

    public TextReplacer(String searchValue, String replacement) {
        this.searchValue = searchValue;
        this.replacement = replacement;

    public void replace(XWPFDocument document) {
        List<XWPFParagraph> paragraphs = document.getParagraphs();

    for (XWPFParagraph xwpfParagraph : paragraphs) {

private void replace(XWPFParagraph paragraph) {
    if (hasReplaceableItem(paragraph.getText())) {
        String replacedText = StringUtils.replace(paragraph.getText(), searchValue, replacement);


        insertReplacementRuns(paragraph, replacedText);

private void insertReplacementRuns(XWPFParagraph paragraph, String replacedText) {
    String[] replacementTextSplitOnCarriageReturn = StringUtils.split(replacedText, "\n");

    for (int j = 0; j < replacementTextSplitOnCarriageReturn.length; j++) {
        String part = replacementTextSplitOnCarriageReturn[j];

        XWPFRun newRun = paragraph.insertNewRun(j);

        if (j+1 < replacementTextSplitOnCarriageReturn.length) {

private void removeAllRuns(XWPFParagraph paragraph) {
    int size = paragraph.getRuns().size();
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {

private boolean hasReplaceableItem(String runText) {
    return StringUtils.contains(runText, searchValue);

//REVISIT The below can be removed if Michele tests and approved the above less versatile replacement version

//  private void replace(XWPFParagraph paragraph) {
//      for (int i = 0; i < paragraph.getRuns().size()  ; i++) {
//          i = replace(paragraph, i);
//      }
//  }

//  private int replace(XWPFParagraph paragraph, int i) {
//      XWPFRun run = paragraph.getRuns().get(i);
//      String runText = run.getText(0);
//      if (hasReplaceableItem(runText)) {
//          return replace(paragraph, i, run);
//      }
//      return i;
//  }

//  private int replace(XWPFParagraph paragraph, int i, XWPFRun run) {
//      String runText = run.getCTR().getTArray(0).getStringValue();
//      String beforeSuperLong = StringUtils.substring(runText, 0, runText.indexOf(searchValue));
//      String[] replacementTextSplitOnCarriageReturn = StringUtils.split(replacement, "\n");
//      String afterSuperLong = StringUtils.substring(runText, runText.indexOf(searchValue) + searchValue.length());
//      Counter counter = new Counter(i);
//      insertNewRun(paragraph, run, counter, beforeSuperLong);
//      for (int j = 0; j < replacementTextSplitOnCarriageReturn.length; j++) {
//          String part = replacementTextSplitOnCarriageReturn[j];
//          XWPFRun newRun = insertNewRun(paragraph, run, counter, part);
//          if (j+1 < replacementTextSplitOnCarriageReturn.length) {
//              newRun.addCarriageReturn();
//          }
//      }
//      insertNewRun(paragraph, run, counter, afterSuperLong);
//      paragraph.removeRun(counter.getCount());
//      return counter.getCount();
//  }

//  private class Counter {
//      private int i;
//      public Counter(int i) {
//          this.i = i;
//      }
//      public void increment() {
//          i++;
//      }
//      public int getCount() {
//          return i;
//      }
//  }

//  private XWPFRun insertNewRun(XWPFParagraph xwpfParagraph, XWPFRun run, Counter counter, String newText) {
//      XWPFRun newRun = xwpfParagraph.insertNewRun(counter.i);
//      newRun.getCTR().set(run.getCTR());
//      newRun.getCTR().getTArray(0).setStringValue(newText);
//      counter.increment();
//      return newRun;
//  }

我的任务是用 word docx 文档中的地图值替换 ${key} 格式的文本。 上述解决方案是一个很好的起点,但并没有考虑到所有情况:${key} 不仅可以分布在多次运行中,还可以分布在一次运行中的多个文本中。 因此,我最终得到了以下代码:

    private void replace(String inFile, Map<String, String> data, OutputStream out) throws Exception, IOException {
    XWPFDocument doc = new XWPFDocument(OPCPackage.open(inFile));
    for (XWPFParagraph p : doc.getParagraphs()) {
        replace2(p, data);
    for (XWPFTable tbl : doc.getTables()) {
        for (XWPFTableRow row : tbl.getRows()) {
            for (XWPFTableCell cell : row.getTableCells()) {
                for (XWPFParagraph p : cell.getParagraphs()) {
                    replace2(p, data);

private void replace2(XWPFParagraph p, Map<String, String> data) {
    String pText = p.getText(); // complete paragraph as string
    if (pText.contains("${")) { // if paragraph does not include our pattern, ignore
        TreeMap<Integer, XWPFRun> posRuns = getPosToRuns(p);
        Pattern pat = Pattern.compile("\\$\\{(.+?)\\}");
        Matcher m = pat.matcher(pText);
        while (m.find()) { // for all patterns in the paragraph
            String g = m.group(1);  // extract key start and end pos
            int s = m.start(1);
            int e = m.end(1);
            String key = g;
            String x = data.get(key);
            if (x == null)
                x = "";
            SortedMap<Integer, XWPFRun> range = posRuns.subMap(s - 2, true, e + 1, true); // get runs which contain the pattern
            boolean found1 = false; // found $
            boolean found2 = false; // found {
            boolean found3 = false; // found }
            XWPFRun prevRun = null; // previous run handled in the loop
            XWPFRun found2Run = null; // run in which { was found
            int found2Pos = -1; // pos of { within above run
            for (XWPFRun r : range.values())
                if (r == prevRun)
                    continue; // this run has already been handled
                if (found3)
                    break; // done working on current key pattern
                prevRun = r;
                for (int k = 0;; k++) { // iterate over texts of run r
                    if (found3)
                    String txt = null;
                    try {
                        txt = r.getText(k); // note: should return null, but throws exception if the text does not exist
                    } catch (Exception ex) {

                    if (txt == null)
                        break; // no more texts in the run, exit loop
                    if (txt.contains("$") && !found1) {  // found $, replace it with value from data map
                        txt = txt.replaceFirst("\\$", x);
                        found1 = true;
                    if (txt.contains("{") && !found2 && found1) {
                        found2Run = r; // found { replace it with empty string and remember location
                        found2Pos = txt.indexOf('{');
                        txt = txt.replaceFirst("\\{", "");
                        found2 = true;
                    if (found1 && found2 && !found3) { // find } and set all chars between { and } to blank
                        if (txt.contains("}"))
                            if (r == found2Run)
                            { // complete pattern was within a single run
                                txt = txt.substring(0, found2Pos)+txt.substring(txt.indexOf('}'));
                            else // pattern spread across multiple runs
                                txt = txt.substring(txt.indexOf('}'));
                        else if (r == found2Run) // same run as { but no }, remove all text starting at {
                            txt = txt.substring(0,  found2Pos);
                            txt = ""; // run between { and }, set text to blank
                    if (txt.contains("}") && !found3) {
                        txt = txt.replaceFirst("\\}", "");
                        found3 = true;
                    r.setText(txt, k);



private TreeMap<Integer, XWPFRun> getPosToRuns(XWPFParagraph paragraph) {
    int pos = 0;
    TreeMap<Integer, XWPFRun> map = new TreeMap<Integer, XWPFRun>();
    for (XWPFRun run : paragraph.getRuns()) {
        String runText = run.text();
        if (runText != null && runText.length() > 0) {
            for (int i = 0; i < runText.length(); i++) {
                map.put(pos + i, run);
            pos += runText.length();

    return map;


private static Map<Integer, XWPFRun> getPosToRuns(XWPFParagraph paragraph) {
    int pos = 0;
    Map<Integer, XWPFRun> map = new HashMap<Integer, XWPFRun>(10);
    for (XWPFRun run : paragraph.getRuns()) {
        String runText = run.text();
        if (runText != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < runText.length(); i++) {
                map.put(pos + i, run);
            pos += runText.length();
    return (map);

public static <V> void replace(XWPFDocument document, Map<String, V> map) {
    List<XWPFParagraph> paragraphs = document.getParagraphs();
    for (XWPFParagraph paragraph : paragraphs) {
        replace(paragraph, map);

public static <V> void replace(XWPFDocument document, String searchText, V replacement) {
    List<XWPFParagraph> paragraphs = document.getParagraphs();
    for (XWPFParagraph paragraph : paragraphs) {
        replace(paragraph, searchText, replacement);

private static <V> void replace(XWPFParagraph paragraph, Map<String, V> map) {
    for (Map.Entry<String, V> entry : map.entrySet()) {
        replace(paragraph, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());

public static <V> void replace(XWPFParagraph paragraph, String searchText, V replacement) {
    boolean found = true;
    while (found) {
        found = false;
        int pos = paragraph.getText().indexOf(searchText);
        if (pos >= 0) {
            found = true;
            Map<Integer, XWPFRun> posToRuns = getPosToRuns(paragraph);
            XWPFRun run = posToRuns.get(pos);
            XWPFRun lastRun = posToRuns.get(pos + searchText.length() - 1);
            int runNum = paragraph.getRuns().indexOf(run);
            int lastRunNum = paragraph.getRuns().indexOf(lastRun);
            String texts[] = replacement.toString().split("\n");
            run.setText(texts[0], 0);
            XWPFRun newRun = run;
            for (int i = 1; i < texts.length; i++) {
                newRun = paragraph.insertNewRun(runNum + i);
                    We should copy all style attributes
                    to the newRun from run
                    also from background color, ...
                    Here we duplicate only the simple attributes...
                // newRun.setCharacterSpacing(run.getCharacterSpacing());
            for (int i = lastRunNum + texts.length - 1; i > runNum + texts.length - 1; i--) {


private void replaceParagraph(XWPFParagraph paragraph, Map<String, String> fieldsForReport) throws POIXMLException {
    String find, text, runsText;
    List<XWPFRun> runs;
    XWPFRun run, nextRun;
    for (String key : fieldsForReport.keySet()) {
        text = paragraph.getText();
        if (!text.contains("${"))
        find = "${" + key + "}";
        if (!text.contains(find))
        runs = paragraph.getRuns();
        for (int i = 0; i < runs.size(); i++) {
            run = runs.get(i);
            runsText = run.getText(0);
            if (runsText.contains("${") || (runsText.contains("$") && runs.get(i + 1).getText(0).substring(0, 1).equals("{"))) {
                //As the next run may has a closed tag and an open tag at 
                //the same time, we have to be sure that our building string 
                //has a fully completed tags 
                while (!openTagCountIsEqualCloseTagCount(runsText))) {
                    nextRun = runs.get(i + 1);
                    runsText = runsText + nextRun.getText(0);
                    paragraph.removeRun(i + 1);
                run.setText(runsText.contains(find) ?
                        runsText.replace(find, fieldsForReport.get(key)) :
                        runsText, 0);

private boolean openTagCountIsEqualCloseTagCount(String runText) {
    int openTagCount = runText.split("\\$\\{", -1).length - 1;
    int closeTagCount = runText.split("}", -1).length - 1;
    return openTagCount == closeTagCount;



第一段代码给我一个 NullPointerException,有谁知道出了什么问题?

run.getText(int position) - 来自文档:返回:此文本的文本 run 或 null 如果未设置

在调用 contains() 之前检查它是否不为 null

顺便说一句,如果你想替换文本,你需要将它设置在你从中获取它的位置,在这种情况下是 r.setText(text, 0);。 否则文本将被添加而不是被替换


Gagravars 的回答不包括要替换的单词在运行中被拆分的情况; Thierry Boduins 解决方案有时会在替换其他单词之后将单词替换为空白,而且它也不检查表格。

使用 Gagtavars 答案作为基础,如果两次运行的文本都包含要替换的单词,我还检查了当前运行之前的运行,并添加了 else 块。 我在 kotlin 中的补充:

if (text != null) {
        if (text.contains(findText)) {
            text = text.replace(findText, replaceText)
            r.setText(text, 0)
        } else if (i > 0 && p.runs[i - 1].getText(0).plus(text).contains(findText)) {
            val pos = p.runs[i - 1].getText(0).indexOf('$')
            text = textOfNotFullSecondRun(text, findText)
            r.setText(text, 0)
            val findTextLengthInFirstRun = findTextPartInFirstRun(p.runs[i - 1].getText(0), findText)
            val prevRunText = p.runs[i - 1].getText(0).replaceRange(pos, findTextLengthInFirstRun, replaceText)
            p.runs[i - 1].setText(prevRunText, 0)

private fun textOfNotFullSecondRun(text: String, findText: String): String {
    return if (!text.contains(findText)) {
        textOfNotFullSecondRun(text, findText.drop(1))
    } else {
        text.replace(findText, "")

private fun findTextPartInFirstRun(text: String, findText: String): Int {
    return if (text.contains(findText)) {
    } else {
        findTextPartInFirstRun(text, findText.dropLast(1))

它是一个段落中的运行列表。 与表中的搜索块相同。 有了这个解决方案,我还没有遇到任何问题。 所有格式都完好无损。

编辑:我制作了一个用于替换的 java lib,请查看: https : //github.com/deividasstr/docx-word-replacer

此处接受的答案需要与 Justin Skiles 更新一起再进行一次更新。 r.setText(text, 0); 原因:如果不使用 pos 变量更新 setText,则输出将是旧字符串和替换字符串的组合。

我建议我在# 之间替换文本的解决方案,例如:这个#bookmark# 应该被替换。 它被替换为:

  • 段落;
  • 桌子;
  • 页脚。

此外,它还考虑了符号 # 和书签在单独运行中的情况(在不同运行之间替换变量)。

这里链接到代码: https : //gist.github.com/aerobium/bf02e443c079c5caec7568e167849dda

基于 Dmitry Stolbov 的回答以及它遇到的问题和限制以及我使用以下类提供的其余响应,该类实现了在段落和表格中搜索的方法 generateDocument。


  • .setText(x, 0) 替换而不是添加
  • 包含“\\t”的段落有问题。 当我们用这个字符运行 run.getText(int position) 时,我们得到 null,所以我们不能在它上面使用 .contains() 。
  • 当要替换的 keyTag 被拆分为多个运行时,合并运行在一起

这工作正常,但我需要一些有关如何解决我遇到的问题的见解。 有时文件中要替换的值大于要替换的标签,最终会搞砸对齐。 例如:

模板: 在此处输入图片说明

输出文件: 在此处输入图片说明

发生的事情是 {#branch#} 和 {#insurCompanyCorporateName#} 被更大的字符串替换,在 {#branch#} 标签之后有几个“\\t”元素,再加上 {#insurCompanyCorporateName#值也大于标签,将内容向前推,使其拆分到下一行。

我想知道是否有人对我在运行时如何理解我要替换的值是否使文档分割线或弄乱页面中其他元素的位置有一些见解。 在这种情况下,我希望我的程序明白他应该在分支之后删除一些“\\t”。 或者可能将 {#insurCompanyCorporateName#} 拆分为一个新行,但使新行开始于原始标签或其他内容。



package com.idoine.struts2.action.shared;

import org.apache.poi.openxml4j.exceptions.InvalidFormatException;
import org.apache.poi.openxml4j.opc.OPCPackage;
import org.apache.poi.xwpf.usermodel.*;
import org.json.JSONObject;

import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.List;

 * Created by migue on 11/11/2020.
public class DocumentGeneratorAction {

    public static ByteArrayInputStream generateDocument(String templatePath, JSONObject fields){
        /** used as reference: https://stackoverflow.com/a/49765239/5936443   [at 11/11/2020]
         This method is responsible for generating a document as a ByteArrayInputStream, using an exisiting word template at templatePath
         It replaces any keyTags in the document by the corresponding value in the JSONObject fields
         it assumes the keyTags come preceeded by the separator "{#" and proceeded by "#}", in the following form: {#keyTag#}
        try {
            XWPFDocument doc = new XWPFDocument(OPCPackage.open(templatePath));

            // search in paragraphs
            for(XWPFParagraph p : doc.getParagraphs()){
                replaceFieldsParagraph(p, fields);

            // search in tables
            for(XWPFTable t : doc.getTables()){
                replaceFieldsTable(t, fields);

            ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            ByteArrayInputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray());
            return inputStream;
        } catch (IOException e) {
        } catch (InvalidFormatException e) {
        return null;

    public static void replaceFieldsParagraph(XWPFParagraph paragraph, JSONObject fields){
        /** this method is responsible for replacing any ocurrences in the paragraph of any of the keyTags
         * present in the JSONObject fields by the corresponding value */
        String text = paragraph.getText(); //all the text from each run concatenated
        String findStr;
        if( !text.contains("{#")) //paragraph doesn't have keys to replace

        // for each field to replace, search it in the curr paragraph
        for( String key : fields.keySet()){
            findStr = "{#" + key + "#}";
            // if paragraph doesn't have current key, we skip to next key
            if( text.contains(findStr)) {
                for (XWPFRun run : paragraph.getRuns()) {
                    // check if current run has current key
                    checkAndReplaceFieldRun(run, findStr, String.valueOf(fields.get(key)));

    public static void replaceFieldsTable(XWPFTable table, JSONObject fields){
        /** this method is responsible for replacing any ocurrences in the table of any of the keyTags
         * present in the JSONObject fields by the corresponding value */

        if( table.getNumberOfRows() > 0){
            for(XWPFTableRow row : table.getRows()){                                        // iterate over rows
                for( XWPFTableCell cell : row.getTableCells()){                             // iterate over columns
                    if( cell.getParagraphs() != null && cell.getParagraphs().size()>0){
                        for(XWPFParagraph paragraph : cell.getParagraphs()){                // get cell paragraphs
                            replaceFieldsParagraph(paragraph, fields);                      // replacing existing keyTags in paragraph

    public static void checkAndReplaceFieldRun(XWPFRun run, String findStr, String value){
        String runText = run.getText(0);
        if( runText!= null && runText.contains(findStr)){
            runText = runText.replace(findStr, value);
            run.setText(runText, 0);

    public static void mergeRunsWithSplittedKeyTags(XWPFParagraph paragraph){
         A run is a part of the paragraph that has the same formatting.
         Word separates the text in paragraphs by different runs in a almost 'random' way,
         sometimes the tag we are looking for is splitted across multiple runs.
         This method merges the runs that have a keyTag or part of one,
         so that the keyTag starting with "{#" and ending with "#}" is in the same run
        String runText;
        XWPFRun run, nextRun;

        List<XWPFRun> runs = paragraph.getRuns();

        for( int i=0 ; i<runs.size(); i++){
            run = runs.get(i);
            runText = run.getText(0);
            if( runText != null &&
                    (runText.contains("{#") ||  // current run has the complete separator "{#"
                        (runText.contains("{") && (runs.get(i + 1).getText(0)!=null && runs.get(i + 1).getText(0).substring(0, 1).equals("#"))))){   //current run has the first char, next run has the second char

                while( !openTagMatchesCloseTag(runText) ){
                    nextRun = runs.get(i + 1);
                    runText = runText + nextRun.getText(0);
                    paragraph.removeRun(i + 1);
                run.setText(runText, 0); // if we don't set with arg pos=0 it doesn't replace the contents, it adds to them and repeats chars

    public static boolean openTagMatchesCloseTag(String runText){
        /** This method validates if we have a complete run.
         * Either by having no keyTags present, or by having a complete keyTag.
         * If we have parts of a keyTag, but not the complete one, returns false.*/
        int incompleteOpenTagCount = runText.split("\\{", -1).length - 1;   // "{"
        int completeOpenTagCount = runText.split("\\{#", -1).length - 1;    // "{#"
        int completeCloseTagCount = runText.split("#}", -1).length - 1;     // "#}"

        if(completeOpenTagCount>0){  // we already have open and close tags, compare the counts
            return completeOpenTagCount == completeCloseTagCount;
        } else {
            if( incompleteOpenTagCount>0 ){   // we only have a "{" not the whole "{#"
                return false;

        //doesn't have neither "{" nor "{#", so there's no need to close tags
        return true;


基于对我帮助很大的 Dmitry 的回答,我找到了一个场景,其中第一次运行只找到$字符,这使文本保持不变。


if (runsText.contains("${") || (runsText.contains("$") && runs.get(i + 1).getText(0).substring(0, 1).equals("{"))) {
  String tempRunsText = runsText;
  if (runsText.contains("$") && runs.get(i + 1).getText(0).charAt(0) == '{') {
    nextRun = runs.get(i + 1);
    tempRunsText = runsText + nextRun.getText(0);
  //As the next run may has a closed tag and an open tag at
  //the same time, we have to be sure that our building string
  //has a fully completed tags
  while (!openTagCountIsEqualCloseTagCount(tempRunsText)) {
    nextRun = runs.get(i + 1);

    if (!nextRun.getText(0).equals("{")  || (nextRun.getText(0).equals("{") && !tempRunsText.contains("{"))) {
      tempRunsText = tempRunsText + nextRun.getText(0);

    paragraph.removeRun(i + 1);

  runsText = tempRunsText;

  run.setText(runsText.contains(find) ?
    runsText.replace(find, fieldsForReport.get(key)) :
    runsText, 0);


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