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“ cout&endl”和“ boost”有什么问题?

[英]what's wrong with the “cout&endl” and the “boost”?

这是我第一次在计算机上使用boost-Ubuntu 12.04 amd64(带有g ++ 4.6.3)。 以下是来源:

#include <boost/timer.hpp>

using namespace boost;

int main()
  timer t;

  cout << "max timespan: "
       << t.elapsed_max() / 3600 << "h" << endl;

  cout << "min timespan: "
       << t.elapsed_min() << "s" << endl;

  cout << "now time elapsed:"
       << t.elapsed() << "s" << endl;

  return 0;


但是,当我使用g++ timer_test.c -o timer_test编译时,会出现奇怪的错误:

timer_test.cpp: In function ‘int main()’:
timer_test.cpp:9:3: error: ‘cout’ was not declared in this scope
timer_test.cpp:10:44: error: ‘endl’ was not declared in this scope

然后我尝试将coutendl更改为std::coutstd::endl ,错误变为:

error: ‘cout’ is not a member of ‘std’
error: ‘endl’ is not a member of ‘std’

您需要包括iostream标头,并使用std::cout and std::endl因为它们是在std名称空间中定义的。

#include <iostream>

std::cout << "max timespan: "
   << t.elapsed_max() / 3600 << "h" << std::endl;


在文件顶部将#include <iostream>绑定。



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