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[英]Using a recursive PHP function to parse a JSON string, how can I pass data from one item to the next?


注意:该帖子看起来很长,但主要只是输出数据! 我很确定对此有一个简单的解决方案,但经过数小时的尝试,我无法弄清楚。


$data = '[{"id":13,"content":"This is some content"},{"id":14,"content":"This is some content"},{"id":15,"content":"This is some content","children":[{"id":16,"content":"This is some content"},{"id":17,"content":"This is some content"},{"id":18,"content":"This is some content","children":[{"id":19,"content":"This is some content","children":[{"id":20,"content":"This is some content","children":[{"id":21,"content":"This is some content"},{"id":22,"content":"This is some content"},{"id":23,"content":"This is some content"}]}]}]}]},{"id":24,"content":"This is some content"},{"id":25,"content":"This is some content"}]';
$menu = json_decode($data, true); 
$depth = 0;

function getData($array, $key, $depth) {

    if (!is_array($array)) {
        $depth = $depth/2;
        $depthHolder = $depth;

        if ($key == "id") {
            //I thought maybe I could write something in here to this effect, but was unsuccessful :(   

        while ($depth != 1) {
            echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";            

        echo $depthHolder . ' - ' . $key . ' : ' . $array . '<br/> ';

    } else {

    foreach($array as $key => $v) { 
        getData($v, $key, $depth);


getData($menu, '', $depth);


1 - id : 13
1 - content : This is some content
1 - id : 14
1 - content : This is some content
1 - id : 15
1 - content : This is some content
        2 - id : 16
        2 - content : This is some content
        2 - id : 17
        2 - content : This is some content
        2 - id : 18
        2 - content : This is some content
                3 - id : 19
                3 - content : This is some content
                        4 - id : 20
                        4 - content : This is some content
                                5 - id : 21
                                5 - content : This is some content
                                5 - id : 22
                                5 - content : This is some content
                                5 - id : 23
                                5 - content : This is some content
1 - id : 24
1 - content : This is some content
1 - id : 25
1 - content : This is some content

我尝试使用会话,但仍然无法弄清楚。 我在寻找什么显示在下面的示例输出中。 您会注意到,这些行前面的ID已更改为显示先前的父ID,并保留它直到显示下一个嵌套项(0代表“无父”)。

0 - id : 13
0 - content : This is some content
0  - id : 14
0 - content : This is some content
0 - id : 15
0 - content : This is some content
        15 - id : 16
        15 - content : This is some content
        15 - id : 17
        15 - content : This is some content
        15 - id : 18
        15 - content : This is some content
                18 - id : 19
                18 - content : This is some content
                        19 - id : 20
                        19 - content : This is some content
                                20 - id : 21
                                20 - content : This is some content
                                20 - id : 22
                                20 - content : This is some content
                                20 - id : 23
                                20 - content : This is some content
0 - id : 24
0 - content : This is some content
0 - id : 25
0 - content : This is some content

抱歉,冗长的帖子! 感谢您的阅读,希望你们中的一位天才能帮助我。 我已经尝试了6个小时来弄清楚这个小问题,我将不胜感激。


function getData($parentkey,$array,$depth) {
  foreach ($array as $v) {
    print "$depth $parentkey id: {$v['id']}<br>$depth $parentkey content:{$v['content']}<br>";
    if (isset($v['children']))


function print_menu($menu, $key, $depth) {
    $indent_string = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
    foreach ($menu as $value) {
        $this_key = $value['id'];
        echo str_repeat ($indent_string, $depth).$key." - id : ".$value['id']."</br>";
        echo str_repeat ($indent_string, $depth).$key." - content : ".$value['content']."</br>";
        if (is_array($value['children'])) {
            print_menu ($value['children'],$this_key,$depth+1);

print_menu ($menu, 0, 0);


function print_menu_1 ($menu, $key, $depth) {
    $indent_string = "    ";
    echo str_repeat($indent_string,$depth).'<ol class="dd-list">'."\n";
    foreach ($menu as $value) {
        $this_key = $value['id'];
        echo str_repeat($indent_string,$depth+1).'<li class="dd-item" data-id="'.$value['id'].'">'."\n";
        echo str_repeat($indent_string,$depth+2).'<div class="dd-handle">'.$value['content'].' for id #'.$value['id'].'</div>'."\n";
        if (is_array($value['children'])) {
           print_menu_1 ($value['children'],$this_key,$depth+1);
        echo str_repeat($indent_string,$depth+1).'</li>'."\n";
    echo str_repeat($indent_string,$depth).'</ol>'."\n";

print_menu_1 ($menu, 0, 0);

请注意,在这种情况下,换行符和$ indent_string仅用于使HTML代码看起来不错。


function getData($arr, $parent=null) {
    if (is_array($arr)) {
        if (!isset($arr['id'])) {
            foreach ($arr as $key => $item) {
                $arr[$key] = getData($item, $parent);
        } else {
            $id = $arr['id'];
            if ($parent) {
                $arr['parent'] = $parent;
            if (isset($arr['children'])) {
                $arr['children'] = getData($arr['children'], $id);

    return $arr;



如果您尝试以这种方式构建菜单,则需要修改要返回的数据结构。 例如...

class item {
    public $id;
    public $content;
    public $subsections;


function parse_items($items) {
    $html = '<ul>';

    foreach ($items as &$item) {
        $html .= '<li>' . $item->content . '</li>';

        if (count($item->subsections) > 0) {
            $html .= parse_items($item->subsections);

    $html .= '</ul>'
    return $html;

echo parse_items($items);

之后,您可以根据<ul>元素的深度,使用CSS设置菜单的外观样式。 从技术上讲,我知道这是“欺骗”,因为我在整个数据结构的下一个添加了元素数组,但是如果您可以控制元素的返回方式,为什么不让自己变得更轻松呢?


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