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[英]C# Entity Framework and Repository Pattern


public interface IDatabaseFactory<C> : IDisposable
    C Get();
    void Set(string connectionString);

public interface IUnitOfWork<C>
    ICustomerRepository Customers { get; }

    void Commit();
    void ChangeDatabase(string connectionString);
    string GetConnectionString(Database database);

public interface ICustomerRepository : IRepository<Customer> { }


public class CustomerRepository : Repository<MyDbContext, Customer>, ICustomerRepository
    public CustomerRepository (IDatabaseFactory<MyDbContext> databaseFactory) 
        : base(databaseFactory) { }

public class UnitOfWork<C> : IUnitOfWork<C> where C : DbContext, IMyDbContext
    private readonly IDatabaseFactory<C> databaseFactory;

    private C dataContext;

    public UnitOfWork(IDatabaseFactory<C> databaseFactory)
        this.databaseFactory = databaseFactory;

    private ICustomerRepository customerRepository;
    public ICustomerRepository Customers
        get { return customerRepository?? (customerRepository = new CustomerRepository((IDatabaseFactory<MyDbContext>)databaseFactory)); }

    private void ClearRespositories()
        customerRepository = null;

    protected C DataContext
        get { return dataContext ?? (dataContext = databaseFactory.Get()); }

    public string GetConnectionString(Model.Database database)

    public void ChangeDatabase(string connectionString)

    public void Commit()



public class CustomerService : BaseService, ICustomerService
    private ICustomerRepository customerRepository;

    public CustomerService(IUnitOfWork<MyDbContext> unitOfWork) : base(unitOfWork) { }

    public override void ChangeDatabase(string connectionString)
        customerRepository = unitOfWork.Customers;

我的应用程序具有一个db上下文,并且该上下文可用于不同的数据库(使用相同的上下文)。 当用户登录系统时,他可以选择一个数据库,这将相应地设置uow类的数据上下文。



您可以使用通用存储库模式。 并且可以使用非常特定的域查询来扩展它。 然后,您的DI容器可以创建所需的特定存储库,并且可以针对所有数据类对其进行处理。



这是您将要使用的界面。 保存和检索您的类(它们必须继承自IEntity)

Public Interface IRepository
    Function GetEntity(Of T As {EntityObject, IEntity})(id As Integer) As T

    Function GetAll(Of T As {EntityObject, IEntity})() As IEnumerable(Of T)

    Sub Add(Of T As {EntityObject, IEntity})(entity As T)
    Sub Remove(Of T As EntityObject)(entity As T)
    Sub Attach(Of T As EntityObject)(entity As T)
    Sub Update(Of T As {EntityObject, IEntity})(entity As T)

    Function ExecuteQuery(Of T As {EntityObject, IEntity})(query As IQuery(Of T)) As IQueryResult(Of T)
    Function ExecuteQuery(Of T As {EntityObject, IEntity}, TResult)(query As IQuery(Of T, TResult)) As IQueryResult(Of TResult)
End Interface


Public Interface IEntity
    Property Id As Int32
End Interface


Public Interface IQuery(Of T As {EntityObject, IEntity})
    Function Execute(ByVal objectSet As ObjectSet(Of T)) As IQueryResult(Of T)
End Interface

Public Interface IQuery(Of T As {EntityObject, IEntity}, TResult)
    Function Execute(ByVal objectSet As ObjectSet(Of T)) As IQueryResult(Of TResult)
End Interface


Public Interface IQueryResult(Of T)
    Function UniqueResult() As T
    Function List() As IEnumerable(Of T)
End Interface

Public Class LinqResult(Of T)
    Implements IQueryResult(Of T)
    Private ReadOnly _query As IQueryable(Of T)

    Public Sub New(query As IQueryable(Of T))
        _query = query
    End Sub

    Protected Overridable Function ExpandQuery(query As IQueryable(Of T)) As IQueryable(Of T)
        Return query
    End Function

    Public Function UniqueResult() As T Implements IQueryResult(Of T).UniqueResult
        Dim result = ExpandQuery(_query).SingleOrDefault()
        If result Is Nothing Then
            Throw New EntityNotFoundException(Of T)()
        End If
        Return result
    End Function
    Public Function List() As IEnumerable(Of T) Implements IQueryResult(Of T).List
        Return ExpandQuery(_query).ToList()
    End Function
End Class


Public Class EntityObjectContextRepository
    Implements IRepository

    Private ReadOnly Property _context As ObjectContext
            Return UnitOfWork.Current
        End Get
    End Property

    Public Sub Add(Of T As {EntityObject, IEntity})(entity As T) Implements IRepository.Add
        _context.CreateObjectSet(Of T)().AddObject(entity)
    End Sub

    Public Sub Attach(Of T As EntityObject)(entity As T) Implements IRepository.Attach
        '_context.CreateObjectSet(Of T)().Attach(entity)
    End Sub

    Public Sub Update(Of T As {EntityObject, IEntity})(ByVal entity As T) Implements IRepository.Update
        _context.CreateObjectSet(Of T)().Attach(entity)
        _context.ObjectStateManager.ChangeObjectState(entity, EntityState.Modified)
    End Sub

    Public Function ExecuteQuery(Of T As {EntityObject, IEntity})(query As IQuery(Of T)) As IQueryResult(Of T) Implements IRepository.ExecuteQuery
        Return query.Execute(_context.CreateObjectSet(Of T))
    End Function

    Public Function ExecuteQuery(Of T As {EntityObject, IEntity}, TResult)(ByVal query As IQuery(Of T, TResult)) As IQueryResult(Of TResult) Implements IRepository.ExecuteQuery
        Return query.Execute(_context.CreateObjectSet(Of T))
    End Function

    Public Function GetAll(Of T As {EntityObject, IEntity})() As IEnumerable(Of T) Implements IRepository.GetAll
        Return _context.CreateObjectSet(Of T).ToList().Where(Function(c) c.EntityState <> EntityState.Deleted)
    End Function

    Public Function GetEntity(Of T As {EntityObject, IEntity})(id As Integer) As T Implements IRepository.GetEntity
        Dim entity = _context.CreateObjectSet(Of T)().SingleOrDefault(Function(x) x.Id = id)
        Return ReturnEntityWhenItExists(entity)
    End Function

    Public Sub Remove(Of T As EntityObject)(entity As T) Implements IRepository.Remove
    End Sub

    Private Function ReturnEntityWhenItExists(Of T As {EntityObject, IEntity})(ByVal entity As T) As T
        If entity IsNot Nothing AndAlso entity.EntityState <> EntityState.Deleted Then
            Return entity
        End If
        Throw New EntityNotFoundException(Of T)()
    End Function
End Class


Public Class UnitOfWork
    Implements IDisposable

    Private Shared _dataContext As ObjectContext

    Public Shared ReadOnly Property Current As ObjectContext
            If _dataContext Is Nothing Then
                Throw New UnitOfWorkException(ResourceRetriever.GetResource(Of String)("ExceptionUnitOfWorkNotInitializedMessage"))
            End If
            Return _dataContext
        End Get
    End Property

    Public Sub New()
        Me.New(New YourDataModelContainer())
    End Sub

    Public Sub New(ByVal objectContext As ObjectContext)
        If _dataContext IsNot Nothing Then
            Throw New UnitOfWorkException(ResourceRetriever.GetResource(Of String)("ExceptionUnitOfWorkAlreadyInitializedMessage"))
        End If
        _dataContext = objectContext
    End Sub

    Public Sub Complete()
        If _dataContext Is Nothing Then
            Throw New UnitOfWorkException(ResourceRetriever.GetResource(Of String)("ExceptionUnitOfWorkNotInitializedMessage"))
        End If
    End Sub

    Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
        If _dataContext IsNot Nothing Then
            _dataContext = Nothing
        End If
    End Sub
End Class


Public Class GetAllBuildingsQuery
Implements IQuery(Of DataAccess.Building, BuildingDto)

Public Function Execute(ByVal objectSet As ObjectSet(Of Building)) As IQueryResult(Of BuildingDto) Implements IQuery(Of Building, BuildingDto).Execute
    Dim query = objectSet.Select(Function(g) New BuildingDto() With {.Description = g.Name, .Id = g.Id})
    Return New LinqResult(Of BuildingDto)(query)
End Function
End Class


Public Class EmployeeService
    Implements IEmployeeService

    Private ReadOnly _repository As IRepository
    Public Sub New(ByVal repository As IRepository)
        _repository = repository
    End Sub

    Public Function GetAllEmployees() As IEnumerable(Of EmployeeOverviewDto) Implements IEmployeeService.GetAllEmployees
        Dim employees = _repository.ExecuteQuery(EmployeeQueries.GetAllEmployeesForOverview()).List()
        Return employees
    End Function
End Class


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