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需要很长时间才能使用public_activity在Rails 4中渲染视图

[英]views taking long time to render in rails 4 with public_activity

进入索引页面大约需要6秒钟的时间,考虑到开发环境中目前只有4个用户在我的应用程序上注册,因此这太长了。 我正在使用Rails 4,devise,cancancan,public_activity,acts_as_commentable_through_threading,simple_form,haml。


Rendered dogs/_activity.html.haml (5726.5ms)
Rendered dogs/index.html.haml within layouts/application (6033.2ms)


 = provide(:title, @dog.name)
%h1 Dog Park
      = render 'dogs/home_info' 
      = render 'dogs/activity' 


    = render 'post_form' 
    - @activities.each do |activity| 
        .activity= render_activity activity 
    %li= link_to_previous_page @activities, "Newer"
    %li= link_to_next_page @activities, "Older"

然后,我有3个活动public_activity / post / _create.html.haml

- if activity.trackable 
-# unless activity.trackable.foreign? and current_master == @master and Dog.find(activity.owner_id).master == current_master
.panel.panel-info{id: "activity#{activity.id}"}
        = link_to "×", master_dog_post_path(@master, activity.owner, Post.find(activity.trackable_id), :activity_id => activity.id), :method => :delete, :remote => true, data: { confirm: "Are you sure you want to delete this Post?", disable_with: "×" }, :class => 'close'
        - if activity.owner
            = link_to master_dog_path(activity.owner.master, activity.owner) do
                - if activity.owner.profile_pics.empty? 
                    = image_tag("dog_silhouette.jpg", alt: "Dog Profile pic", class: "img-circle", size: "50")
                - else 
                    = image_tag(activity.owner.profile_pics.first.image.thumbnail.url, :width => 50, :height => 50, :crop => :fill, class: "img-circle")
                = activity.owner.name 
        updated their doggy status
        = time_ago_in_words(activity.created_at) 
    %div(style="padding: 20px 10px;")
        = activity.trackable.content 
    .panel-footer(style="margin-top: 0px")
        %div{ id: "comments#{activity.id}" } 
            = render :partial => 'comments/comment', collection: activity.comment_threads , as: :comment, locals: { object: "Dog"}
        %div{ id: "form#{activity.id}" }
            = render :partial => 'comments/form', locals: { activity: activity }

public_activity / post_pic / _create.html.haml

- if activity.trackable 
-# unless activity.trackable.foreign? and current_master == @master and Dog.find(activity.owner_id).master == current_master
.panel.panel-info{id: "activity#{activity.id}"}
        = link_to "×", master_dog_post_pic_path(activity.owner.master, activity.owner, PostPic.find(activity.trackable_id), :activity_id => activity.id), :method => :delete, :remote => true, data: { confirm: "Are you sure you want to delete this Picture?", disable_with: "×" }, :class => 'close'
        - if activity.owner
            = link_to master_dog_path(activity.owner.master, activity.owner) do
                - if activity.owner.profile_pics.empty? 
                    = image_tag("dog_silhouette.jpg", alt: "Dog Profile pic", class: "img-circle", size: "50")
                - else 
                    = image_tag(activity.owner.profile_pics.first.image.thumbnail.url, :width => 50, :height => 50, :crop => :fill, class: "img-circle")
                = activity.owner.name 
        added a picture
        = time_ago_in_words(activity.created_at) 
        - if activity.trackable.title?
                = activity.trackable.title 
        %li.list-group-item.center(style= "padding: 20px 0px;")
            = image_tag(activity.trackable.image.url, :width => 5000, :height => 400, :crop => :fill, class: "img-thumbnail center") 
        - if activity.trackable.description? 
                = activity.trackable.description 
        %div{ id: "comments#{activity.id}" }
            .small Comments 
            = render :partial => 'comments/comment', collection: activity.comment_threads , as: :comment, locals: { object: "Dog"} 
        %div{ id: "form#{activity.id}" }
            = render :partial => 'comments/form', locals: { activity: activity }

public_activity / profile_pic / _create.html.haml

- if activity.trackable 
.panel.panel-info{id: "activity#{activity.id}"}
        - if activity.owner
            - if activity.owner_type == "Dog" 
                = link_to "×", master_dog_profile_pic_path(activity.owner.master, activity.owner, ProfilePic.find(activity.trackable_id), :activity_id => activity.id), :method => :delete, :remote => true, data: { confirm: "Are you sure you want to delete this profile picture?", disable_with: "×" }, :class => 'close'
                = link_to master_dog_path @master, activity.owner do
                    = image_tag(activity.owner.profile_pics.first.image.thumbnail.url, :width => 50, :height => 50, :crop => :fill, class: "img-circle") 
                    = activity.owner.name 
            - else 
                = link_to "×", master_profile_pic_path(activity.owner, ProfilePic.find(activity.trackable_id), :activity_id => activity.id), :method => :delete, :remote => true, data: { confirm: "Are you sure you want to delete this profile picture?", disable_with: "×" }, :class => 'close'
                = link_to master_path activity.owner do
                    = image_tag(activity.owner.profile_pics.first.image.thumbnail.url, :width => 50, :height => 50, :crop => :fill, class: "img-circle") 
                    = activity.owner.name 
        updated their profile picture
        = time_ago_in_words(activity.created_at) 

    .center(style="padding: 20px 0")
        - if activity.owner_type === "Dog" 
            = image_tag(activity.trackable.image.thumbnail.url, :width => 300, :height => 200, :crop => :fill, class: "img-thumbnail center") 
        - else
            = image_tag activity.trackable.image.thumbnail.url, :width => 300, :height => 200, :crop => :fill,  class: "img-thumbnail center" 
        %div{ id: "comments#{activity.id}" }
            .small Comments 
            - if activity.owner_type === "Dog" 
                = render :partial => 'comments/comment', collection: activity.comment_threads , as: :comment, locals: { object: "Dog"}  
            - else
                = render :partial => 'comments/comment', collection: activity.comment_threads , as: :comment, locals: { object: "Master"} 
        %div{ id: "form#{activity.id}" }
            = render :partial => 'comments/form', locals: { activity: activity }


comments / comment.html.haml

%div{ id: "comment#{comment.id}" }
%hr(style="margin: 5px")
= link_to "×", comment_path(comment), :method => :delete, :remote => true, data: { confirm: "Are you sure you want to remove this comment?", disable_with: "×" }, :class => 'close'
- if Dog.exists?(comment.user_id)
    = link_to master_dog_path Dog.find(comment.user_id).master, Dog.find(comment.user_id) do
        - if Dog.find(comment.user_id).profile_pics.empty? 
            = image_tag("dog_silhouette.jpg", alt: "Dog Profile pic", class: "img-circle", size: "30")
        - else 
            = image_tag(Dog.find(comment.user_id).profile_pics.first.image.thumbnail.url, :width => 30, :height => 30, :crop => :fill, class: "img-circle") 
        = Dog.find(comment.user_id).name 
    = time_ago_in_words(comment.created_at) 
%p.small= comment.body

comments / _form.html.haml

= simple_form_for Comment.new, :remote => true do |f|

= f.input :body, :input_html => { :rows => "2",placeholder: "Add a comment..." }, :label => false
  = f.input :commentable_id, :as => :hidden, :input_html => { :value => activity.id }
  = f.input :commentable_type, :as => :hidden, :input_html => { :value => activity }
  = f.button :submit, "Comment", :class => "btn btn-primary", :disable_with => "Adding Comment…"

这是动作。 我通过keep_if块获取ID,然后在where方法中使用它来获取@activities,我确定这可能效率低下,但是我有点新,并且不确定如何在where方法中请求如此复杂的查询。 如果有人对更有效的方法有任何建议,我将不胜感激。

def index
@dog = current_dog

@master = current_master
@buddy_ids = @master.buddy_ids 
@master_id = @master.id
@buddy_dog_ids = []
@master.buddies.each do |b|
  @buddy_dog_ids << b.dog_ids
@master_dog_ids = @master.dog_ids

@activity_ids = PublicActivity::Activity.ids.keep_if do |id|
  a = PublicActivity::Activity.find(id) 
  a.trackable_type.constantize.exists?(a.trackable_id) and
  #take out current_master.dogs posts and pics
  (@master_dog_ids.include?(a.owner_id) or @master_dog_ids.include?(a.recipient_id) and (a.owner_type == "Dog")) or
  #take out buddies.dogs posts and pics (not foreign)
  (@buddy_dog_ids.flatten.include?(a.owner_id) and a.trackable_type.constantize.exists?(a.trackable_id) and !(a.trackable_type.constantize.find(a.trackable_id).foreign? unless a.trackable_type == "ProfilePic") and (a.owner_type == "Dog")) or
  #take out profile pics
  (@master_id == a.owner_id or @buddy_ids.include?(a.owner_id) and a.owner_type == "Master")
@activities = PublicActivity::Activity.order("created_at desc").where(id: @activity_ids).page(params[:page]).per(50)

@post = @dog.posts.build
@photo = @dog.post_pics.build
@new_comment = Comment.new


缓存将作为临时解决方案进行。 不过,从长远来看,您应该尝试使代码更高效。



.activity= render_activity activity

就是这样,没有别的! 因为_activity部分在这里仅呈现一个活动,所以没有很多活动。 你能告诉我你的index.html.haml吗?


 = provide(:title, @dog.name)
%h1 Dog Park
      = render 'dogs/home_info' 
        = render 'post_form' 
        = render @activities
        %li= link_to_previous_page @activities, "Newer"
        %li= link_to_next_page @activities, "Older"


.activity= render_activity activity 


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