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[英]Need help passing an array with elements already stored into it as a parameter for a method (JAVA)

所以在这里,我有一段代码,它使用一个名为key(“ ALICE”)的字符串,并将其传递到keyReader()方法中,以获取每个索引的字母的位置-阐明A1L12I将是9C将是3E将是5 这些数字存储在名为keyArray[]的数组中。



public class Problem2 {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        String key = "ALICE"; //VARIABLE - Will be read from text file
        String cipherThis = "JLMRSULTQTXLRCQQEBCHQFWWE"; //VARIABLE - Will be read from text file

        int noKey = 0;
        int[] keyArray = new int[5];

        keyReader(key, keyArray); //reads the key
        keyNumber(noKey, keyArray); //evaluates the keyNumber of keyReader


    //Method for reading each letter of the key
    private static void keyReader(String key, int[] keyArray) {
        for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++) {
            keyArray[x] = key.charAt(x) - 64;

    //Method for evaluating the key number 
    private static void keyNumber(int noKey, int[] keyArray) {
        int i = 0; //Counter for the numbers of the letters stored into the array using the keyReader() method
        int k = 4; //Counter for the 5 letters of the key (4,3,2,1,0)

        while (i < 5) {
            while (k >= 0) {
                noKey += Math.pow(27, k) * keyArray[i];


使用Integer(Object Reference)array而不是int array(原始)。 因此,您可以取回参考,以后可以将其用于进一步处理。


private static void keyNumber(int noKey, int[] keyArray) {


private static int keyNumber(int[] keyArray) {
    int noKey = 0;
    return noKey;


noKey = keyNumber(keyArray); //evaluates the keyNumber of keyReader

您还应该考虑使用keyReader进行相同的keyReader ,而不是将其传递给数组,让它返回结果...

private static int[] keyReader(String key) {
    int[] keyArray = new int[key.length()];
    for (int x = 0; x < keyArray.length; x++) {
        keyArray[x] = key.charAt(x) - 64;
    return keyArray;


int[] keyArray = keyArray = keyReader(key); //reads the key



int k = 4; //Counter for the 5 letters of the key (4,3,2,1,0)

while (i < 5) {
    while (k >= 0) {


int k = keyArray.length - 1; //Counter for the 5 letters of the key (4,3,2,1,0)

while (i < keyArray.length) {
    while (k >= 0) {


在Java中,所有原语(如int)都按值传递(即复制)。 您要通过我的推荐信(即&)。 因此,使用新的Integer(someint)作为参数对int进行自动装箱(应该可行),否则最好从keyNumber函数中返回int(在添加之后)。

public static void main (String [] args){

    String key = "ALICE"; //VARIABLE - Will be read from text file
    String cipherThis = "JLMRSULTQTXLRCQQEBCHQFWWE"; //VARIABLE - Will be read from text file

    int noKey = 0;
    int[] keyArray = new int[key.lenght];

    keyReader(key, keyArray); //reads the key
    keyNumber (new Integer(noKey), keyArray); //evaluates the keyNumber of keyReader


//Method for reading each letter of the key
private static void keyReader(String key, int[] keyArray) {
    for (int x = 0; x < keyArray.length; x++){
        keyArray[x] = key.charAt(x)-64;

//Method for evaluating the key number 
private static void keyNumber(Integer noKey, int[] keyArray){
    int i = 0; //Counter for the numbers of the letters stored into the array using the keyReader() method
    int k = 4; //Counter for the 5 letters of the key (4,3,2,1,0)

    while (i < 5){
        while (k >= 0){
            noKey += Math.pow(27, k)*keyArray[i];


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