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如何在kohana中使用blueimp jquery文件上传?

[英]How to use blueimp jquery file upload in kohana?

我想在kohana框架中使用blueimp jquery文件上传,但是无法正确实现。 我有带有上载处理程序初始化的带有索引操作的控制器,如下所示:

 class Controller_Ajax_Jfupload extends Controller_Ajax {

        public function action_index() {
            $upload_handler = new UploadHandler();


UploadHandler.php复制到/ Controller文件夹。 我用示例文件中给出的html创建了视图。 但是根本没有用。 我不知道将url指向哪里放在我的上传控制器上。


public function action_index() {
//no render the body of page : error json
        error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT);
        $upload_handler = new UploadHandler();


<script id="template-upload" type="text/x-tmpl">
{% for (var i=0, file; file=o.files[i]; i++) { %}
    <tr class="template-upload fade">
            <span class="preview"></span>
            <p class="name">{%=file.name%}</p>
            <strong class="error text-danger"></strong>
            <p class="size">Processing...</p>
            <div class="progress progress-striped active" role="progressbar" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100" aria-valuenow="0"><div class="progress-bar progress-bar-success" style="width:0%;"></div></div>
            {% if (!i && !o.options.autoUpload) { %}
                <button class="btn btn-primary start" disabled>
                    <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-upload"></i>
            {% } %}
            {% if (!i) { %}
                <button class="btn btn-warning cancel">
                    <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-ban-circle"></i>
            {% } %}
{% } %}
<script id="template-download" type="text/x-tmpl">
{% for (var i=0, file; file=o.files[i]; i++) { %}
    <tr class="template-download fade">
            <span class="preview">
                {% if (file.thumbnailUrl) { %}
                    <a href="{%=file.url%}" title="{%=file.name%}" download="{%=file.name%}" data-gallery><img src="{%=file.thumbnailUrl%}"></a>
                {% } %}
            <p class="name">
                {% if (file.url) { %}
                    <a href="{%=file.url%}" title="{%=file.name%}" download="{%=file.name%}" {%=file.thumbnailUrl?'data-gallery':''%}>{%=file.name%}</a>
                {% } else { %}
                {% } %}
            {% if (file.error) { %}
                <div><span class="label label-danger">Error</span> {%=file.error%}</div>
            {% } %}
            <span class="size">{%=o.formatFileSize(file.size)%}</span>
            {% if (file.deleteUrl) { %}
                <button class="btn btn-danger delete" data-type="{%=file.deleteType%}" data-url="{%=file.deleteUrl%}"{% if (file.deleteWithCredentials) { %} data-xhr-fields='{"withCredentials":true}'{% } %}>
                    <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></i>
                <input type="checkbox" name="delete" value="1" class="toggle">
            {% } else { %}
                <button class="btn btn-warning cancel">
                    <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-ban-circle"></i>
            {% } %}
{% } %}

    $(function() {
        'use strict';

        // Initialize the jQuery File Upload widget:
            // Uncomment the following to send cross-domain cookies:
            //xhrFields: {withCredentials: true},
            url: 'yourUrl' (in this case index)

        // Enable iframe cross-domain access via redirect option:

        if (window.location.hostname === 'blueimp.github.io') {
            // Demo settings:

            $('#fileupload').fileupload('option', {
                url: '//jquery-file-upload.appspot.com/',
                // Enable image resizing, except for Android and Opera,
                // which actually support image resizing, but fail to
                // send Blob objects via XHR requests:
                disableImageResize: /Android(?!.*Chrome)|Opera/
                maxFileSize: 5000000,
                acceptFileTypes: /(\.|\/)(gif|jpe?g|png)$/i
            // Upload server status check for browsers with CORS support:
            if ($.support.cors) {
                    url: '//jquery-file-upload.appspot.com/',
                    type: 'HEAD'
                }).fail(function() {
                    $('<div class="alert alert-danger"/>')
                            .text('Upload server currently unavailable - ' +
                            new Date())
        } else {

            // Load existing files:

                // Uncomment the following to send cross-domain cookies:
                //xhrFields: {withCredentials: true},
                url: $('#fileupload').fileupload('option', 'url'),
                dataType: 'json',
                context: $('#fileupload')[0]

            }).always(function() {
            }).done(function(result) {
                $(this).fileupload('option', 'done')
                        .call(this, $.Event('done'), {result: result});




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