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列名不明确的 MySQL 全连接(联合)

[英]MySQL full join (union) with ambiguous column names

我对 MySQL 在这么多年之后仍然不支持 FULL JOIN 感到非常失望(为什么?)而且我必须使用 UNION 作为解决方法。 说我在使用以下查询时遇到问题。 我有两个表作为例子:


id   userid   owner   cpu   
1    1        Jack    3.4
2    1        Jack    3.4
3    2        Sara    3.0


id   userid   owner   inch  
1    1        Jack    22    
2    1        Jack    22    
3    3        Mark    17    
4    4        Luke    32    

基本上我有一个计算机列表,其中包含已分配给所有者的规格。 同样,我有一个带有规格的显示器列表,每个显示器都分配给了一个所有者。 我想按所有者将这两个表合并到这个结果中:

id   userid   owner   cpu   id   userid   owner   inch  
1    1        Jack    3.4   1    1        Jack    22
2    1        Jack    3.4   2    1        Jack    22
3    2        Sara    3.0   null null     null    null 
null null     null    null  3    3        Mark    17
null null     null    null  4    4        Luke    32


SELECT * FROM computers AS a
LEFT OUTER JOIN monitors AS o on a.owner = o.owner
SELECT * FROM computers AS a
RIGHT OUTER JOIN monitors AS o on a.owner = o.owner


  1. 不想在我的查询中使用 jolly 字符,不仅因为它效率不高,而且因为我只需要一些特定的列而不是全部
  2. 两个表都有不明确的列名(id、userid、owner),例如,我似乎无法按所有者排序。 我知道我应该使用别名,但我不明白如何实现它
  3. 我必须使用 WHERE 语句,但由于列名不明确,我再次不明白如何实现它


SELECT id AS a_id, userid AS a_userid, owner AS a_owner but NOT cpu FROM computer WHERE cpu = 3.4


SELECT id AS b_id, userid AS b_userid, owner AS b_owner, inch AS b_inch FROM monitor WHERE inch = 22


模拟full outer join联接的另一种方法是使用子查询获取完整的值列表(在您的情况下为owner )。 然后使用left outer join引入其他值。 根据你的描述:

select c.id as c_id, c.userid as c_userid, o.owner as owner,
       m.id as m_id, m.user_id as m_userid, m.inch
from (select owner from computers union
      select owner from monitors
     ) o left outer join
     computers c
     on o.owner = c.owner left outer join
     monitors m
     on o.owner = m.owner;

但是,您提到的查询不会生成这些结果。 它将为“Jack”生成四个结果。



select c.id as c_id, c.userid as c_userid, o.owner as owner,
       m.id as m_id, m.user_id as m_userid, m.inch
from (select owner, id, userid from computers union
      select owner, id, userid from monitors
     ) o left outer join
     computers c
     on o.owner = c.owner and o.userid = c.userid and o.id = c.id left outer join
     monitors m
     on o.owner = m.owner and o.userid = m.userid and o.id = m.id;

这是 cpu = 3.4 和 Inch = 22 上的完整外部联接。首先获取所有计算机并加入显示器,然后获取所有显示器并加入计算机。 主表条件在 WHERE 子句中,外连接条件在 ON 子句中。

SELECT a.userid, a.owner, a.id as computer_id, o.id as monitor_id, o.inch
FROM computers AS a
LEFT OUTER JOIN monitors AS o 
  ON a.owner = o.owner and a.userid = o.userid and o.inch = 22
WHERE a.cpu = 3.4
SELECT o.userid, o.owner, a.id as computer_id, o.id as monitor_id, o.inch
FROM monitors AS o
LEFT OUTER JOIN computers AS a
  ON a.owner = o.owner and a.userid = o.userid and a.cpu = 3.4
WHERE o.inch = 22;

但是,这可以通过仅添加第一个选择未找到的记录(即没有匹配计算机的显示器)来加快速度。 然后您可以使用 UNION ALL 而不是 UNION,这可以为 dbms 节省大量工作。 您只需拿起外部连接表的不可为空的线圈。 当它为 NULL 时,记录是外连接的。

SELECT a.userid, a.owner, a.id as computer_id, o.id as monitor_id, o.inch
FROM computers AS a
LEFT OUTER JOIN monitors AS o 
  ON a.owner = o.owner and a.userid = o.userid and o.inch = 22
WHERE a.cpu = 3.4
SELECT o.userid, o.owner, a.id as computer_id, o.id as monitor_id, o.inch
FROM monitors AS o
LEFT OUTER JOIN computers AS a
  ON a.owner = o.owner and a.userid = o.userid and a.cpu = 3.4
WHERE o.inch = 22 and o.owner is null;


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