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如何仅使用System.Type / reflection获得对通用单例实例的引用

[英]How to I get reference to generic singleton instance using only System.Type/reflection


(完整的源代码可在我的博客文章中找到,但它不是最新版本http://www.createdbyx.com/post/2013/03/27/Code-Snippets-12-%E2%80%93 -Performance-Testing.aspx


因此,一切工作都很好,但是我试图建立一个性能报告窗口,并且我希望能够从所有实例化的singlton实例中收集性能数据,而不是PerformanceTesting<int> or PerformanceTesting<string>等。

我认为可以做到这一点的唯一方法是使用反射。 我还应该提到PerformanceTesting类利用另一个类来跟踪用作PerformanceTesting<T>单例的访问键的各种类型。

    /// <summary>
    /// Provides a lock object when a singleton reference need to be instantiated.
    /// </summary>
    private static object lockObject = new object();

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets a singleton instance of the <see cref="PerformanceTesting{T}"/> class.
    /// </summary>
    public static PerformanceTesting<T> Instance
            if (singleton == null)
                lock (lockObject)
                    singleton = new PerformanceTesting<T>();

            return singleton;


public class PerformanceTestingTypes
    private static PerformanceTestingTypes singleton;
    private List<Type> types = new List<Type>();

    public static PerformanceTestingTypes Instance
            return singleton ?? (singleton = new PerformanceTestingTypes());

    public static Type[] GetTypes()
        var values = new Type[Instance.types.Count];
        Instance.types.CopyTo(values, 0);
        return values;

    public static void Register<T>()

    // can't return PerformanceTesting<T> because T is of System.Type not the actual accessor type.
    public static PerformanceTesting<T> GetTesting<T>(T type)
        var rootType = typeof(PerformanceTesting<>); // this is wrong but placed for example purposes!!!

        var prop = rootType.GetProperty("Instance");
        var reference = prop.GetGetMethod().Invoke(null, null);

        return reference; // compile error because Invoke returns type System.Object


   /// <summary>
    /// If the PERFORMANCE symbol is available will report the performance metric information out to the console.
    /// </summary>
    public static void ReportPerformanceTimes()
        var result = string.Empty;
        foreach (var type in PerformanceTestingTypes.GetTypes())
             var perf = PerformanceTestingTypes.GetTesting(type);

            var keyNames = PerformanceTestingTypes.GetKeyNames(type);

            foreach (var name in keyNames)
                var key = PerformanceTestingTypes.ConvertKey(name, type);
                result += string.Format("{0} - Total: {1}ms Average: {2} Count: {3}\r\n", name, perf.TotalMilliseconds(key), perf.AverageMilliseconds(key), perf.GetStartCount(key));

            result += string.Format("Total Performance Times - Total: {0}ms", perf.TotalMilliseconds(perf.GetKeys()));


我遇到的问题在于PerformanceTestingTypes.GetTesting()方法内。 我需要仅使用System.Type返回对通用单例的特定实例的引用,该System.Type引用单例用作其访问者键的实际类型。

var type = typeof(int); // the accessor key type that was used
// from the 'type' variable get a reference to singleton 
var reference = PerformanceTesting<int>.Instance;



这甚至可能吗?还是我试图做不可能的事情? 希望我的问题有道理。 我的大脑已决定对此进行休整。 :(


var performanceTestingType = typeof(PerformanceTesting<>);
Type[] typeArgs = { typeof(int) };
var genericType = performanceTestingType.MakeGenericType(typeArgs);
object performanceTestingOfTypeInt = Activator.CreateInstance(genericType);



    private void DrawPerformanceMetricsFlatList()
        foreach (var type in PerformanceTestingTypes.GetTypes())
            var performanceTestingType = typeof(PerformanceTesting<>);
            Type[] typeArgs = { type };
            var genericType = performanceTestingType.MakeGenericType(typeArgs);

            var data = genericType.GetProperty("Instance", BindingFlags.GetProperty | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public).GetGetMethod().Invoke(null, null);
            var totalMilli = data.GetType().GetMethod("TotalMilliseconds", new[] { type });
            var avgMilli = data.GetType().GetMethod("AverageMilliseconds", new[] { type });
            var totalTicks = data.GetType().GetMethod("TotalTicks", new[] { type });
            var avgTicks = data.GetType().GetMethod("AverageTicks", new[] { type });
            var startCount = data.GetType().GetMethod("GetStartCount", new[] { type });
            var fromConverter = data.GetType().GetProperty("ConvertFromStringCallback");
            // var toConverter = data.GetType().GetProperty("ConvertToStringCallback", new[] { type });
            var func = fromConverter.GetGetMethod().Invoke(data, null);
            var invoker = func.GetType().GetMethod("Invoke");

            var keyNames = PerformanceTestingTypes.GetKeyNames(type);

            switch (this.sortIndex)
                case 1:
                    keyNames = keyNames.OrderBy(x => x).ToArray();

                case 2:
                       keyNames = keyNames.OrderByDescending(x => totalTicks.Invoke(data, new[] { invoker.Invoke(func, new[] { x }) })).ToArray();

                case 3:
                         keyNames = keyNames.OrderByDescending(x => avgTicks.Invoke(data, new[] { invoker.Invoke(func, new[] { x }) })).ToArray();

                case 4:
                        keyNames = keyNames.OrderByDescending(x => startCount.Invoke(data, new[] { invoker.Invoke(func, new[] { x }) })).ToArray();

            ControlGrid.DrawGenericGrid((items, index, style, options) =>
                var value = items[index];
                var selected = GUILayout.Toggle(this.selectedIndex == index, value, style);
                if (selected)
                    this.selectedIndex = index;
                    var key = invoker.Invoke(func, new[] { value }); 
                    this.performanceData = string.Format("{0}\r\nTotal: {1}ms ({4} ticks)\r\nAverage: {2}ms ({5} ticks)\r\nCount: {3}\r\n", value,
                        totalMilli.Invoke(data, new[] { key }),
                        avgMilli.Invoke(data, new[] { key }),
                        startCount.Invoke(data, new[] { key }),
                        totalTicks.Invoke(data, new[] { key }),
                        avgTicks.Invoke(data, new[] { key }));
                return value;
            }, keyNames, 1, GUI.skin.button);


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