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[英]Java: Decrypting Caesar Cipher with Unknown Positions

描述:我想要提出一个程序来破坏使用Caesar Cipher算法的加密消息。 听起来很容易问题是你必须找出用于制作加密消息的位置,以便解密编码消息。 所以我有一个名为public void train(String trainingFileName) ,它读入一个包含大量文本的文件,以确定存储在double array []的每个lowercase alphabetical English character (a - z)的频率。 该方法效果很好所以除非你想要,否则没有必要查看,但我确实在我遇到麻烦的方法中使用了大部分代码,这是我的public int decrypt(String cipherTextFileName, String outputFileName)方法。 当Caesar Cipher设置为3个位置时,代码可以很好地工作,但是其他任何东西都给了我很多问题。 我在我的public int decrypt(String cipherTextFileName, String outputFileName)方法中有一个do-while循环,它将解密从0位置开始的编码消息,然后使用我正在使用的“距离”公式(注意:我不能使用任何其他公式)找到加密消息中knownFrequenciesobservedFreq之间的最小距离。 现在我将do-while循环设置为如果distance less than 0.6则停止循环。 理论上,当我在Caesar Cipher中有正确的位置数时,距离应该低于该值。

问题:当numberOfPositions为3时,程序运行良好,但是当我在Caesar Cipher中使用未使用3个位置的加密消息时, distance永远不会低于1,而在调试模式下,当我将numberOfPositions设置为应该解密的时候消息,消息仍然是加密的。

问题:如何更好地实现此方法,以便我不在“硬”值上测试distance来停止do-while循环? 我尝试使用Math.min() ,但这不起作用。 为什么我不能使用除3之外的Caesar Cipher的位置解码消息。

我现在会告诉你我的代码。 如果要在系统上进行测试。 您将需要3个文本文件。 一个文件必须很长,里面有一堆字......至少1000个。该文件将在train方法中读取。 您需要一个带有加密消息的文件和另一个文件,以便程序写入解密的消息。

这是一个加密消息,首先使用Caesar Cipher的3个位置,然后是5个位置。

Wkh surjudp zdv krvwhg eb dfwru Slhufh Eurvqdq dqg kdg frpphqwdub iurp pdqb Kroobzrrg dfwruv dqg iloppdnhuv Prylh txrwdwlrqv wkdw ylhzhuv xvh lq wkhlu rzq olyhv dqg vlwxdwlrqv

Ymj uwtlwfr bfx mtxyji gd fhytw Unjwhj Gwtxsfs fsi mfi htrrjsyfwd kwtr rfsd Mtqqdbtti fhytwx fsi knqrrfpjwx Rtanj vztyfyntsx ymfy anjbjwx zxj ns ymjnw tbs qnajx fsi xnyzfyntsx

在解密时应该说: The program was hosted by actor Pierce Brosnan and had commentary from many Hollywood actors and filmmakers Movie quotations that viewers use in their own lives and situations


public class CodeBreaker {
    public final int NUMBER_OF_LETTERS = 26;

    private double[] knownFrequencies = new double[NUMBER_OF_LETTERS];

    public double[] getKnownFrequencies() {
        return knownFrequencies;

    public void setKnownFrequencies(double[] knownFrequencies) {

        this.knownFrequencies = knownFrequencies;

     * Method reads in a file with a lot of text in it and
     * then use that to figure out the frequencies of each character
     * @param trainingFileName
    public void train(String trainingFileName) {
        try {
            Scanner fileIO = new Scanner(new File(trainingFileName));

            int total = 0;
            String temp = "";

            while (fileIO.hasNext()) {
                //reading into file and storing it into a string called temp
                temp += fileIO.next().toLowerCase().replaceAll("[ -,!?';:.]+", "");
                //converting temp string into a char array

            char[] c = temp.toCharArray();
            total += c.length; // how many characters are in text
            int k = (int) 'a'; // int value of lowercase letter 'a'
            int[] counter = new int[NUMBER_OF_LETTERS];

            for (int j = 0; j < total; j++) {
                for (int i = k - k; i < knownFrequencies.length; i++) {

                    char[] d = new char[knownFrequencies.length];

                    d[i] = (char) (k + i);

                    if (c[j] == d[i]) {//checking to see if char in text equals char in d array


                        knownFrequencies[i] = (double) counter[i] / total;

        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block

     * Main decryption method used to take coded text from a file, figure out the positions in the CaesarCipher
     * and then decode it onto another file.
     * @param cipherTextFileName
     * @param outputFileName
     * @return
    public int decrypt(String cipherTextFileName, String outputFileName) {
        Scanner fileIO;
        int numberOfPositions = 0;
        double distance = 0.000000;

        try {
            fileIO = new Scanner(new File(cipherTextFileName));

            PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(new File(outputFileName));

            String temp = "";

            while (fileIO.hasNext()) {
                //reading into file and storing it into a string called temp
                temp += fileIO.next().toLowerCase().replaceAll(" ", "");


            do {
                distance = 0.0;
                int total = 0;
                double[] observedFreq = new double[NUMBER_OF_LETTERS];
                temp = decrypt(temp, numberOfPositions);
                char[] c = temp.toCharArray(); //store decrypted chars into an array
                total += c.length; // how many characters are in text

                int k = (int) 'a'; // int value of lowercase letter 'a'
                int[] counter = new int[NUMBER_OF_LETTERS]; //use to count the number of characters in text

                for (int j = 0; j < total; j++) {
                    for (int i = k - k; i < observedFreq.length; i++) {
                        char[] d = new char[observedFreq.length];
                        d[i] = (char) (k + i);
                        if (c[j] == d[i]) { //checking to see if char in text equals char in d array
                            observedFreq[i] = (double) counter[i] / total;

                //Formula for finding distance that will determine the numberOfPositions in CaesarCipher
                for (int j = 0; j < knownFrequencies.length; j++) {
                    distance += Math.abs(knownFrequencies[j] - observedFreq[j]); //This is the part of the code I am having trouble with

                numberOfPositions = numberOfPositions + 1;

            } while (distance > 0.6); //This is the part of the code I am having trouble with

            Scanner fileIO2 = new Scanner(new File(cipherTextFileName));

            while (fileIO2.hasNextLine()) {

                //reading into file and storing it into a string called temp
                temp = fileIO2.nextLine();

                writer.println(decrypt(temp, numberOfPositions));


        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        return numberOfPositions;


     * CaesarCipher decrypt and encrypt methods
     * @param ciphertext
     * @param numberOfPositions
     * @return
    public String decrypt(String ciphertext, int numberOfPositions) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return encrypt(ciphertext, -numberOfPositions);

    public String encrypt(String msg, int offset) {
        offset = offset % 26 + 26;
        StringBuilder encoded = new StringBuilder();
        for (char i : msg.toCharArray()) {
            if (Character.isLowerCase(i)) {
                int j = (i - 'a' + offset) % 26;
                encoded.append((char) (j + 'a'));
            } else if (Character.isUpperCase(i)) {
                int h = (i - 'A' + offset) % 26;
                encoded.append((char) (h + 'A'));
            } else {
        return encoded.toString();

    // barebones main method to test your code
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // args[0] contains the filename of the training file
        // args[1] contains the filename of the cipher text file
        // args[2] contains the filename of the output file
        CodeBreaker cb = new CodeBreaker();
        System.out.println(cb.decrypt(args[1], args[2]));


解码凯撒密码的标准方法称为“沿着字母表运行”。 基本上是一种蛮力解决方案; 你尝试了所有的可能性。 由于只有26个可能的键,因此并不困难。



wkh surjudp zdv krvwhg ...
xli tvskveq aew lswxih ...
ymj uwtlwfr bfx mtxyji ...
znk vxumxgs cgy nuyzkj ...
aol wyvnyht dhz ovzalk ...
bpm xzwoziu eia pwabml ...
cqn yaxpajv fjb qxbcnm ...
dro zbyqbkw gkc rycdon ...
esp aczrclx hld szdepo ...
ftq bdasdmy ime taefqp ...
gur cebtenz jnf ubfgrq ...
hvs dfcufoa kog vcghsr ...
iwt egdvgpb lph wdhits ...
jxu fhewhqc mqi xeijut ...
kyv gifxird nrj yfjkvu ...
lzw hjgyjse osk zgklwv ...
max ikhzktf ptl ahlmxw ...
nby jlialug qum bimnyx ...
ocz kmjbmvh rvn cjnozy ...
pda lnkcnwi swo dkopaz ...
qeb moldoxj txp elpqba ...
rfc npmepyk uyq fmqrcb ...
sgd oqnfqzl vzr gnrsdc ...
the program was hosted ...
uif qsphsbn xbt iptufe ...
vjg rtqitco ycu jquvgf ...
wkh surjudp zdv krvwhg ...

人类很容易找到正确的线,只有26来挑选。 对于计算机来说,这更加困难。 你对计数字母频率的想法很好。 您也可以标记像“qx”这样的字母对,并标记像“th”这样的对。 计算所有26个可能结果的分数,并选择最高得分结果。 只要您已经很好地调整了评分方法,那么您很有可能找到正确的解决方案。

从rossum那里得到建议,并意识到我的初级课程是完全混乱,没人能理解。 我这次使用一堆方法重写了这个类,而不是把所有东西都集成到一两个方法中,现在这个类完美地工作了。 我想要任何使代码更有效的建议。 对我而言似乎有点多余,所以欢迎任何改进建议。 这是因为截止日期已过,所以此代码将作为参考。

public class CodeBreaker {

//Setting up instance variables and setter/getter methods
public final int NUMBER_OF_LETTERS = 26;
private int numberOfPositions = 0;

private double[] knownFrequencies = new double[NUMBER_OF_LETTERS]; 
private double[] observedFreq = new double[NUMBER_OF_LETTERS];

public double[] getKnownFrequencies() {
    return knownFrequencies;

public void setKnownFrequencies(double[] knownFrequencies) {
    this.knownFrequencies = knownFrequencies;

//This method reads text from a long file, breaks it down into individual characters, and stores it in the knownFrequencies array
public void train(String trainingFileName) {
    String tempString = "";
    double totalChars = 0.0;
    try {
        Scanner FileIO = new Scanner(new File(trainingFileName)).useDelimiter("[ *-,!?.]+"); //reading text from a file using 
        //the delimiter so we get all of the contents
            tempString += FileIO.next().toLowerCase();//storing contents into a string, all lower case 
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block

    //Figuring out total number of English letters(a-z) used to determine the frequencies
    for(int j = 0; j < tempString.length(); j++){
        char ch = tempString.charAt(j);

    //Initializing the knownFrequencies array with each individual letter count a-z
    for (int k = 0; k <= tempString.length()-1; k++){
        char ch = tempString.charAt(k);
        double chValue = (double) ch;
        if (Character.isAlphabetic(ch)) {
            if(chValue >= 97 && chValue <= 122){
                knownFrequencies[ch - 'a']++;

    //Divide the individual letter counts by the total to get a decimal number
    //for the frequency and store that into the knownFrequencies array.
    for (int i = 0; i < knownFrequencies.length; i++) {
        if(knownFrequencies[i] > 0){

            knownFrequencies[i] = knownFrequencies[i]/totalChars;



//This method does practically the same thing in the train method except it doesn't read from a file, and it compiles all of the 
//cipher text characters to find the frequencies that will be used later to determine the key
public void setObservedFreq(String tempString)//String parameter takes in the cipher text
    //Finding total number of lower case English letters (a-z)
    double totalChars = 0.0;
    for(int j = 0; j < tempString.length(); j++){
        char ch = tempString.charAt(j);
    //Initializing observedFreq with the number of letters in the string.
    for (int k = 0; k <= tempString.length()-1; k++){
        char ch = tempString.charAt(k);
        double chValue = (double) ch;
        if (Character.isAlphabetic(ch)) {
            if(chValue >= 97 && chValue <= 122){
                observedFreq[ch - 'a']++;

    //Re-initializing with a decimal frequency. 
    for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_LETTERS; i++) {
        if(observedFreq[i] > 0){
            observedFreq[i] = observedFreq[i]/totalChars;

//This method subtracts the absolute value of the observedFreq from the knownFrequencies, sum all those together and store it
//in a variable that will be return in the method. The smallest distance value means the cipher text has been decoded.
public double findDistance(){
    double distance = 0.0;
    for(int x = 0; x < NUMBER_OF_LETTERS; x++){
        distance += Math.abs(knownFrequencies[x] - observedFreq[x]);

//This method finds a int value that will be used as the key to decipher the cipherText
public int findNumberOfPositions(String cipherText){
    int smallestIndex = 0;
    double [] indexArray = new double [NUMBER_OF_LETTERS];

    //We are going through all possible shifts (up to 25) to see and storing those distances into the indexArray.
    for(int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_LETTERS; i ++){

        indexArray[i] = findDistance();


    //Determine which index in the array has the smallest distance
    double currentValue = indexArray[0];
    for (int j=0; j < NUMBER_OF_LETTERS; j++) {
        if (indexArray[j] < currentValue)
            currentValue = indexArray[j];
            smallestIndex = j;
    return smallestIndex; //The index is returned and will be used for the key when the message is decrypted

//Read in a file that contains cipher text decrypt it using the key that was found in the findNumberOfPositions method
//then write the plain text into a output file.
public int decrypt(String cipherTextFileName, String outputFileName) {
    String tempString = "";

    try {
        Scanner FileIO = new Scanner(new File(cipherTextFileName)).useDelimiter("[ *-,!?.]+");

            tempString += FileIO.next().toLowerCase();//read into a file and store lower case text it into tempString

    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block

    numberOfPositions = findNumberOfPositions(tempString); //call our findNumberOfPositions method to find the key

    try {
        Scanner scan = new Scanner(new File(cipherTextFileName));
        PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(new File(outputFileName));
            writer.println(decrypt(scan.nextLine(), numberOfPositions)); //key is then used to decrypt the message and gets 
            //printed into another file.
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block

    return numberOfPositions;

//Caesar Cipher encrypt and decrypt methods
public String decrypt(String ciphertext, int numberOfPositions) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    return encrypt(ciphertext, -numberOfPositions);

public String encrypt(String msg, int offset){

    offset = offset % 26 + 26;
    StringBuilder encoded = new StringBuilder();
    for (char i : msg.toCharArray()) {
        if (Character.isLowerCase(i)) {
            int j = (i - 'a' + offset) % 26;
            encoded.append((char) (j + 'a'));
        else if(Character.isUpperCase(i)){
            int h = (i - 'A' + offset) % 26;
            encoded.append((char) (h + 'A'));
        else {
    return encoded.toString();
public static void main(String[] args) {
    // args[0] contains the filename of the training file
    // args[1] contains the filename of the cipher text file
    // args[2] contains the filename of the output file
    CodeBreaker cb = new CodeBreaker();
    cb.decrypt(args[1], args[2]); 


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