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将DataGrid * Column绑定到后台代码中的数据

[英]Binding a DataGrid*Column to data in code-behind

我想在后面的代码中将DataGrid * Column (在这种情况下,是DataGridTextBox绑定到其数据。 这是因为,根据CheckBox的IsClicked属性,该列需要绑定到不同的集合。


var binding = new Binding("X");
XColumn.Binding = binding;

现在,我成功地在程序的其他部分中使用了此类代码,而没有使用DataGrid * Column 但是,对于该列,这不能按预期方式工作,因为实际上,该列的所有行都显示了集合中第一个元素的X值。 当我编辑任何单元格并且所有单元格都被更改时,这一点得到了确认,这意味着它们都绑定到集合的同一单个元素,而不是整个集合。


//This is called whenever the CheckBox EqualToResults is clicked
void ControlBindings()
    //only showing for (.IsChecked == true), but the other case is similar
    //and presents the same problems
    if (EqualToResults.IsChecked == true)
        var cable = DataContext as NCable;
        //This is the DataGrid object
        Coordinates.ItemsSource = cable;
        var binding = new Binding("X");
        binding.Source = cable.Points;
        //XColumn is the DataGridTextColumn
        XColumn.Binding = binding;


public class NCable : DependencyObject, INotifyPropertyChanged
    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

    public ObservableCollection<NPoint> Points;
    public static DependencyProperty PointsProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("Points", typeof(ICollectionView), typeof(NCable));
    public ICollectionView IPointCollection
        get { return (ICollectionView)GetValue(PointsProperty); }
        set { SetValue(PointsProperty, value); }
    public NCable(string cableName)
        Points = new ObservableCollection<NPoint>();
        for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++)
            Points.Add(new NPoint(1,1));
        IPointCollection = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(Points);

编辑13/05:在这种情况下,我看到某个地方还必须设置DataGrid的ItemsSource,所以我也已经做到了(编辑原始代码),但仍然无济于事。 整个列仍绑定到集合的第一个元素。

弄清楚了。 在这种情况下,必须定义DataGrid.ItemsSource (根据oP中的编辑),但必须使binding.Source保持未定义状态。 因此,后面的功能代码是

void ControlBindings()
    if (EqualToResults.IsChecked == true)
        var cable = DataContext as NCable;
        Coordinates.ItemsSource = cable;
        var binding = new Binding("X");
        //REMOVE binding.Source = cable.Points;
        XColumn.Binding = binding;


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