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Java Spring异常:未找到类型xxx的属性xxx

[英]Java Spring exception: No property xxx found for type class xxx



org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'insulinGTService': Injection of autowired dependencies failed; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Could not autowire field: private xxx.xxx.xxx.repository.InsulinGTRepository xxx.xxx.xxx.service.jpa.InsulinGTServiceImpl.repository; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'insulinGTRepository': FactoryBean threw exception on object creation; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No property storelistfromcontainer found for type class xxx.xxx.xxx.domain.InsulinGT

我有点解决了,它无法自动连接InsulinGTServiceImpl中存储库 ,如果您遵循此错误,则最终会出现在InsulinGTRepository中 ,并看到错误。


    public class InsulinGTServiceImpl implements InsulinGTService {

    private InsulinGTRepository repository;

    @Transactional(readOnly = true)
    public List<InsulinGT> findByID(Long insulinid) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return Lists.newArrayList(repository.findByUserid(insulinid));

    public InsulinGT save(InsulinGT insulin) {
        return repository.save(insulin);

    public List<InsulinGT> liststorelistfromcontainerSave(InsulinlistGT insulin) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return repository.storelistfromcontainer(insulin);



public interface InsulinGTService {

    public List<InsulinGT> findByID(Long insulinid);
    public InsulinGT save(InsulinGT insulin);
    public List<InsulinGT> storelistfromcontainerSave(InsulinlistGT insulin);


InsulinGTRepository春天说, 无效的派生查询! 找不到InsulinGT类型的来自容器的属性storelist!

public interface InsulinGTRepository extends CrudRepository<InsulinGT, Long> {

    public List<InsulinGT> findByUserid (Long id);
    public List<InsulinGT> storelistfromcontainer(InsulinlistGT insulin);


@Table(name = "insulin")
public class InsulinGT implements Serializable {                    
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 3333976984277807655L;
        private Long insulinid;
        private Long userid;
        private String ivalue;
        private String therapie;
        private String insulinname;
        private String einheit;
        private Date date;
        private Date time;

        @GeneratedValue(strategy = IDENTITY)
        @Column(name = "insulin_id")
        public Long getInsulinid() {
            return insulinid;

        public void setInsulinid(Long insulinid) {
            this.insulinid = insulinid;

        @Column(name = "users_id")
        public Long getUserid() {
            return userid;

        public void setUserid(Long userid) {
            this.userid = userid;

        @Column(name = "ivalue")
        public String getIvalue() {
            return ivalue;

        public void setIvalue(String ivalue) {
            this.ivalue = ivalue;

        @Column(name = "date")
        public Date getDate() {
            return date;

        public void setDate(Date date) {
            this.date = date;

        @Column(name = "time")
        public Date getTime() {
            return time;

        public void setTime(Date time) {
            this.time = time;

        @Column (name = "therapie")
        public String getTherapie() {
            return therapie;

        public void setTherapie(String therapie) {
            this.therapie = therapie;

        @Column(name = "insulinname")
        public String getInsulinname() {
            return insulinname;

        public void setInsulinname(String insulinname) {
            this.insulinname = insulinname;

        @Column(name = "einheit" )
        public String getEinheit() {
            return einheit;

        public void setEinheit(String einheit) {
            this.einheit = einheit;


我已经尝试过重命名类,但是没有任何帮助。 没有新添加方法的旧版本可以正常工作,没有任何问题。 感谢您的帮助。



public interface CustomRepo {
    public List<InsulinGT> storelistfromcontainer(InsulinlistGT insulin);


public interface InsulinGTRepository extends CrudRepository<InsulinGT, Long>, CustomRepo {
    public List<InsulinGT> findByUserid (Long id);


public class CustomRepoImpl implements CustomRepo {
    public List<InsulinGT> storelistfromcontainer(InsulinlistGT insulin) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperation("TODO");

注意,CustomRepoImpl的名称很重要( extension接口的默认bean查找策略是在Impl后缀。


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