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[英]Parsing a Very Complex JSON file with Jackson Library in Java

我搜索了许多论坛,问题和教程,以了解如何将以下JSON文件解析为Java对象。 目前,我已经尝试将数据完全绑定到另一个类,但是我不想将JSON文件中的所有键都放入该类中。 鉴于此问题,我尝试以树的形式读取并以这种方式进行浏览,但是我也无法使其正常工作。


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如您所见,一见钟情极其复杂。 但是,我包括了很多东西给你看。 这是一个样本json文件,表示来自twitter的推文,都不是真实的。


private static File twitterFile;

public TweetJSONParser(File twitterFile) {
    TweetJSONParser.twitterFile = twitterFile;

private static String jsonFile() {

    String jsonFile = twitterFile.getName();
    return jsonFile;

public Tweet getTweet() {

    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
    Tweet tweet = new WeatherTweet();

    try {
        tweet = mapper.readValue(new File(jsonFile()), WeatherTweet.class);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        return null;

    return tweet;


public class Tweet {

private String source;
private Boolean retweeted;
private int retweetCount;
private int contributors;
private Boolean favorited;
private int favoriteCount;
private String id;
private String text;
private String time;
private String location;
private String coordinates;
private String classification = null;

ArrayList<String> userMentions;
ArrayList<String> hashtags;
//ArrayList<String> symbols;

public Tweet() {
    retweeted = false;
    favorited = false;

    hashtags = new ArrayList<String>();
    userMentions = new ArrayList<String>();


public String getClassification() {
    return classification;

public void setClassification(String classification) {
    this.classification = classification;

public String getId() {
    return id;

public void setid(String id) {
    this.id = id;

public String getText() {
    return text;

public void setText(String text) {
    this.text = text;

public String getSource() {
    return source;

public void setSource(String source) {
    this.source = source;

public String getLocation() {
    return location;

public void setLocation(String location) {
    this.location = location;

public String getCoordinates() {
    return coordinates;

public void setCoordinates(String coordinates) {
    this.coordinates = coordinates;

public String getTime() {
    return time;

public void setTime(String time) {
    this.time = time;

public void setRetweeted(Boolean retweeted) {
    this.retweeted = retweeted;

public Boolean isRetweeted() {
    return retweeted;

public int getContributors() {
    return contributors;

public void setContributors(int contributors) {
    this.contributors = contributors;

public int getRetweetCount() {
    return retweetCount;

public void setRetweetCount(int retweetCount) {
    this.retweetCount = retweetCount;

public void setFavorited(Boolean favorited) {
    this.favorited = favorited;

public Boolean isFavorited() {
    return favorited;

public int getFavoriteCount() {
    return favoriteCount;

public void setFavoriteCount(int favoriteCount) {
    this.favoriteCount = favoriteCount;

public class Entities {

    public class UserMentions {

        private String user;

        public String getUser() {
            return user;

        public void setUser(String user) {
            this.user = user;

        public void addUserMention(String user) {

        public String getUserMention(int index) {
            return userMentions.get(index);

        public Integer getNumUserMentions() {
            return userMentions.size();

    public class hashtags {

        private String hashtag;

        public String getHashtag() {
            return hashtag;

        public void setHashtag(String hashtag) {
            this.hashtag = hashtag;

        public void addHashtag(String hashtag) {

        public String getHashtag(Integer index) {
            return hashtags.get(index);

        public Integer getNumHashtags() {
            return hashtags.size();

public class User {

    private String user;
    private String location;
    private String timeZone;
    private String id;
    private String description;
    private String createdAt;
    private int statusesCount;
    private int favouritesCount;
    private int followersCount;
    private Boolean geoEnabled;
    private String url;
    private int utcOffset;
    private int friendsCount;

    public String getTimeZone() {
        return timeZone;

    public void setTimeZone(String timeZone) {
        this.timeZone = timeZone;

    public int getFavouritesCount() {
        return favouritesCount;

    public void setFavouritesCount(int favouritesCount) {
        this.favouritesCount = favouritesCount;

    public String getLocation() {
        return location;

    public void setLocation(String location) {
        this.location = location;

    public String getUser() {
        return user;

    public void setUser(String user) {
        this.user = user;

    public String getDescription() {
        return description;

    public void setDescription(String description) {
        this.description = description;

    public String getCreatedAt() {
        return createdAt;

    public void setCreatedAt(String createdAt) {
        this.createdAt = createdAt;

    public String getId() {
        return id;

    public void setId(String id) {
        this.id = id;

    public int getStatusesCount() {
        return statusesCount;

    public void setStatusesCount(int statusesCount) {
        this.statusesCount = statusesCount;

    public int getFollowersCount() {
        return followersCount;

    public void setFollowersCount(int followersCount) {
        this.followersCount = followersCount;

    public Boolean getGeoEnabled() {
        return geoEnabled;

    public void setGeoEnabled(Boolean geoEnabled) {
        this.geoEnabled = geoEnabled;

    public String getUrl() {
        return url;

    public void setUrl(String url) {
        this.url = url;

    public int getUtcOffset() {
        return utcOffset;

    public void setUtcOffset(int utcOffset) {
        this.utcOffset = utcOffset;

    public int getFriendsCount() {
        return friendsCount;

    public void setFriendsCount(int friendsCount) {
        this.friendsCount = friendsCount;


我的问题是:我只想将未转发的推文放入推文Java对象(PO​​JO)中,即那些在第一个字段“ filter_medium”之后不具有“ retweeted_status”字段的推文,以及我所拥有的不管用。 有人可以为此提供具体帮助吗? 我希望这一切都是有道理的,但是由于到两个小时前我还是JSON的新手,所以我对如何做到这一点感到困惑。


正如其中一项评论中所指出的那样,我对此措辞表示歉意。 根本问题是我知道如何解析我提供的JSON文件。 到目前为止,由于我不了解如何使用库进行JSON解析来解析此复杂文件,因此到目前为止,我对解析现有内容所做的努力并未将数据正确分类到该类中。 就我目前对主题的了解而言,这有点太复杂了,我正在寻求您的帮助,以帮助您使用Jackson库或任何其他合适的库将此文件正确解析为Java Object(在这种情况下为类)。


如果您想将其解析为JSON数据,则必须以某种方式定义要从JSON数据中提取的字段。 我建议您首先学习如何使用Android中的默认(内置)解析器解析JSON。 一旦完成,您就不会再将示例视为“复杂的json”。


声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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