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Kendo UI网格多级层次结构(层次结构的n级)

[英]Kendo UI Grid multi level hierarchy (n-levels of hierarchy)

我正在使用Kendo UI Grid并且当前正确显示父子记录。 然而,事实证明我实际上需要显示n级与严格的父级。 并非每条记录都有孩子,但有些会有多个级别。


 var jgrid = $("#boxesgrid").kendoGrid({
        columns: [
                field: "JobId",
                hidden: true
                field: "PercentComplete",
                hidden: true
                field: "JobStatusId",
                hidden: true
                field: "AppName",
                title: "App",
                template: "<span>${AppName}</span><img class='health-img-r' id=app-${JobId} title='health' src='' alt='health_png' />",
                width: "5%",
                editable: false,
                sortable: false
                field: "JobName",
                title: "Box Name",
                width: "17%",
                filterable: false
                field: "StartTime",
                title: "Start Time",
                width: "14%",
                filterable: false
                field: "EndTime",
                title: "End Time",
                width: "14%",
                filterable: false
                field: "JobStatusId",
                title: "Status",
                template: "<img class='health-img-l' id=app-${JobId} title='health' src='' alt='health_png' /><span>${JobStatus}</span>",
                editable: false,
                filterable: false
        sortable: {
            mode: "single",
            allowUnsort: true
        pageable: {
            pageSizes: [50],
            numeric: true,
            refresh: true,
            pageSize: 50
        autoBind: false,
        scrollable: false,
        resizable: true,
        detailInit: detailInit,
        dataSource: boxesDataSource,
        dataBound: function () {
            var grid = this;
            grid.tbody.find(">tr").each(function () {
                var row = $(this).closest("tr");
                var model = grid.dataItem(row);
                var img = $(this).find("img");
                if (model.JobStatusId == 4 && model.PercentComplete < 100) {
                    img.attr("src", function() {
                        return imgSrc + imgGreen;
                } else if (model.JobStatusId == 4) {
                    img.attr("src", function() {
                        return imgSrc + imgAmber;
                } else if (model.JobStatusId == 7) {
                    img.attr("src", function() {
                        return imgSrc + imgIce;
                } else if (model.JobStatusId == 8) {
                    img.attr("src", function() {
                        return imgSrc + imgHold;
                } else if (model.JobStatusId == 5) {
                    img.attr("src", function() {
                        return imgSrc + imgBlue;
                } else {
                    img.attr("src", function() {
                        return imgSrc + imgRed;


function detailInit(e) {
            dataSource: {
                transport: {
                    read: {
                        url: "/api/BoxJobs"
                    parameterMap: function (data) {
                        data.parentid = e.data.JobId;
                        data.appid = e.data.AppId;
                        return kendo.stringify(data);
                schema: {
                    model: { id: "JobId" }
                serverPaging: true,
                serverFiltering: true,
                serverSorting: true
            scrollable: false,
            sortable: true,
            columns: [
                    field: "JobId",
                    hidden: true
                    field: "PercentComplete",
                    hidden: true
                    field: "JobStatusId",
                    hidden: true
                    field: "JobName",
                    title: "Job Name",
                    template: "<span>${JobName}</span><img class='health-img-l' id=app-${JobId} title='health' src='' alt='health_png' />",
                    width: "23%",
                    filterable: false,
                    sortable: false
                    field: "StartTime",
                    title: "Start Time",
                    width: "10%",
                    editable: false,
                    filterable: false,
                    sortable: false
                    field: "EndTime",
                    title: "End Time",
                    width: "10%",
                    editable: false,
                    filterable: false,
                    sortable: false
                    field: "ElapsedTime",
                    title: "Elapsed</br>Time",
                    width: "4%",
                    editable: false,
                    filterable: false,
                    sortable: false
                    field: "MeanRunTime",
                    title: "Mean Run</br>Time",
                    width: "3.5%",
                    editable: false,
                    filterable: false,
                    sortable: false
                    field: "PredecessorJobName",
                    title: "Previous Job",
                    width: "17%",
                    filterable: false,
                    sortable: false
                    field: "JobStatusId",
                    title: "Status",
                    template: "<img class='health-img-l' id=app-${JobId} title='health' src='' alt='health_png' /><span>${JobStatus}</span>",
                    editable: false,
                    filterable: false,
                    sortable: false
            dataBound: function () {
                var grid = this;
                grid.tbody.find(">tr").each(function () {
                    var row = $(this).closest("tr");
                    var model = grid.dataItem(row);
                    var img = $(this).find("img");
                    if (model.JobStatusId == 4 && model.PercentComplete < 100) {
                        img.attr("src", function() {
                            return imgSrc + imgGreen;
                    } else if (model.JobStatusId == 4) {
                        img.attr("src", function() {
                            return imgSrc + imgAmber;
                    } else if (model.JobStatusId == 7) {
                        img.attr("src", function() {
                            return imgSrc + imgIce;
                    } else if (model.JobStatusId == 8) {
                        img.attr("src", function() {
                            return imgSrc + imgHold;
                    } else if (model.JobStatusId == 5) {
                        img.attr("src", function() {
                            return imgSrc + imgBlue;
                    } else {
                        img.attr("src", function() {
                            return imgSrc + imgRed;


    {"JobId":1,"AppId":1,"AppName":"APP1","LobId":2,"LobName":"LOB2","JobName":"NRS_COL_BOX","JobType":"box","TimeZone":"Chicago (Central Standard Time)","ParentJobName":null,"ParentJobId":null,"PredecessorJobName":null,"PredecessorJobId":null,"StartTime":"6/2/2014 5:00:02 PM","EndTime":"","ElapsedTime":"00:58:31","JobStatusId":4,"JobStatus":"Running","MeanRunTime":"06:57:04","PercentComplete":14.00,"TotalCount":638.0,"Children":3}


{"JobId":63,"AppId":1,"AppName":"APP1","LobId":2,"LobName":"LOB2","JobName":"NRS_COL2_BOX","JobType":"box","TimeZone":"Chicago (Central Standard Time)","ParentJobName":"NRS_COL_BOX","ParentJobId":1,"PredecessorJobName":null,"PredecessorJobId":null,"StartTime":"6/2/2014 5:00:06 PM","EndTime":"","ElapsedTime":"00:58:27","JobStatusId":4,"JobStatus":"Running","MeanRunTime":"06:57:00","PercentComplete":14.00,"TotalCount":0.0,"Children":3},
{"JobId":64,"AppId":1,"AppName":"APP1","LobId":2,"LobName":"LOB2","JobName":"NRS_COL1_BOX","JobType":"box","TimeZone":"Chicago (Central Standard Time)","ParentJobName":"NRS_COL_BOX","ParentJobId":1,"PredecessorJobName":null,"PredecessorJobId":null,"StartTime":"6/2/2014 5:00:06 PM","EndTime":"","ElapsedTime":"00:58:27","JobStatusId":4,"JobStatus":"Running","MeanRunTime":"01:42:17","PercentComplete":57.00,"TotalCount":0.0,"Children":2},
{"JobId":65,"AppId":1,"AppName":"APP1","LobId":2,"LobName":"LOB2","JobName":"NRS_COL3_BOX","JobType":"box","TimeZone":"Chicago (Central Standard Time)","ParentJobName":"NRS_COL_BOX","ParentJobId":1,"PredecessorJobName":null,"PredecessorJobId":null,"StartTime":"6/2/2014 5:00:06 PM","EndTime":"6/2/2014 5:07:42 PM","ElapsedTime":"00:07:36","JobStatusId":5,"JobStatus":"Success","MeanRunTime":"00:03:17","PercentComplete":100.0,"TotalCount":0.0,"Children":5}


{"JobId":265,"AppId":1,"AppName":"APP1","LobId":2,"LobName":"LOB2","JobName":"NRS_COL2_S_CLEAN1","TimeZone":"Chicago (Central Standard Time)","ParentJobName":"NRS_COL2_BOX","ParentJobId":63,"PredecessorJobName":"NRS_COL2_S_TOUCH1","PredecessorJobId":266,"StartTime":"","EndTime":"","ElapsedTime":"00:58:31","JobStatusId":7,"JobStatus":"On Ice","PercentComplete":null,"Children":0},
{"JobId":266,"AppId":1,"AppName":"APP1","LobId":2,"LobName":"LOB2","JobName":"NRS_COL2_S_TOUCH1","TimeZone":"Chicago (Central Standard Time)","ParentJobName":"NRS_COL2_BOX","ParentJobId":63,"PredecessorJobName":null,"PredecessorJobId":null,"StartTime":"","EndTime":"","ElapsedTime":"00:58:31","JobStatusId":7,"JobStatus":"On Ice","PercentComplete":null,"Children":0},
{"JobId":267,"AppId":1,"AppName":"APP1","LobId":2,"LobName":"LOB2","JobName":"NRS_COL2_A_ZFINSNAMA","TimeZone":"Chicago (Central Standard Time)","ParentJobName":"NRS_COL2_BOX","ParentJobId":63,"PredecessorJobName":"NRS_COL2_S_CLEAN1","PredecessorJobId":265,"StartTime":"6/2/2014 5:02:02 PM","EndTime":"","ElapsedTime":"00:58:31","JobStatusId":4,"JobStatus":"Running","PercentComplete":null,"Children":0}


我希望模板适合子/孙子显示 - 如果没有额外的孩子,则没有下拉指示器。 我假设我可以评估数据绑定上的数据,但我只是没有看到如何做到这一点。

花了一段时间,但我终于在Telerik的窥视中得到了一些答案。 我只是最难以解决问题。

Vladimir(在Telerik)建议我使用成功函数在detailInit函数中使用自定义ajax调用来确定我是否要考虑子数据。 由于我无论如何都需要细节网格,因此我将子检查移动到另一个创建细节网格的函数中。 如果我找到子数据,我会将detailInit参数添加到新网格中。 如果没有,我只是渲染新的细节网格。

ajax initDetail函数:

function detailInit(e) {
            var eventData = e;
                url: apiUrl + "ProcessJobs",
                type: "POST",
                data: {BoxId: e.data.JobId, AppId: e.data.AppId}, 
                dataType: "json",
                success: function(data, status, xhr) {
                    initializeDetailGrid(eventData, data);


function initializeDetailGrid(e, result) {
            var moreChildren = result[0].HasChildren;
            var gridBaseOptions = {
                dataSource: result,
                scrollable: false,
                sortable: true,
                columns: [
                        field: "ParentJobId",
                        title: "Parent Job"
                        field: "JobId",
                        title: "Job Id"
                        field: "JobName",
                        title: "Job Name",
                        field: "JobStatus",
                        title: "Status"
                        field: "JobStatusId",
                        title: "Status Code"
                        field: "HasChildren",
                        title: "Has Children"
                        field: "ChildrenCount",
                        title: "Child Jobs"

            var gridOptions = {};
            if (moreChildren) {
                gridOptions = $.extend({}, gridBaseOptions, { detailInit: detailInit });
            } else {
                gridOptions = gridBaseOptions;

为了完整性,这里是示例项目的完整页面和示例数据。 它是一个基于.Net MVC4的网站,使用Web API服务为客户端提供数据和Kendo UI。


    ViewBag.Title = "n-level Grid";

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function () {
        var isParent, appId, lobId, boxId;
        var apiUrl = '@ViewBag.ApiUrl';

        var lobDataSource = new kendo.data.DataSource({
            transport: {
                read: {
                    url: apiUrl + "Lob"
            schema: {
                model: {
                    id: "LobId",
                    hasChildren: "HasChildren"

        var appsDataSource = new kendo.data.DataSource({
            transport: {
                read: {
                    url: apiUrl + "App"
                parameterMap: function (data, action) {
                    if (action === "read") {
                        data.lobid = lobId;
                        data.parent = isParent;
                        return data;
                    } else {
                        return data;

        var filterDataSource = new kendo.data.DataSource({
            transport: {
                read: {
                    url: apiUrl + "Theme"
            schema: {
                model: { id: "FilterId" }

        var boxesDataSource = new kendo.data.DataSource({
            transport: {
                read: {
                    url: apiUrl + "Process"
                parameterMap: function (data) {
                    data.appid = appId;
                    data.parent = isParent;
                    data.lobid = lobId;
                    return kendo.stringify(data);
            schema: {
                data: "Data",
                total: "Total",
                model: { id: "JobId" }
            serverPaging: true,
            serverFiltering: true,
            serverSorting: true

        var lobnav = $("#lobnav").kendoTreeView({
            select: function (e) {
                var tree = this;
                var src = tree.dataItem(e.node);
                lobId = src.LobId;
                isParent = src.HasChildren;
            change: function (e) {
            dataSource: {
                transport: {
                    read: {
                        url: apiUrl + "Lob"
                schema: {
                    model: {
                        id: "LobId",
                        hasChildren: "HasChildren"
            loadOnDemand: false,
            dataTextField: "LobName"

        var appnav = $("#lobapp").kendoListView({
            selectable: "single",
            autoBind: false,
            change: function () {
                var idx = this.select().index();
                var itm = this.dataSource.view()[idx];
                appId = itm.AppId;
                    page: 1,
                    pageSize: 10
            template: "<div class='pointercursor'>${AppName}</div>",
            dataSource: appsDataSource

        var jobsfilter = $("#jobfilter").kendoListView({
            selectable: "single",
            loadOnDemand: false,
            template: "<div class='pointercursor' id=${FilterId}>${FilterName}</div>",
            dataSource: filterDataSource,
            dataBound: function () {
                var dsource = $("#jobfilter").data("kendoListView").dataSource;
                if (dsource.at(0).FilterName !== "All") {
                    dsource.insert(0, { FilterId: 0, FilterName: "All" });
            change: function () {
                var itm = this.select().index(), dataItem = this.dataSource.view()[itm];
                var appDs = appsDataSource.view(), apps = $("#lobapp").data("kendoListView"),
                    selected = $.map(apps.select(), function (item) {
                        return appDs[$(item).index()].AppName;
                if (selected.length > 0) {
                    if (dataItem.FilterId !== 0) {
                        var $filter = new Array();
                        $filter.push({ field: "JobStatusId", operator: "eq", value: dataItem.FilterId });
                    } else {

        var jgrid = $("#boxesgrid").kendoGrid({
            columns: [
                    field: "AppName",
                    title: "App"
                    field: "JobId",
                    title: "Job Id"
                    field: "JobName",
                    title: "Job Name",
                    field: "JobStatus",
                    title: "Status"
                    field: "JobStatusId",
                    title: "Status Code"
                    field: "HasChildren",
                    title: "Has Children"
                    field: "ChildrenCount",
                    title: "Child Jobs"
            sortable: {
                mode: "single",
                allowUnsort: true
            pageable: {
                pageSizes: [10],
                numeric: true,
                refresh: true,
                pageSize: 10
            autoBind: false,
            scrollable: false,
            resizable: true,
            detailInit: detailInit,
            dataSource: boxesDataSource

        function detailInit(e) {
            var eventData = e;
                url: apiUrl + "ProcessJobs",
                type: "POST",
                data: {BoxId: e.data.JobId, AppId: e.data.AppId}, 
                dataType: "json",
                success: function(data, status, xhr) {
                    initializeDetailGrid(eventData, data);

        function initializeDetailGrid(e, result) {
            var moreChildren = result[0].HasChildren;
            var gridBaseOptions = {
                dataSource: result,
                scrollable: false,
                sortable: true,
                columns: [
                        field: "ParentJobId",
                        title: "Parent Job"
                        field: "JobId",
                        title: "Job Id"
                        field: "JobName",
                        title: "Job Name",
                        field: "JobStatus",
                        title: "Status"
                        field: "JobStatusId",
                        title: "Status Code"
                        field: "HasChildren",
                        title: "Has Children"
                        field: "ChildrenCount",
                        title: "Child Jobs"

            var gridOptions = {};
            if (moreChildren) {
                gridOptions = $.extend({}, gridBaseOptions, { detailInit: detailInit });
            } else {
                gridOptions = gridBaseOptions;

<div class="col-md-2">
    <div class="panel panel-default">
        <div class="panel-heading">Line of Business</div>
        <div class="panel-body" id="lobnav"></div>
    <div class="panel panel-default">
        <div class="panel-heading">Application</div>
        <div class="panel-body" id="lobapp"></div>
    <div class="panel panel-default">
        <div class="panel-heading">Filter</div>
        <div class="panel-body" id="jobfilter">
<div class="col-md-10">
    <div id="boxesgrid"></div>

这个示例应用程序的数据实际上是硬编码的,但我仍然通过Web API返回它。 以下是最高级别数据的示例:

new Process {JobId = 108, AppId = 1, AppName = "App1", LobId = 2, LobName = "Lob2", JobName = "job_108", ParentJobName = null, ParentJobId = null, JobStatusId = 4, JobStatus = "Running", ChildrenCount = 3, HasChildren = true},
new Process {JobId = 109, AppId = 1, AppName = "App1", LobId = 2, LobName = "Lob2", JobName = "job_109", ParentJobName = null, ParentJobId = null, JobStatusId = 5, JobStatus = "Success", ChildrenCount = 4, HasChildren = true},
new Process {JobId = 110, AppId = 1, AppName = "App1", LobId = 2, LobName = "Lob2", JobName = "job_110", ParentJobName = null, ParentJobId = null, JobStatusId = 4, JobStatus = "Running", ChildrenCount = 2, HasChildren = true},
new Process {JobId = 111, AppId = 1, AppName = "App1", LobId = 2, LobName = "Lob2", JobName = "job_111", ParentJobName = null, ParentJobId = null, JobStatusId = 5, JobStatus = "Success", ChildrenCount = 5, HasChildren = true},


new Process {JobId = 1037, AppId = 1, AppName = "App1", LobId = 2, LobName = "Lob2", JobName = "job_1037", ParentJobName = "job_109", ParentJobId = 109, JobStatusId = 4, JobStatus = "Running", ChildrenCount = 0, HasChildren = false},
new Process {JobId = 1038, AppId = 1, AppName = "App1", LobId = 2, LobName = "Lob2", JobName = "job_1038", ParentJobName = "job_109", ParentJobId = 109, JobStatusId = 4, JobStatus = "Running", ChildrenCount = 0, HasChildren = false},
new Process {JobId = 1039, AppId = 1, AppName = "App1", LobId = 2, LobName = "Lob2", JobName = "job_1039", ParentJobName = "job_110", ParentJobId = 110, JobStatusId = 4, JobStatus = "Running", ChildrenCount = 2, HasChildren = true},
new Process {JobId = 1040, AppId = 1, AppName = "App1", LobId = 2, LobName = "Lob2", JobName = "job_1040", ParentJobName = "job_110", ParentJobId = 110, JobStatusId = 4, JobStatus = "Running", ChildrenCount = 2, HasChildren = true},


new Process {JobId = 5000, AppId = 1, AppName = "App1", LobId = 2, LobName = "Lob2", JobName = "job_5000", ParentJobName = "job_1039", ParentJobId = 1039, JobStatusId = 5, JobStatus = "Success", ChildrenCount = 0, HasChildren = false},
new Process {JobId = 5001, AppId = 1, AppName = "App1", LobId = 2, LobName = "Lob2", JobName = "job_5001", ParentJobName = "job_1039", ParentJobId = 1039, JobStatusId = 5, JobStatus = "Success", ChildrenCount = 0, HasChildren = false},
new Process {JobId = 5002, AppId = 1, AppName = "App1", LobId = 2, LobName = "Lob2", JobName = "job_5002", ParentJobName = "job_1040", ParentJobId = 1040, JobStatusId = 5, JobStatus = "Success", ChildrenCount = 0, HasChildren = false},
new Process {JobId = 5003, AppId = 1, AppName = "App1", LobId = 2, LobName = "Lob2", JobName = "job_5003", ParentJobName = "job_1040", ParentJobId = 1040, JobStatusId = 5, JobStatus = "Success", ChildrenCount = 0, HasChildren = false},
new Process {JobId = 5004, AppId = 1, AppName = "App1", LobId = 2, LobName = "Lob2", JobName = "job_5004", ParentJobName = "job_1041", ParentJobId = 1041, JobStatusId = 5, JobStatus = "Success", ChildrenCount = 1, HasChildren = true},


它在我的测试中正常工作4个级别。 我将要解决的多个嵌套网格存在格式问题。


 <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <base href="https://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/grid/hierarchy"> <style>html { font-size: 14px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; }</style> <title></title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://kendo.cdn.telerik.com/2018.1.117/styles/kendo.common-material.min.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://kendo.cdn.telerik.com/2018.1.117/styles/kendo.material.min.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://kendo.cdn.telerik.com/2018.1.117/styles/kendo.material.mobile.min.css" /> <script src="https://kendo.cdn.telerik.com/2018.1.117/js/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="https://kendo.cdn.telerik.com/2018.1.117/js/kendo.all.min.js"></script> </head> <body> <div id="example"> <div id="grid"></div> <script> var myData = [{ item: 0, title:"Meat" , items:[ { item: 0.1, title:"Beef"}, { item: 0.2, title:"Chicken"}, ]}, { item: 1, title:"Vegetables", items:[ { item: 1.0, title:"Carrot"}, { item: 1.1, title:"Pies", items:[ { item: 1.11, title:"Pie1"}, { item: 1.12, title:"Pie2"}, { item: 1.13, title:"Pie3"} ]}, ]} ]; $(document).ready(function() { var element = $("#grid").kendoGrid({ dataSource: { data: myData }, height: 600, sortable: true, pageable: true, detailInit: detailInit1, dataBound: function() { this.expandRow(this.tbody.find("tr.k-master-row").last()); }, columns: [ { field: "item", title: "ID", width: "110px" }, { field: "title", title: "Food", width: "110px" } ] }); }); function detailInit1(e) { $("<div/>").appendTo(e.detailCell).kendoGrid({ dataSource: { data: e.data.items //data is the current position item, items is its child items }, scrollable: false, sortable: true, pageable: true, detailInit: detailInit1, dataBound: function() { this.expandRow(this.tbody.find("tr.k-master-row").last()); }, columns: [ { field: "item", title: "ID", width: "110px" }, { field: "title", title: "Food", width: "110px" } ] }); } </script> </div> </body> </html> 


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