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[英]Perl script to count words and print in one file

我一直在为自己的硕士学位论文编写Perl脚本,以从10K(公司的年度报告)中提取一小段文本(CAE)。 经过大量工作,我设法完成了此脚本的编写。 现在,我需要编写一个新脚本,但是由于下周的截止日期,恐怕我无法及时完成。 我想知道是否有人可以帮助我解决以下问题:

我几乎有52.000个.txt文件,其中有一小段文字。 我需要一个脚本,用于记录每个.txt文件的名称以及该文件中的单词和/或字符的数量,并将所有这些文件复制到一个文本文件中。

请问有人可以帮助我吗? 我真的很感激!


#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;

my $folder;                     #Base directory for the 10K filings
my $subfolder="2012";           #Subdirectory where 10K filings are placed (Default is ./10K/10K_Raw/2012/*.txt)
my $folder10kcae="10K_CAE";     #Name of subdirectory for output (CAE)
my $folderwc="10K_WC";          #Name of subdirectory for output (WordCount)
my $target_cae;                 #Name of target directory for output (CAE)
my $target_wc;                  #Name of target directory for output (WordCount)
my $slash;                      #Declare slash (dependent on operating system)
my $file;                       #Filename
my @allfiles;                   #All files in directory, put into an array
my $allfiles;                   #Total files in directory
my $data;                       #Input file contents
my $cae;                        #Results of the search query (CAE)
my $wc                          #Results of the search query (WordCount)
my $output_cae;                 #Output file with CAE
my $output_wc;                  #Output file with WordCount
my $log;                        #Log file (also used to determine point to continue progress)
my $logfile="$subfolder".".log";#Filename of log file
my @filesinlog;                 #Files that have been processed according to log file

#Set folders for Windows. Put raw 10K filings in folder\subfolder
$folder="C:\\10KK\\";                    ###specify correct base-map###

#Open source folder and read all files
opendir(DIR,"$folder$slash$subfolder") or die $!;
@allfiles=grep /(.\.txt)/, readdir DIR;

#Creates destination folder

mkdir "$folder$slash$folder10kwc";
mkdir $target_wc;

#Count lines, words and characters
my ($lines, $words, $chars) = (0,0,0);

while ($data=@allfiles) {
$chars += length($_);
$words += scalar(split(/\s+/, $_));

open $output_wc, ">", "$target_wc$slash$file" or die $!;
print $output_wc $wc;
close $output_wc;

print("lines=$lines words=$words chars=$chars\n");

我会说您在这里有一些车轮重新发明的问题,并且我不会使用perl脚本。 有一个称为'wc'的unix命令行工具(word count的缩写),它可以完成您想做的所有事情,而无需编程。


$ wc /path/to/my/folder/* > /path/to/my/output/file.txt

在Windows上,您可以将Wc程序作为GNU Coreutils for Windows软件包的一部分下载,然后在Windows stylee中运行相同的命令

C:\ > wc \path\to\my\folder\* > \path\to\my\output\file.txt


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