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C ++ 1y没有从std :: bind到std :: function的可行转换

[英]C++1y no viable conversion from std::bind to std::function

我试图将一个前向函数存储到std::function 如果我使用std::bind ,我会收到错误消息,例如no viable conversion from ... 如果我使用lambda,它编译好了。


#include <functional>

template<typename Handler>void func1(int a, Handler&& handler) {}
template<typename Handler>void func2(Handler&& handler)
    // this line compile fine
    std::function<void ()> funcA = [handler = std::move(handler)]() { func1(1, std::move(handler)); };
    // this line got compile error
    std::function<void ()> funcB = std::bind(func1<Handler>, 1, std::move(handler));

int main()
    func2(&main); // this just a sample, I am using functor as argument in real code

尝试g ++ --std = c ++ 1y (v4.9.0)和clang ++ --std = c ++ 1y (v3.4.1)会产生相同的结果

编辑:clang ++错误消息

main.cpp:8:28: error: no viable conversion from 'typename _Bind_helper<__is_socketlike<void (*)(int, int (*&&)())>::value, void (*)(int, int
      (*&&)()), int, int (*)()>::type' (aka '_Bind<__func_type (typename decay<int>::type, typename decay<int (*)()>::type)>') to
      'std::function<void ()>'
    std::function<void ()> funcB = std::bind(&func1<Handler>, 1, std::move(handler));
                           ^       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
main.cpp:14:5: note: in instantiation of function template specialization 'func2<int (*)()>' requested here
/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/4.9.0/../../../../include/c++/4.9.0/functional:2181:7: note: candidate constructor not viable: no
      known conversion from 'typename _Bind_helper<__is_socketlike<void (*)(int, int (*&&)())>::value, void (*)(int, int (*&&)()), int, int
      (*)()>::type' (aka '_Bind<__func_type (typename decay<int>::type, typename decay<int (*)()>::type)>') to 'nullptr_t' for 1st argument
      function(nullptr_t) noexcept
/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/4.9.0/../../../../include/c++/4.9.0/functional:2192:7: note: candidate constructor not viable: no
      known conversion from 'typename _Bind_helper<__is_socketlike<void (*)(int, int (*&&)())>::value, void (*)(int, int (*&&)()), int, int
      (*)()>::type' (aka '_Bind<__func_type (typename decay<int>::type, typename decay<int (*)()>::type)>') to 'const std::function<void ()> &'
      for 1st argument
      function(const function& __x);
/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/4.9.0/../../../../include/c++/4.9.0/functional:2201:7: note: candidate constructor not viable: no
      known conversion from 'typename _Bind_helper<__is_socketlike<void (*)(int, int (*&&)())>::value, void (*)(int, int (*&&)()), int, int
      (*)()>::type' (aka '_Bind<__func_type (typename decay<int>::type, typename decay<int (*)()>::type)>') to 'std::function<void ()> &&' for
      1st argument
      function(function&& __x) : _Function_base()
/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/4.9.0/../../../../include/c++/4.9.0/functional:2226:2: note: candidate template ignored:
      substitution failure [with _Functor = std::_Bind<void (*(int, int (*)()))(int, int (*&&)())>]: no matching function for call to object of
      type 'std::_Bind<void (*(int, int (*)()))(int, int (*&&)())>'
1 error generated.


std :: bind将尝试使用左值引用调用func1<Handler> ,但是你的func1实例化将使它只接受rvalues



#include <functional>

template<class T>
void foobar (T&& val);

int main() {
  std::function<void()> f = std::bind (&foobar<int>, std::move (123));

在上面我们将使用T = int实例化foobar ,这使得参数val的类型成为对intint&& )的rvalue引用

std::move(123)移动构造我们的值以存储在由std :: bind创建的对象中,但是标准说当std :: bind稍后调用存储的函数时,所有参数都作为TiD cv &传递; 即。 作为左值

此行为由标准( n3797 )强制执行,如[func.bind.bind]p10部分所述。

通过将以前格式错误的片段更改为以下内容,不会引发任何错误,因为foobar<int>现在接受左值引用 ; 适合绑定到由std :: bind返回的function-object传递给我们函数的左值

  std::function<void()> f = std::bind (&foobar<int&>, std::move (123));


#include <functional>
#include <type_traits>
#include <iostream>

int main() {
  auto is_lvalue = [](auto&& x) {
    return std::is_lvalue_reference<decltype(x)> { };

  auto check = std::bind (is_lvalue, std::move (123));
  bool res   = check (); // res = true

简而言之: function必须是可复制的。 与rvalue bind返回不可复制的对象。 解决方法是使用包含上述值的shared_ptr捕获/绑定


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