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[英]How do I view JSON data from an arbitrary link within my app?


正如我的演示专家所显示的那样,我的搜索工作正常(搜索“内容”一词)并返回了我想要的内容。 但我也希望能够从应用程序其他位置的某些链接中调用某些返回的数据。


Plunker演示: http ://plnkr.co/edit/Z8A8nJ6uQfdTwR2TGRtY?p=preview



<!-- Search -->
<div class="well"> 
  <p>Search the term "content"</p>
  <form role="form">
    <div my-search ng-model="selectedContent" class="form-group clearfix search">
      <input type="text" ng-model="selectedContent" ng-options="query as query.searchQuery for query in searchData" bs-typeahead="bs-typeahead" class="form-control search-field"/>
      <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary search-btn" ng-click="updateModel()"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-search"></span></button>

<!-- this link should also return the specified data -->
<a href="">View info for content set 3:</a>

<!-- Dynamic Content -->
<div class="well">
    <li ng-repeat="item in clickedContent.headlines" ng-bind-html="toTrusted(item.headline)"></li>

AngularStrap Typeahead部分模板

   <ul class="typeahead dropdown-menu" tabindex="-1" ng-show="$isVisible()" role="select">
        <li role="presentation" ng-repeat="match in $matches" ng-class="{active: $index == $activeIndex}">
          <a href="" role="menuitem" tabindex="-1" ng-click="updateModel(); $select($index, $event)">
              <div class="query" ng-bind="match.label" data-title="{{match.value.popoverTitle}}", data-content="{{match.value.popoverContent}}", data-placement="right", data-trigger="hover", bs-popover></div>


    var app = angular.module('demoApp', ['ngAnimate', 'ngSanitize', 'mgcrea.ngStrap'])
    .config(function ($typeaheadProvider) {
      angular.extend($typeaheadProvider.defaults, {
        template: 'ngstrapTypeahead.html',
        container: 'body'

    app.directive('mySearch', function(){
      return {
        restrict: 'A',
        require: 'ngModel',
        link: function($scope, $element, $attrs, ngModel){
          ngModel.$render = function(){
             if (angular.isObject($scope.selectedContent)) {
               $scope.clickedContent = $scope.selectedContent;
           $scope.updateModel = function() {
             $scope.clickedContent = $scope.selectedContent;

    function MainController($scope, $sce, $templateCache, $http) {

      $scope.selectedContent = '';

        $scope.searchData = response.data;
        return $scope.searchData;

      $scope.toTrusted = function(headlineHtml) {
        return $sce.trustAsHtml(headlineHtml)



            "contentId": 1,
            "searchQuery": "Content set 1 dummy query vestibulum abcdefghijklmnop",
            "contentTitle": "Pretaining to content set 1",
            "popoverTitle": "Query info",
            "popoverContent": "Interesting info about query",
            "headlines": [
                  "headline": "<a href='#'>1st headline in content set 1</a>"
                  "headline": "<a href='#'>2nd headline in content set 1</a>"
                  "headline": "<a href='#'>3rd headline in content set 1</a>"

            "contentId": 2,
            "searchQuery": "Content set 2 dummy query vestibulum abcdefghijklmnop",
            "contentTitle": "Pretaining to content set 2",
            "popoverTitle": "Query info",
            "popoverContent": "Interesting info about query",
            "headlines": [
                  "headline": "<a href='#'>1st headline in content set 2</a>"
                  "headline": "<a href='#'>2nd headline in content set 2<a/>"
                  "headline": "<a href='#'>3rd headline in content set 2</a>"
            "contentId": 3,
            "searchQuery": "Content set 3 dummy query vestibulum abcdefghijklmnop",
            "contentTitle": "Pretaining to content set 3",
            "popoverTitle": "Query info",
            "popoverContent": "Interesting info about query",
            "headlines": [
                  "headline": "<a href='#'>1st headline in content set 3</a>"
                  "headline": "<a href='#'>2nd headline in content set 3</a>"
                  "headline": "<a href='#'>3rd headline in content set 3</a>"
            "contentId": 4,
            "searchQuery": "Content set 4 dummy query vestibulum abcdefghijklmnop",
            "contentTitle": "Pretaining to content set 4",
            "popoverTitle": "Query info",
            "popoverContent": "Interesting info about query",
            "headlines": [
                  "headline": "<a href='#'>1st headline in content set 4</a>"
                  "headline": "<a href='#'>2nd headline in content set 4</a>"
                  "headline": "<a href='#'>3rd headline in content set 4</a>"

将从控制器获取searchData.json到服务中。 此服务可以缓存数据,因此不需要每个数据,因此不需要再次请求它。 然后,可以将该服务注入需要数据的任何控制器或指令中。


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