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php / mysql环境中的“忘记用户密码”标准类或脚本?

[英]a “forgot user password” standard class or script in php/mysql environment?

我希望有一个标准的类/ PHP脚本,我们可以用于“忘记密码”功能。 似乎几乎每个网站都有一个,我想减少它的开发时间。


  1. 单击忘记密码
  2. 用户通过电子邮件收到“重置密码”链接
  3. 点击链接可以输入“新密码”“重新输入密码”
  4. 生活很好

我不想从头开始,希望有人思考过任何细微差别,可以指出我已有的代码。 这似乎是一个非常标准化的。




// query is my own SQLite3 wrapper function which ensures I have a valid database connection then executes the SQL.
// I would imagine small changes will be needed to the SQL for MY SQL.
query("create table reset_password (user_id integer not null default 0, key text not null default '', time integer not null default 0)");
query("create unique index reset_password_user_id on reset_password (user_id)");
query("create index reset_password_key on reset_password (key)");


// $user_id must be an integer that matches a valid user's ID.
function reset_password($user_id) {
  query("delete from reset_password where user_id = $user_id");
  $key = substr(base64_encode(crypt('', '')), 0, 32);
  query("insert into reset_password values ($user_id, '$key', " . time() . ")");
  // fetch is my own wrapper function to fetch a row from the query.
  $f = fetch(query("select username from users where id = $user_id"));
  // smtp is my own function, you will probably want to use the php mail function.
    "do-not-reply@example.com", // sender
    $f['username'], // recepient
    "From: The example.com Web Site <do-not-reply@example.com>\r\n" . // email headers
    "To: {$f['username']} <{$f['username']}>\r\n" . // actual email address <put a nice friendly name in here if you have the the information>
    'Subject: Reset Password' . "\r\n" .
    "\r\n" .
    "Hello\r\n" . // email body
    "\r\n" .
    "A request has been made to reset your example.com web site password.\r\n" .
    "\r\n" .
    "To complete the request, click on the following link within 48 hours of the transmision of this email and follow the on screen instructions.\r\n" .
    "\r\n" .
    /// URL is defined as the root of the URL used in the email, in this example it would be "http://example.com/"
    URL . "index.php?page=reset-password&user_id=" . urlencode($user_id) . "&key=" . urlencode($key) . "\r\n" .
    "\r\n" .
    "Kind regards,\r\n" .
    "\r\n" .
    "The example.com Web Site"


// form, input_hidden, table, tr, td, label, input_password and input_submit are my own wrappers which return the appropriate HTML with escaped values where required.
    input_hidden('user_id', $_GET['user_id']) .
    input_hidden('key', $_GET['key']) .
        td(label('New Password')) .
        td(input_password('new_password', ''))
      ) .
        td(label('Confirm Password')) .
        td(input_password('confirm_password', ''))
    ) .
    input_submit('ok', 'OK')


// The reset_password_message function displays the message to the user.
if (!isset($_POST['user_id'])) {
  reset_password_message('You must enter a user ID. Please try again.');
} else if (!isset($_POST['key'])) {
  reset_password_message('You must enter a key. Please try again.');
} else if (!isset($_POST['new_password']) || !$_POST['new_password']) {
  reset_password_message('You must enter a new password. Please try again');
} else if (!isset($_POST['confirm_password']) || $_POST['new_password'] != $_POST['confirm_password']) {
  reset_password_message('The new password and the confirmation do not match. Please try again.');
} else if (!$f = fetch(query("select time from reset_password where user_id = " . (integer)$_POST['user_id'] . " and key = '" . escape($_POST['key']) . "'"))) {
  reset_password_message('The user ID and key pair are invalid. Please try again.');
} else if ($f['time'] < time() - 60 * 60 * 24 * 2) { // 60 seconds * 60 minutes * 24 hours * 2 days (48 hours as explained in the email sent to the user above).
  reset_password_message('The user ID and key pair have expired. Please try again.');
} else {
  query("update users set password = '" . crypt($_POST['new_password']) . "' where id = " . (integer)$_POST['user_id']);
  reset_password_message('Your password has been reset. Please login.');


您可以从各种框架/ CMS中窃取它。 Drupal,Kohana等......


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