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[英]Bacon.js control buffering of stream with other stream

我想在Bacon.js中缓冲一个EventStream的值,就像buffer(closingSelector)在RxJava中的行为一样。 当“控制器流”(RxJava方法中的closingSelector)发出新值时,事件缓冲区将被刷新。




stream.hold当(阀门)暂停并缓冲事件流,如果阀门中的最后一个事件是真的。 当阀门变得麻痹时,所有缓冲的事件都会被释放。


// source streams
var sourceObservable = Bacon.interval(1000);
var closingSelector = new Bacon.Bus();

// Constructing a new Observable where we're going to keep our state.
// We need to keep track of two things: 
//   - the buffer that is currently being filled, and
//   -  a previous buffer that is being flushed.
// The state will then look like this:
//   [ buffer, flushed]
// where both buffer and flushed is an array of events from the source observable.

// empty initial state
var initialState = {buffer: [], flushed: []}

// There are two operations on the state: appending a new element to the buffer 
// and flushing the current buffer:

// append each event from the source observable to the buffer,
// keeping flushed unchanged
var appends = sourceObservable.map(function(e) {
   return function(state) {
       state.buffer.push(e); return state; 

// each event from the closingSelector replaces the `flushed` with 
// the `buffer`'s contents, inserting an empty buffer.
var flushes = closingSelector.map(function(_) {
   return function(state) { return {buffer: [], flushed: state.buffer} }

// merge appends and flushes into a single stream and apply them to the initial state
var ops = appends.merge(flushes)
var state = ops.scan(initialState, function(acc, f) { return f(acc) });

// resulting stream of flushed events
var flushed = state.sampledBy(closingSelector).map(function(state) { return state.flushed })

// triggered with `closingSelector.push({})`
flushed.onValue(function(x) { console.log("flushed", x) })


Bacon.EventStream.prototype.bufferUntilValue = function(valve) {
var valve_ = valve.startWith(false);

  return this.filter(false).merge(valve_.flatMapConcat((function(_this) {
    return function() {
        return _this.scan([], (function(xs, x) {
            return xs.concat(x);
        }), {
            eager: true


stream.holdWhen(valve)看起来几乎就是你想要的。 它与buffer(closingSelector)工作方式略有不同:它不是一直缓冲来自closingSelector事件缓冲事件,而是根据value流中的最后一个值来切换缓冲。

也许你可以使用holdWhen ,但如果你想要像buffer(closingSelector)这样的行为,你可能会这样做:

var result = sourceStream.holdWhen(closingSelector.flatMap(function(){
  return Bacon.fromArray([false, true]);

在来自closingSelector每个事件中,我们在value流中生成两个事件,其值为truefalse ,即关闭缓冲(触发刷新)然后立即将其重新打开。


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