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是否可以将Jcrop与jQuery contextMenu结合使用?

[英]Is it possible to combine Jcrop with jQuery contextMenu?

我尝试了一些简单的实现方式(例如,将鼠标移到上面,启用contextmenu),但看来这种方式行不通。 可能是zIndex问题吗?

$(function($) {
        aspectRatio: 1,
        maxSize: [64, 64],
        onSelect: testFunc

function testFunc() {
    console.log("onSelect - testFunc()");
        selector    : '#test',
        items       : {
            "edit": {name: "Edit", icon: "edit"},
            "cut": {name: "Cut", icon: "cut"}
    console.log("contextMenu"); // Appears to be called but the contextmenu does not appear


jQuery contextMenu插件创建一个右键单击时显示的上下文菜单。 如果要使其与JCrop一起使用,则需要禁用默认触发器(右键单击),并从JCrop onSelect手动显示contextMenu。

$(function($) {
    aspectRatio: 1,
    maxSize: [64, 64],
    onSelect: testFunc

    selector    : '#test',
    trigger     : 'none', // disable right click trigger
    items       : {
      "edit": {name: "Edit", icon: "edit"},
      "cut": {name: "Cut", icon: "cut"}

function testFunc() {
  // Manually display ContextMenu from registered selector


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