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[英]How can I create multiple items in a Rust procedural macro?



扩展为两个项目,静态项目和功能。 像这样的东西:

static x: uint = 5;

fn bar() -> uint { x + 1 }

我已经向我指出, MacResultmake_items方法支持这一点,所以我只需要创建一个正确实现它的类型。 我这样做了:

struct MacItems {
    items: Vec<::std::gc::Gc<Item>>,

impl MacResult for MacItems {
    fn make_def(&self) -> Option<::syntax::ext::base::MacroDef> { None }
    fn make_expr(&self) -> Option<::std::gc::Gc<ast::Expr>> { None }
    fn make_pat(&self) -> Option<::std::gc::Gc<ast::Pat>> { None }
    fn make_stmt(&self) -> Option<::std::gc::Gc<ast::Stmt>> { None }

    fn make_items(&self) -> Option<::syntax::util::small_vector::SmallVector<::std::gc::Gc<Item>>> {

我试图使用quote_item! 宏,但这个宏显然移动了ExtCtxt ,使得它不可能连续两次使用它。 这是我的代码:

pub fn plugin_registrar(reg: &mut Registry) {
    reg.register_macro("foo", expand);

fn expand(cx: &mut ExtCtxt, sp: codemap::Span, _: &[ast::TokenTree]) -> Box<MacResult> {
    let mut v = vec!();

    v.push( quote_item!(cx, static x: uint = 5;).unwrap() );
    v.push( quote_item!(cx, fn bar() -> uint { x + 1 }).unwrap() );

    box MacItems { items: v } as Box<MacResult>


test.rs:37:13: 37:57 error: use of moved value: `cx`
test.rs:37     v.push( quote_item!(cx, fn bar() -> uint { x + 1 }).unwrap() );
note: in expansion of quote_item!
test.rs:37:13: 37:57 note: expansion site
test.rs:36:13: 36:50 note: `cx` moved here because it has type `&mut syntax::ext::base::ExtCtxt<'_>`, which is moved by default (use `ref` to override)
test.rs:36     v.push( quote_item!(cx, static x: uint = 5;).unwrap() );
note: in expansion of quote_item!
test.rs:36:13: 36:50 note: expansion site
error: aborting due to previous error

我怎样才能做到这一点? 我试图使用AstBuilder::item_static来创建静态项目,但我无法确定Ty_哪个变体对应于uint (这只是一个玩具示例,我真正的静态声明是&'static str ,所以我需要构建该项目)。

我这样做完全错了吗? 怎么能实现这一目标?

您需要手动将cx重新借用到临时&mut ExtCtxt 编译器通常可以自动插入reborrows,但quote_*宏不会扩展为适合此的东西。


quote_item!(&mut *cx, ...)


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