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[英]Infinite recursion loop when binding TreeView control to filesystem

我正在WPF应用程序中构建一个文件夹选择器对话框。 我定义了以下类用作树中的节点:

public class FileSystemNode : ViewModelBase {

    protected static readonly FileSystemNode DummyNode = new FileSystemNode( null, false );

    public ObservableCollection<FileSystemNode> Children { get; private set; }

    public bool IsExpanded {
        get { return iIsExpanded; }
        set {
            SetAndNotify( "IsExpanded", ref iIsExpanded, value );

            // Expand all the way up to the root.
            if ( iIsExpanded && Parent != null )
                Parent.IsExpanded = true;

            // Lazy load the child items, if necessary.
            if ( HasDummyNode ) {
                Children.Remove( DummyNode );

    private bool iIsExpanded = false;

    public bool IsSelected {
        get { return iIsSelected; }
        set { SetAndNotify( "IsSelected", ref iIsSelected, value ); }
    private bool iIsSelected = false;

    public bool HasDummyNode {
        get { return Children.Count == 1 && Children[ 0 ] == DummyNode; }

    public virtual Uri Icon {
        get { return null; }

    public string Name { get; protected set; }

    public FileSystemNode Parent { get; protected set; }

    public string Path { get; protected set; }
    public FileSystemNode( FileSystemNode theParent, bool lazyLoadChildren ) {
        Parent = theParent;
        Children = new ObservableCollection<FileSystemNode>();
        if ( lazyLoadChildren ) {
            Children.Add( DummyNode );

    public override void Dispose() {
        while ( Children.Count > 0 ) {
            FileSystemNode node = Children[ 0 ];
            Children.Remove( node );
        GC.SuppressFinalize( this );

    /// <summary>
    /// Helper method that encapsulates the code needed to expand a node that can
    /// contain folders.  Prevents us from duplicating this code in several child
    /// classes.
    /// </summary>
    protected void ExpandFolders() {
        try {
            foreach ( string folder in Directory.EnumerateDirectories( Path ) ) {
                Children.Add( new FolderNode( new DirectoryInfo( folder ), this ) );
        } catch ( Exception ) { }

    protected virtual void LoadChildren() {
        // Does nothing by default.

/// <summary>
/// Represents a Disk Drive in the file system tree view.
/// </summary>
public class DiskDriveNode : FileSystemNode {

    public override Uri Icon {
        get { return new Uri( "pack://CustomControls:,,,/Resources/diskdrive.png", UriKind.Relative ); }

    public DiskDriveNode( string drive, FileSystemNode parent )
        : base( parent, true ) {
        Name = drive;
        Path = drive;

    protected override void LoadChildren() {

/// <summary>
/// Represents a folder in the file system tree view.  Lazy loads its <see cref="Children"/> collection
/// with its child folders and documents, if the <see cref="LoadDocuments"/> property is true.
/// </summary>
public class FolderNode : FileSystemNode {

    public override Uri Icon {
        get { return new Uri( "pack://CustomControls:,,,/Resources/folder.png", UriKind.Relative ); }

    public FolderNode( DirectoryInfo folder, FileSystemNode parent )
        : base( parent, true ) {
        Name = folder.Name;
        Path = folder.FullName;

    protected override void LoadChildren() {

/// <summary>
/// Represents the "My Computer" node in the file system tree view.
/// </summary>
public class MyComputerNode : FileSystemNode {

    public const string MYCOMPUTER_PATH = "::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}";

    public override Uri Icon {
        get { return new Uri( "pack://CustomControls:,,,/Resources/computer.png", UriKind.Relative ); }

    public MyComputerNode( FileSystemNode parent )
        : base( parent, true ) {
        // Populate its fields.
        Name = Car.FolderPickerDialog_Computer;
        Path = MYCOMPUTER_PATH;

    protected override void LoadChildren() {
        try {
            foreach ( string driveName in Directory.GetLogicalDrives() ) {
                Children.Add( new DiskDriveNode( driveName, this ) );
        } catch ( IOException ) {
        } catch ( UnauthorizedAccessException ) {

/// <summary>
/// Represents the Entire Network node of the file system tree view.  Lazy loads the servers
/// that are visible to the user on the network into its Children collection.
/// </summary>
public class NetworkNode : FileSystemNode {

    public override Uri Icon {
        get { return new Uri( "pack://CustomControls:,,,/Resources/network.png", UriKind.Relative ); }

    public NetworkNode( FileSystemNode theParent )
        : base( theParent, true ) {
        Name = Car.FolderPickerDialog_Network;
        Path = string.Empty;

    protected override void LoadChildren() {
        try {
            ComputerEnumerator enumerator = new ComputerEnumerator {
                ComputerFilter = ComputerEnumerator.ServerTypes.SV_TYPE_ALL
            foreach ( Share server in enumerator ) {
                Children.Add( new ServerNode( server, this ) );
        } catch ( Exception ) { }

/// <summary>
/// Represents the root of the entire file system tree view.  Does not lazy load its
/// children.  Does not display in the TreeView control.
/// </summary>
public class RootNode : FileSystemNode {

    public RootNode()
        : base( null, false ) {
        Name = Path = string.Empty;

        // Create the MyComputer node and add it to this node's children.
        Children.Add( new MyComputerNode( this ) );

        // Create the Entire Network node and add it to this node's children.
        Children.Add( new NetworkNode( this ) );

/// <summary>
/// Represents a server in the tree view.  Lazy loads the shares exposed by the server
/// into its children collection.
/// </summary>
public class ServerNode : FileSystemNode {

    public override Uri Icon {
        get { return new Uri( "pack://CustomControls:,,,/Resources/computer.png", UriKind.Relative ); }

    public ServerNode( Share share, FileSystemNode parent )
        : base( parent, true ) {
        Name = share.Name;
        Path = share.UNCPath;

    protected override void LoadChildren() {
        ShareEnumerator enumerator = new ShareEnumerator {
            Server = Name

        foreach ( Share share in enumerator ) {
            Children.Add( new ShareNode( share, this ) );

/// <summary>
/// Represents a single share in the file system tree view.  Lazy loads the folders in the share
/// into its children collection.
/// </summary>
public class ShareNode : FileSystemNode {

    public override Uri Icon {
        get { return new Uri( "pack://CustomControls:,,,/Resources/share.png", UriKind.Relative ); }

    public ShareNode( Share share, FileSystemNode parent )
        : base( parent, true ) {
        Name = share.Name;
        Path = share.UNCPath;

    protected override void LoadChildren() {



<TreeView BorderThickness="2"
          ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Children}"
        <Style TargetType="{x:Type TreeViewItem}">
            <Setter Property="IsExpanded" Value="{Binding IsExpanded, Mode=TwoWay}" />
            <Setter Property="IsSelected" Value="{Binding IsSelected, Mode=TwoWay}" />
            <Setter Property="FontWeight" Value="Bold" />
                <Trigger Property="IsSelected" Value="True">
                    <Setter Property="FontWeight" Value="ExtraBold" />
        <HierarchicalDataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vm:FileSystemNode}"
                                  ItemsSource="{Binding Children}">
            <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
                <Image Name="PART_Image"
                       Height="{Binding ElementName=PART_Content, Path=ActualHeight}"
                       Source="{Binding Path=Icon}"
                       Width="{Binding ElementName=PART_Content, Path=ActualHeight}" />
                <ContentPresenter Content="{Binding}"
                                  Name="PART_Content" />


发生的事情是当我逐步执行代码时,可以看到实例化了RootNode对象以及MyComputerNodeNetworkNode 然后,在无限递归中一遍又一遍地调用MyComputerNodeIcon属性。 我知道这是一个无限递归,因为几秒钟后,该过程因StackoverFlowException.停止StackoverFlowException. 我能想到的是,由于某种原因, Image控件不喜欢我的URI,并一直尝试加载它。


对于我的一生,我不知道此递归调用的来源。 我什至将Icon属性的类型更改为字符串,并且仍然会发生。



问题出在HeirarchicalDataTemplateContentPresenter Binding中。 它只是设置为<Binding /> ,那是错误的。


<HierarchicalDataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vm:FileSystemNode}"
                          ItemsSource="{Binding Children}">
    <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
        <Image Name="PART_Image"
               Width="35" />
        <TextBlock Margin="5,0"
                   Text="{Binding Path=Name}" />



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