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[英]Scala: Error handling and exception matching

鉴于以下自定义Exception ...

trait ServiceException extends RuntimeException {

  val errorCode: Int

object ServiceException {

  def apply(
    message: String, _errorCode: Int
  ): ServiceException = new RuntimeException(message) with ServiceException {
    val errorCode: Int = _errorCode

  def apply(
    message: String, cause: Throwable, _errorCode: Int
  ): ServiceException = new RuntimeException(message, cause) with ServiceException {
    val errorCode: Int = _errorCode

...以及以下方法返回Future ...

myService.doSomethingAndReturnFuture.map {
}.recover {
  case ServiceException(5) =>
    Logger.debug("Error 5")
// this does not work
// case e: ServiceException(5) =>
//   Logger.debug(s"Error 5: ${e.getMessage}")
  case NonFatal(e) =>
    Logger.error("error doing something", e)



object ServiceException {

   //... apply methods

  def unapply(ex: ServiceException) = Some(ex.errorCode)  


recover {
  case se@ServiceException(5) => println(s"Error 5: ${se.getMessage}")
  case _ => println("Some other error")


def unapply(ex: ServiceException) = Some((ex.errorCode, ex.getMessage))


recover {
  case ServiceException(5, msg) => println(s"Error 5: $msg")
  case _ => println("Some other error")

或者,您也可以不unapply 然后它看起来像:

recover {
  case se: ServiceException if se.errorCode == 5 => println(s"Error 5: ${se.getMessage}")
  case _ => println("Some other error")



scala> trait ServiceException { _: RuntimeException => def errorCode: Int }
defined trait ServiceException

scala> case class MyX(errorCode: Int, msg: String, cause: Exception = null) extends RuntimeException(msg, cause) with ServiceException
defined class MyX

scala> def i: Int = throw MyX(42, "Help!")
i: Int

scala> import concurrent._ ; import ExecutionContext.Implicits._
import concurrent._
import ExecutionContext.Implicits._

scala> Future(i) recover { case MyX(code, m, err) => println(m) ; -1 }
res11: scala.concurrent.Future[Int] = scala.concurrent.impl.Promise$DefaultPromise@7d17ee50

scala> Help!

scala> .value
res12: Option[scala.util.Try[Int]] = Some(Success(-1))


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