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[英]Markup hidden content to be displayed later via Javascript


<p>Is your organization prepared for a crisis? Most professional service firms have a process for dealing with the media. There are systems in place for sending out press releases, issuing <a>READ MORE</a> firm communications and setting up interviews.</p>

<p>Is your organization prepared for a crisis? Most professional service firms have a process for dealing with the media. There are systems in place for sending out press releases, issuing firm communications and setting up interviews.</p>

在我想阅读更多的地方,我希望所有后面的文本都隐藏起来,然后在我用Java激活链接时将显示它。 我打算在该段落的其余部分中放置带有class =“ hiddencontent”或其他内容的SPAN,但是现在我意识到,因为我拥有第一段的其余部分以及整个第二段,所以推荐的方法是标记这个吗? 显然,单个SPAN元素不能属于两个不同的段落。

请注意,此页面上将有多个这样的READ MORE段落,因此我不能只执行全面的$('。hiddencontent')。show();。 在页面上的所有内容上。


我只是将相关段落包装在div这样的元素中,创建一个隐藏的类(例如.hidden),然后将该类应用于您要隐藏的任何内容。 最简单的方法是将链接后的文本包装在一个跨度中,然后将隐藏类应用于该跨度及其后的段落,例如:

    <p>Is your organization prepared for a crisis? Most professional service firms have a process for dealing with the media. There are systems in place for sending out press releases, issuing <a>READ MORE</a><span class="hidden"> firm communications and setting up interviews.</span></p>
    <p class="hidden">Is your organization prepared for a crisis? Most professional service firms have a process for dealing with the media. There are systems in place for sending out press releases, issuing firm communications and setting up interviews.</p>


$('a').click(function () {



<p>Is your organization prepared for a crisis? Most professional service firms have a process for dealing with the media. There are systems in place for sending out press releases, issuing <a class="content-hider">READ MORE</a><span class="extra-content" style="display:none;"> firm communications and setting up interviews.</span></p>

$('a.content-hider').click(function () {



    $text="your_text";// your text
    $post_id="1";// a unique number to make sure that when a read more link is clicked all the .second parts are not shown,only the one which has the same number will be shown.
    function read_more($text,$post_id)
        if(strlen($text) > 150)//if the text is greater than 150 characters 
           //cut the string in 2 parts
           $first_part = substr($initial_cap_sin, 0, 150);//first part
           $second_part = substr($initial_cap_sin,150);//second part
           $final_text = ' <!---first part-------->
                           <span class="first_part">'.$first_part.'</span>
                           <!----second part------>
                           <span class="second_part" id="second_part'.$post_id.'">'.$second_part.'</span> 
                           <!----read more link--->
                           <span class="read_more_link" rel="'.$post_id.'">... Read More</span>';
        $final_text=$text;// else if the text is not greater than 150 characters dont do any thing
    echo read_more($text);//send the text to the readmore function for processinf
        var read_m_id = $(this).attr("rel");


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