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通过jQuery ajax检查图像是否存在?

[英]Check if image exists via jquery ajax?


我正在尝试编写此脚本来检查图像是否存在。 如果图像存在,则脚本应继续,但如果图像不存在(404错误),则应重新滚动并再次检查。 我在理解如何使用ajax的异步部分时遇到问题。

        function checkImage(imgurl){
           function headRequest(url){
               return $.ajax({  //Makes a HEAD request for the image
                   url: url,
                   type: 'HEAD'
                return true; //image exists
                return false; //HEAD request returns 404

    //if image does not exist or person.biography is undefined, reroll
    while (!checkImage(imgsrc) || person.biography == undefined) {
        //select random person

要使用回调! (您无法从async调用返回)

function checkImage(imgurl, callback){
       function headRequest(url){
           return $.ajax({  //Makes a HEAD request for the image
               url: url,
               type: 'HEAD'
            callback(true); //image exists
            callback(false); //HEAD request returns 404


checkImage(imgsrc, function(exists) {
    //exists is what you passed into the callback
    if (exists) { //do stuff

    } else {
function checkImage(imgurl, callback){
       function headRequest(url){
           return $.ajax({
               url: url,
               type: 'HEAD'
            //Do whatever you wanted to do after it successfully found
            var newRandom = GetNewRandom(): //get your new random person url
            checkImage(newRandom, callback);  //Try again

因此,通过这种方式,它会不断迭代调用,直到找到匹配项为止。 例如,也许它将像这样运行:

var firstPerson = GetNewRandom();  //Initial person
function myCallback(url) {
    $('#myImage').attr('src', url);  //Change src to successful image
checkImage(firstPerson, myCallback); //starting with this person, look for a match

因此,我最终将异步部分设置为false。 我知道这不是一个好习惯,但这是临时的最佳解决方案。

    function checkImage(imgurl){
        function headRequest(url){
            var http = $.ajax({
                url: url,
                type: "HEAD",
                async: false
            return http.status;
        if(headRequest(imgurl) == 200) {
            return true;
        else {
            return false;
    //if image does not exist or person.biography is undefined, reroll
    while (!checkImage(imgsrc) || person.biography == undefined) {


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