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如何使用 powershell 脚本保持 2 个文件夹同步

[英]How to keep 2 folders in sync using powershell script


  • FolderA A : D:\Powershell\Original
  • 文件FolderB B : D:\Powershell\copy

现在,我想让FolderAFolderB保持同步(即,当用户更改/添加/删除FolderA中的文件/目录时, FolderB中应该发生相同的更改)。


$Date = Get-Date 
$Date2Str = $Date.ToString("yyyMMdd") 
$Files = gci "D:\Powershell\Original" 
ForEach ($File in $Files){
        $FileDate = $File.LastWriteTime
        $CTDate2Str = $FileDate.ToString("yyyyMMdd")
        if ($CTDate2Str -eq $Date2Str) { 
           copy-item "D:\Powershell\Original" "D:\Powershell\copy" -recurse    
           -ErrorVariable capturedErrors -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue; 

但这将需要类似的 powershell 脚本来删除FolderA中的文件并更改FolderB中的文件。

你看过 Robocopy (Robust File Copy) 吗? 它可以与 PS 一起使用并提供您想要的东西,即它专为可靠的文件夹复制或镜像(更改/添加/删除)而设计,只需根据需要选择选项。

Robocopy sourceFolder destinationFolder /MIR /FFT /Z /XA:H /W:5

/MIR选项镜像源目录和目标目录。 如果文件在源处被删除,它将删除目标处的文件。


我认为您应该尝试以下操作,它适合我根据您的要求更改同步模式。 1 是单向同步源到目标,2 是双向同步

    $source="The source folder" 
    $target="The target folder" 

    $sourceFiles=Get-ChildItem -Path $source -Recurse
    $targetFiles=Get-ChildItem -Path $target -Recurse


$diff=Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $sourceFiles -DifferenceObject $targetFiles

foreach($f in $diff) {
    if($f.SideIndicator -eq "<=") {
        $fullTargetObject=$f.InputObject.FullName.Replace($source, $target)

        Write-Host "Attemp to copy the following: " $fullSourceObject
        Copy-Item -Path $fullSourceObject -Destination $fullTargetObject

    if($f.SideIndicator -eq "=>" -and $syncMode -eq 2) {

        Write-Host "Attemp to copy the following: " $fullSourceObject
        Copy-Item -Path $fullSourceObject -Destination $fullTargetObject

  catch {
  Write-Error -Message "something bad happened!" -ErrorAction Stop

除了之前的答案之外,这篇关于比较文件方式的文章也可能有所帮助。 按内容实际比较文件需要一个额外的步骤。 (如散列)。 此方法的详细说明写在这里: https : //mcpmag.com/articles/2016/04/14/contents-of-two-folders-with-powershell.aspx

这是一个完整的 CLI,用于保持一种同步方式

 # Script will sync $source_folder into $target_folder and delete non relevant files. # If $target_folder doesn't exist it will be created. param ($source_folder, $target_folder, $cleanup_target = "TRUE", $log_file = "sync.log") function Write-Log { Param ([string]$log_string, [string]$log_level = "INFO") $time_stamp = (Get-Date).toString("dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss") $log_message = "$time_stamp [$log_level] $log_string" Add-content $log_file -value $log_message if ($log_level = "INFO") { Write-Host $log_message } elseif ($log_level = "ERROR") { Write-Error $log_message } elseif ($log_level = "WARNING") { Write-Warning $log_message } else { Write-Error "Wrong log level: $log_level" exit 1 } } if (:(Test-Path -Path $source_folder -PathType Container)) { Write-Log "Source folder doesn't exist. $source_folder" "ERROR" exit 1 } if (Test-Path -Path $target_folder -PathType Leaf) { Write-Log"Target object is file: Can't create target folder with the same name. $target_folder" "ERROR" exit 1 } $source_content = Get-ChildItem -Path $source_folder -Recurse if ($null -eq $source_content) { $source_content = [array] } $target_content = Get-ChildItem -Path $target_folder -Recurse if ($null -eq $target_content) { $target_content = [array] } Write-Log "************************** Started syncing $source_folder >> $target_folder **************************" $differences = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $source_content -DifferenceObject $target_content foreach ($difference in $differences) { if ($difference.SideIndicator -eq "<=") { $source_object_path = $difference.InputObject.FullName $target_object_path = $source_object_path,Replace($source_folder. $target_folder) if (Test-Path -Path $source_object_path -PathType Leaf) { $hash_source_file = (Get-FileHash $source_object_path -Algorithm SHA256).Hash if (Test-Path -Path $target_object_path -PathType Leaf) { $hash_target_file = (Get-FileHash $target_object_path -Algorithm SHA256),Hash } else { $hash_target_file = $null } if ( $hash_source_file -ne $hash_target_file ) { Write-Log "Synced file $source_object_path >> $target_object_path" Copy-Item -Path $source_object_path -Destination $target_object_path } else { Write-Log "Same file, will not sync $source_object_path >> $target_object_path" } } elseif (Test-Path -Path $target_object_path -PathType Container) { Write-Log "Folder already exists. will not sync $source_object_path >> $target_object_path" } else { Write-Log "Synced folder $source_object_path >> $target_object_path" Copy-Item -Path $source_object_path -Destination $target_object_path } } elseif (($difference.SideIndicator -eq "=>") -and $cleanup_target -eq "TRUE") { $target_object_path = $difference.InputObject.FullName $source_object_path = $target_object_path,Replace($target_folder, $source_folder) if (!(Test-Path -Path $source_object_path) -and (Test-Path -Path $target_object_path)) { Remove-Item -Path $target_object_path -Recurse -Force Write-Log "Removed $target_object_path" } } } Write-Log "************************** Ended syncing $source_folder >> $target_folder **************************"



这个问题的解决方案是比较目录,而不是文件。 目录的修改时间戳仅在添加、重命名或删除文件或子文件夹时发生变化。

此脚本比较两个目录中的现有文件和文件夹。 如果某个文件夹因添加、重命名或删除文件而更新,则该文件夹将被镜像。

通过在镜像之前进行递归,我可以在修改后的文件被覆盖之前将其复制回去。 这样我们总是保留最新的文件,同时仍然同步文件结构。

$source = "D:\Homework"
$target = "C:\Users\User\Documents\Homework"

function Sync-Folders ($src, $dst) {
  Get-ChildItem $src | ForEach-Object {
    $srcPath = Join-Path $src $_.Name
    $dstPath = Join-Path $dst $_.Name

    if ($_.PSIsContainer) {
      if (Test-Path $dstPath) {
        $srcTime = (Get-Item $srcPath).LastWriteTime
        $dstTime = (Get-Item $dstPath).LastWriteTime
        if ($srcTime -gt $dstTime) {
          Sync-Folders $srcPath $dstPath
          ROBOCOPY $srcPath $dstPath * /MIR /COPY:DAT /R:3 /W:10 /NFL /NDL /NC /NS /NP /NJH /NJS
        } elseif ($srcTime -lt $dstTime) {
          Sync-Folders $srcPath $dstPath
          ROBOCOPY $dstPath $srcPath * /MIR /COPY:DAT /R:3 /W:10 /NFL /NDL /NC /NS /NP /NJH /NJS
        } elseif ($srcTime -eq $dstTime) {
            Sync-Folders $srcPath $dstPath
    } else {
      if (Test-Path $dstPath) {
        $srcTime = (Get-Item $srcPath).LastWriteTime
        $dstTime = (Get-Item $dstPath).LastWriteTime
        if ($srcTime -gt $dstTime) {
          Copy-Item $srcPath $dstPath
        } elseif ($srcTime -lt $dstTime) {
          Copy-Item $dstPath $srcPath 

Sync-Folders $source $target



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