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Excel VBA和VB6打印机

[英]Excel VBA & VB6 Printer


Private Sub PopulatePrinterCombo(cmbDestination As ComboBox)
  Dim objPrinter  As Printer 'a printer in the Printers collection object

  'Add the printers to the combo box
  For Each objPrinter In printers
    cmbPrinter.AddItem objPrinter.DeviceName

  'Set current selection to the default printer
  cmbDestination.Text = Printer.DeviceName
End Sub

我当前正在将代码复制到Excel VBA宏上,问题是Dim objPrinter As Printer代码,我不断收到一条错误消息,提示“ USER DEFINED TYPE NOT DEFINED”,我是否需要添加VBA上的引用才能获取将变量声明为“打印机”之类的选项?

我的第二个问题是我不完全了解“ For Each objPrinter In printers ”行中的“打印机”, For Each objPrinter In printers ,“打印机”是什么? 有人可以向我解释一下吗?




  'Initialize values
  intDraftsPrinted = 0
  If objDraftPaths.Count > 1 Then

    intSelectedDraftCount = CountSelectedDrafts
  End If

  'prompt user to make sure
  intMsgBoxResponse = MsgBox("You selected " & intSelectedDraftCount & " part numbers. After removing duplicates" & vbNewLine & "there were " & objDraftPaths.Count & " unique draft files found." & vbNewLine & "Do you want to print these files?", vbYesNo, "TD Printer")

  If intMsgBoxResponse <> vbYes Then
    intSelectedDraftCount = 0 'So the following for loop will not entered
    intSelectedDraftCount = objDraftPaths.Count
  End If

  For i = 1 To intSelectedDraftCount

    booSuccess = False

    'open the draft file
    Set objDraftDocument = OpenSolidEdgeDraft(objDraftPaths.Item(i))
    If objDraftDocument Is Nothing Then
      'could not open file
      MsgBox "Could not open the following draft file:" & vbNewLine & _
             objDraftPaths.Item(i), vbExclamation, "Solid Edge Error"
      'Print the draft file
      For Each objSheet In objDraftDocument.Sheets
        strSheetSize = DetermineSheetSize(objSheet)
        If strSheetSize <> "" Then
          'Determine orientation
          If InStr(1, strSheetSize, "90") <> 0 Then
            'Print as landscape
            intOrientation = vbPRORLandscape

            'Print as portrait
            intOrientation = vbPRORPortrait
          End If
          'Specify Sheet Size
          Select Case Left(strSheetSize, 1)
            Case "A"
              intPaperSize = VBRUN.PrinterObjectConstants.vbPRPSLetter
            Case "B"
              intPaperSize = VBRUN.PrinterObjectConstants.vbPRPS11x17
            Case "C"
              intPaperSize = VBRUN.PrinterObjectConstants.vbPRPSCSheet
            Case "D"
              intPaperSize = VBRUN.PrinterObjectConstants.vbPRPSDSheet
            Case "E"
              intPaperSize = VBRUN.PrinterObjectConstants.vbPRPSESheet
            Case Else
              intPaperSize = VBRUN.PrinterObjectConstants.vbPRPSLetter
          End Select

          'Enable error handling
          On Error Resume Next

          'Activate the current sheet
          If Err Then
            'Could not activate sheet
            MsgBox "An error occurred while attempting to print: " & vbNewLine & objDraftPaths.Item(i) & vbNewLine & "The error was:" & vbNewLine & "Error Number: " & Err.Number & vbNewLine & "Error Description: " & Err.Description, vbExclamation, "Solid Edge Error"
            'Print to the printer specified by the combo box
            objDraftDocument.PrintOut cmbPrinter.Text, 1, intOrientation, intPaperSize, , , , igPrintSelected
            If Err Then
              'Could not print document
              MsgBox "An error occurred while attempting to print: " & vbNewLine & objDraftPaths.Item(i) & vbNewLine & "The error was:" & vbNewLine & "Error Number: " & Err.Number & vbNewLine & "Error Description: " & Err.Description, vbExclamation, "Solid Edge Error"
              booSuccess = True
            End If
          End If

          'Disable error handling
          On Error GoTo 0

        End If

      'Close the file
      objDraftDocument.Close False

      intDraftsPrinted = intDraftsPrinted + 1

    End If

  Next i

  'Dereference objects
  Set objSheet = Nothing
  Set objDraftDocument = Nothing
  'Set objDraftPaths = Nothing

  PrintSelectedDrafts = intDraftsPrinted

现在,当我在excel VBA中点击以下行时出现问题: intOrientation = vbPRORLandscape ,它无法识别“ vbPRORLandscape”以及下一行“ vbPRORPortrait”。 有办法解决吗?

另外,我有一种感觉,即VBRUN.PrinterObjectConstants.vbPRPSLetter和其他这些行可能无法正常运行。 它在VB6中有效。


看来Printers Collection在MS Access VBA环境中可用,但我认为它不是Excel VBA环境所固有的。

我使用Windows脚本宿主的WshNetwork对象列出可用的打印机。 我使用下面的子例程用连接到系统的打印机列表填充ComboBox。 为了使此代码起作用,您需要将“ Windows脚本宿主对象模型”引用添加到您的VBA项目。 (菜单:工具>参考[从列表中选择])


Sub populatePrintersList()
    Dim nwo As New WshNetwork
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim j As Integer
    Dim bAdd As Boolean

    bAdd = True
    For i = 0 To (nwo.EnumPrinterConnections.Count / 2) - 1
        For j = 0 To cmbPrinter.ListCount - 1
            If nwo.EnumPrinterConnections(i * 2 + 1) < cmbPrinter.List(j) Then
                cmbPrinter.AddItem nwo.EnumPrinterConnections(i * 2 + 1), j
                bAdd = False
                Exit For
            End If
        Next j
        If bAdd Then cmbPrinter.AddItem nwo.EnumPrinterConnections(i * 2 + 1): bAdd = True
    Next i

    cmbPrinter.ListIndex = 0
End Sub


MSDN包含有关Worksheet.PrintOut方法的参考资料: Worksheet.PrintOut

在MSDN上也可以找到有关Worksheet.PageSetup对象的方法和属性的深入文档: Worksheet.PageSetup



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