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C ++ While循环在数组等于零时停止

[英]C++ While loop that stops if an array is equal too zero

我的游戏有点问题。 我想要的是当两个数组之一变为全0时,循环将停止。 当前,当两个数组都等于零时,循环停止。



void ShootAtShip(int board1[], int board2[], string names[], int cap) {
    const int hit = 0;
    int shot = 0;
    bool won = false;
    int temp;

    for (int i = 0; i < cap; i++) {
        while ((board1[i] != 0 || board2[i] != 0)) { //detects if any board has all their ships shot down
            cout << names[1] << " set a position to shoot." << endl;
            cin >> shot;
            temp = shot;

            while ((shot >= cap) || (shot < 0)) {       //detects if the number is allowed
                cout << "That number is not allowed, "<<  names[1] << " set a position to shoot." << endl;
                cin >> shot;

            if (board1[shot] != 0) {
                board1[shot] = 0;
                cout << "Hit!" << endl;
            else {
                cout << "You missed." << endl;

            shot = 0;
            cout << names[0] << " set a position to shoot." << endl;
            cin >> shot;

            while ((shot >= cap) || (shot < 0)) {       //detects if the number is allowed
                cout << "That number is not allowed, " << names[0] << " set a position to shoot." << endl;
                cin >> shot;

            if (board2[shot] != 0) {
                board2[shot] = 0;
                cout << "Hit!" << endl;
            else {
                cout << "You missed." << endl;

    cout << "Testing is while loop stops";

关键是您必须在每次循环迭代时检查整个电路板的状态。 像这样:

void ShootAtShip(int board1[], int board2[], string names[], int cap) {

for (int i = 0; i < cap; i++) 
    while ( 1 )
       bool board1HasShips = false;
       bool board2HasShips = false;
       for ( int j = 0; j < cap; j++ ) 
          if ( board1[j] != 0 ) 
             board1HasShips = true;
       for ( int j = 0; j < cap; j++ ) 
          if ( board2[j] != 0 ) 
             board2HasShips = true;

       if ( !board1HasShips || !board2HasShips ) break; 

       // past this point we know that both boards have ships.
       // shoot at ships


尤其是在编写游戏时,最好尝试将代码组织成功能。 我个人会做这样的事情:

bool isGameOver(int board1[],  int board2[], size_t cap)
    bool lost1 = true;
    bool lost2 = true;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < cap && lost1 != false; ++i)
        if (board1[i] != 0)
            lost1 = false;
    if (lost1)
        return true;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < cap && lost2 != false; ++i)
        if (board2[i] != 0)
            lost2 = false;
    return lost2;


但是,既然您使用的是c ++,为什么不将这些板抽象成一个类呢? 这将允许您存储信息,例如每块板上还剩下多少艘船。

还可以考虑在c ++中使用std::array类模板,这样就不必分别传递数组大小并尝试使用size_tstd::size_t进行数组索引。


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