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[英]C simple array code isn't working


#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
int i, choice;
int player [11] = {1,    2,   10,   13,   21,  22,  24,   25, 31,32,   33};
int points [11] = {60, 297, 11, 373, 154, 52, 555, 218, 29, 242, 257};
int games [11] = {33, 35,  12,  35,   35,  35,  35,   35, 22,35,   35};
int assists [11] = {64 , 27 ,   2   ,  112  , 23 ,  3  ,   53 ,  39 ,  4 , 15 ,   9 };
int rebounds[11] = {30,134,3,122,85,43,210,58,17,211,169};
const char* names[11] = {
    "Jaylon Tate","Joe Bertrand","Jaylon Tate","Tracy Abrams","Malcolm Hill","Mav Morgan","Rayvonte Rice","Kendrick Nunn","Austin Colbert","Nnanna Egwu","Jon Ekey"
int bestplayerppg = 0;
int bestplayerapg = 0;
int bestplayerrpg = 0;
float bestppg = 0.0;
float bestapg = 0.0;
float bestrpg = 0.0;
float ppg [11] ;
float apg [11];
float rpg [11];
int bestIndexppg = 0;
int bestIndexapg = 0;
int bestIndexrpg = 0;
for (i=0; i<11; i++){
    ppg[i] = (float)points [i] / (float)games [i] ;
    apg[i] = (float)assists [i] / (float)games [i] ;
    rpg[i] = (float)rebounds [i] / (float)games [i] ;
    printf("%s \t %d \t %d \t %d \t %d \t %.1f ppg \t %.1f apg \t %.1f rpg\n", names[i], games[i], points[i], assists[i], rebounds[i], ppg[i], apg[i], rpg[i]);
    if (ppg[i]>bestplayerppg){
        bestplayerppg = player[i];
        bestppg = ppg[i];
        bestIndexppg = i;
     if (apg[i]>bestplayerapg){
        bestplayerapg = player[i];
        bestapg = apg[i];
        bestIndexapg = i;
    if (rpg[i]>bestnorpg){
        bestplayerrpg = player[i];
        bestrpg = rpg[i];
        bestIndexrpg = i;
printf("Pick the stat you want to view:\n1. Points per game\n2. Assists per game\n3. Rebounds per game\nEnter a choice: ");
printf("The player with the most ");
switch (choice){
    case 1:
    printf("points per game is #%d %s with %.1f ppg.\n", bestplayerppg, names[bestIndexppg], bestppg);
    case 2:
    printf("assists per game is #%d %s with %.1f apg.\n", bestplayerapg, names[bestIndexapg], bestapg);
    case 3:
    printf("rebounds per game is #%d %s with %.1f rpg.\n", bestplayerrpg, names[bestIndexrpg], bestrpg);
    printf("Choice is not valid\n");

该代码非常适用于积分和辅助。 但是在找到最高的rpg时它不起作用。 它说#13特雷西(Tracy),也就是数组中的第四个元素,当他没有时,则具有最大的rpg。 我对得分,助攻和篮板的逻辑是相同的,但只有得分和助攻才能发挥作用。

if (rpg[i]>bestnorpg){
        bestplayerrpg = player[i];
        bestrpg = rpg[i];
        bestIndexrpg = i;



if (rpg[i]>bestrpg){
        bestplayerrpg = player[i];
        bestrpg = rpg[i];
        bestIndexrpg = i;


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