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[英]Parameter to be passed through a method


  • quantity参数将传递给testQuantity方法。”

  • “在此之后,应通过传递productName参数来调用getPrice方法”


    public Order (String productName, int quantity) {
        orderNum = orderNum + 1;
        productName = this.productName;
        quantity = testQuantity; 
        if (isValidOrder = true)


public Order (String productName, int quantity) {
    testQuantity(quantity); //Probably this should return a boolean or throw a exception
    double price = getPrice(productName); //Probably it should return a quantity.
    //other operations needed.
public Order (String productName, int quantity) {
        orderNum = orderNum + 1;
        productName = this.productName;
        quantity = testQuantity; 
        if (isValidOrder = true)


尽管quantity = testQuantity;但不确定这行代码是quantity = testQuantity;

productName = this.productName;

只是考虑不要这样做。 实例变量在声明时被分配了一个值,并且在实例化时已经被定义-您只能使用它的值,而productName参数是无用的。 还是在声明的地方没有给出值-然后是构造函数将值分配给该变量,在此之前您不能使用它。

public Order (String productName, int quantity){
    // same as you did "orderNum = orderNum + 1" and "orderNum += 1".
    // I added "this" in the beginning because "orderNum" is not a variable
    // you declared in the constructor so it will be from the class.
    // BTW make sure you initialized the variable.

    // I think you are doing this part by mistake without understanding. So I commented this part.
    // what this code means is: set the value of variable "productName" (that you declared in the
    // method, the first parameter) of the value of variable "this.productName" (that you declared
    // in the root of the class, like orderNum)
    // productName = this.productName;

    // The quantity parameter is to be passed to the testQuantity method.
    // general way to call a method is <method name>(); "()" means execute
    // any information you want to pass as parameter goes inside the parenthesis

    // Following this a call to the getPrice method should be made passing the productName parameter
    // same rules here.

    // However, you are not storing the values after you calling the methods.
    // if you have any further questions feel free to comment and I will reply asap.
    // Good Luck!


  1. 将数量传递给testQuantity方法:testQuantity(quantity);

  2. 获得价格:getPrice(productName);

祝好运 !!!


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