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在循环C ++中切换语句

[英]Switch statements inside while loop C++

试图编写一个程序来计算盒子的体积,表面积或“周长”。 我希望能够为每个主题输入一个字母,然后在计算该主题后,输入下一个主题的字母。 该程序还希望在键入Q时结束。 我相信我的数学是正确的,但这个程序对我不起作用。 它编译得很好,但音量根本不会计算,尽管其他两个主题会。 我还得到了三行答案,当我输入第二个字母作为第二个值时,程序就疯了。 任何和所有的帮助非常感谢。 谢谢你的时间。

include <iostream>
include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

const char SENTINEL = 'Q';//found this suggestion online to quit a program

int main ()

char V, A, G, inputChar;
float length, width, depth, totalV, totalA, totalG;

cout<<"Enter character V for Volume, character A for Surface Area,\n";
cout<<"character G or Girth plus Depth or Q to quit\n"<<endl;
cin>>inputChar;// pick letter
while (inputChar!=SENTINEL)// if not Q then check the if-ele statments
      switch (inputChar)
      case 'V':
                cout<<"Enter Length, Width, and Depth for Volume\n";
                cin>>length, width, depth;
                totalV=length*width*depth;//math for volume
                cout<<"The Volume = "<<totalV<<endl;
      case 'A':
               cout<<"Enter Length, Width, and Depth for Surface Area\n";
               cin>>length, width, depth;
               totalA=2*length*width+2*width*depth+2*length*depth;//math for area
               cout<<"The Surface Area = "<<totalA<<endl;
      case 'G':
               cout<<"Enter Length, Width, and Depth for Girth\n";
               cin>>length, width, depth;
               totalG=2*(length+width)+depth;//math for girth
               cout<<"The Girth = "<<totalG<<endl;
      system ("pause");
      return 0;

除了Elliot的答案之外,我发现你的程序有一些改进,没有它我认为它不会编译。 像include语句中的'#'和错误的开关块一样。 即使输入多个值,我们也需要级联>>而不是逗号。


#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

const char SENTINEL = 'Q';//found this suggestion online to quit a program

int main ()

char V, A, G, inputChar;
float length, width, depth, totalV, totalA, totalG;

cout<<"Enter character V for Volume, character A for Surface Area,\n";
cout<<"character G or Girth plus Depth or Q to quit\n"<<endl;
cin>>inputChar;// pick letter

while (inputChar!=SENTINEL)// if not Q then check the if-ele statments
      switch (inputChar)
         case 'V':

                cout<<"Enter Length, Width, and Depth for Volume\n";
                totalV=length*width*depth;//math for volume
                cout<<"The Volume = "<<totalV<<endl;

         case 'A':

               cout<<"Enter Length, Width, and Depth for Surface Area\n";
               totalA=2*length*width+2*width*depth+2*length*depth;//math for area
               cout<<"The Surface Area = "<<totalA<<endl;

         case 'G':

               cout<<"Enter Length, Width, and Depth for Girth\n";
               totalG=2*(length+width)+depth;//math for girth
               cout<<"The Girth = "<<totalG<<endl;

   cout<<"Enter character V for Volume, character A for Surface Area,\n";
   cout<<"character G or Girth plus Depth or Q to quit\n"<<endl;
   cin>>inputChar;// pick letter          
      return 0;

while ( cin >> inputChar && inputChar != SENTINEL )


cin>>inputChar;// pick letter
while (inputChar!=SENTINEL)// 


auto prompt = []
    cout << "\nEnter character V for Volume, character A for Surface Area,\n";
    cout << "character G or Girth plus Depth or Q to quit\n"<<endl;

while ( prompt(), cin >> inputChar && inputChar != SENTINEL )


auto prompt = []
    cout << "\nEnter character V for Volume, character A for Surface Area,\n";
    cout << "character G or Girth plus Depth or Q to quit\n"<<endl;

while ( cin >> inputChar && inputChar != SENTINEL )
    switch (inputChar)
    case 'V':



你永远不会更新你的inputChar while循环结束while读取另一个char

system ("pause");

否则,当char与您的switch case或sentinel不匹配时,它将进入一个紧密循环(可能具有高CPU使用率)。


    cout << "Enter character 'V' for Volume, character 'A' for Surface Area,\n";
    cout << "character 'G' for Girth plus Depth or 'Q' to quit\n"<<endl;
    //Right here before the switch statement
    cin >> inputChar;
    switch (inputChar)
        //I also recommend stacking your cases, for lower case and upper case support:
        case 'V':
        case 'v':
        case 'A':
        case 'a':
        case 'G':
        case 'g':
        //Add a default case if they're not any of the above letters
            cout << inputChar << " is not valid input!";
} while (inputChar != SENTINEL);

只需添加cin >> inputChar; 在while循环结束时。 而已。 在那之后编译并运行。 您将获得预期的输出。 :-)



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