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[英]Removing node from Dynamically linked list

我正在编写一个程序,该程序将字符串保存到链接列表中,同时为字符串和节点分配内存。 我的插入和搜索功能运行正常,但删除功能似乎无法正常工作。 它似乎并没有从节点中删除信息,但是我对设置什么以及释放什么感到迷惑。 即使只是提示,任何帮助都将受到欢迎。


typedef struct listNode {               //simple linked list   structure
struct listNode *next;                  //address to next
char *data;                            //data

typedef struct ListStruct {
   NODE *head;                         //head node for iterating


void deleteNode(LIST *list, char *string){          // passed linked list and string to find
NODE *prev, *curr, *temp;                       //variables init
//int compare;                              // for strcmp if needed
prev = NULL;                                //set prev to null
curr = list->head;                          //set current to the head of the list
while(curr != NULL){                            //while the current node is not null
if(strcmp(curr->data,string) == 0){         //check for the proper string 
    temp = curr;                            //set temp to current node to be deleted
    temp->data = strcpy(curr->data);        //copy data so free is possible
    prev->next = temp;                     //set the prev to temp
    free(curr->data);                      //free malloc'd data
    free(curr);                           //free malloc'd node
    curr = temp;                          //set curr back to temp
else{                               //if string isn't found at current
    prev = curr;                        //set previous to current
    curr = curr->next;                  //and current to current.next


我知道错误是当我找到正确的字符串时出现的,但是我一生都无法找出错误所在。 希望能尽快收到某人的来信,并一如既往地感谢您。


if(strcmp(curr->data,string) == 0){         //check for the proper string 
  temp = curr;                            //set temp to current node to be deleted
  if (prev == NULL)                         // if the first node is the one to be deleted
    list->head = curr->next;
    prev->next = curr->next;                //set prev next pointer to curr next node
  curr = curr->next;                      //curr updated
  free(temp->data);                      //free malloc'd data
  free(temp);                           //free malloc'd node

  break;   //assume there is only one unique string in the link list


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