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[英]Error extending from an abstract class and implementing the Comparable interface


public abstract class GeometricObject implements Comparable<GeometricObject>

    public String name;
    //sample abstract class of getting area of various shapes

    public abstract double getArea();
    //sample abstract class for getting perimeter/circumference of various shapes
    public abstract double getPerimeter();
    //pass in and return name of the object selected in a system out line
    public void name(String n)
        System.out.println("This is a " + n);

/** A method for comparing the areas of two geometric objects and returning a boolean for their equals */
    public static boolean equalArea(GeometricObject object1,GeometricObject object2)
        //comparing double to another double
        return object1.getArea()==object2.getArea();

    // a method to find the bigger between two GeometricObjects and returning a String statement 
    public static void max(GeometricObject g1, GeometricObject g2)
            System.out.println("Object 1 is larger ");
        else if (g1.compareTo(g2)<0)
            System.out.println("Object 2 is larger ");
            System.out.println("Objects are the same ");
    // an override of the compareTo method from the implemented comparable interface
    public int compareTo(GeometricObject g1, GeometricObject g2)
            return 1;
        else if (g1.getArea()<g2.getArea())
            return -1;
            return 0;

//a class for calculating circumference and area of a circle extended from GeometricObject
public class GeoCircle extends GeometricObject implements Comparable<GeoCircle>
    public String name;
    public double radius;

    //constructor for only inputting radius of the circle
    public GeoCircle(double r)
        radius = r;
   // 2ndconstructor taking a name for the shape and radius of the circle
    public GeoCircle(String n, double r)
        name = n;
        radius = r;

    //method to get area of the shape with previously passed in radius
    public double getArea()
       return Math.PI*Math.pow(radius,2);

    //method to get circumference of the circle with radius previously given
     public double getPerimeter()
       return 2*Math.PI*radius;

    //a compareTo method

    public int compareTo(GeoCircle obj) 
    if (this.getArea() > obj.getArea())
      return 1;
    else if (this.getArea() < obj.getArea())
      return -1;
      return 0;
public int compareTo(GeometricObject g1, GeometricObject g2)
        return 1;
    else if (g1.getArea()<g2.getArea())
        return -1;
        return 0;

没有正确覆盖compareTo compareTo应该采用一个参数并将this与该参数进行比较。 这可以实现为

@Override public int compareTo(GeometricObject g) {
  return Double.compare(getArea(), g.getArea());



public abstract class GeometricObject<T extends GeometricObject> implements Comparable<T> {
    // an override of the compareTo method from the implemented comparable interface
    public int compareTo(T that) {
            return 1;
        else if (this.getArea()<that.getArea())
            return -1;
            return 0;

//a class for calculating circumference and area of a circle extended from GeometricObject
public class GeoCircle extends GeometricObject<GeoCircle> {

    @Override // Remove this method if it doesn't differ from parent implementation
    public int compareTo(GeoCircle that) {

可比的接口非常严格。 更好的解决方案是实现单独的比较器并从基类中删除Comparable声明:

class GeometricObjectAreaComparator implements Comparator<GeometricObject> {
    public int compare(GeometricObject o1, GeometricObject o2) {


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