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C ++从指针向量中擦除元素

[英]C++ Erasing element from a vector of pointers


我创建了一个包含所有源文件的Github gist,以及一个用于轻松编译和运行的Makefile:



我有一个Bank类(请注意Account Database结构,它是Account *的封装向量):

class Bank
    Database<Account> m_acctDb;
    Database<User> m_userDb;
    int m_accountCounter;
    int m_userCounter;
    Bank ();
    ~Bank ();

    // Accessor Methods.
    int getAccountCounter () const;
    int getUserCounter () const;
    int getNumAccounts () const;
    int getNumUsers () const;
    Database<Account> getAccountDatabase () const;
    Database<User> getUserDatabase () const;
    User *getUser (int userId);
    Account *getAccount (int accountId);
    std::vector<ChequingAccount> getChequingAccounts () const;
    std::vector<SavingsAccount> getSavingsAccounts () const;
    std::vector<Manager> getManagers () const;
    std::vector<Customer> getCustomers () const;
    std::vector<Maintenance> getMaintenance () const;

    // Mutator Methods.
    void addChequing (int userId, double balance = 0, std::string name =
    void addSavings (int userId, double balance = 0,
            std::string name = "");
    void addCustomer (std::string firstName, std::string lastName,
            std::string password, std::string username);
    void addManager (std::string firstName, std::string lastName,
            std::string password, std::string username);
    void addMaintenance (std::string firstName, std::string lastName,
            std::string password, std::string username);
    void deleteAccount (int accountId);
    void deleteUser (int userId);


template<class T>
    class Database
            std::vector<T*> m_database;
            Database ();
            virtual ~Database ();
            std::vector<T*> getDatabase () const;
            void add (T *Object);
            bool del (int id);


class Account
        int m_id, m_userId, m_type;
        double m_balance;
        std::string m_name;
        std::vector<std::string> m_history;
    Account (int id, int userId, double balance = 0,
            std::string name = "");
    virtual ~Account ();

    // Accessor Methods.
    int getId () const;
    int getUserId () const;
    int getType () const;
    double getBalance () const;
    std::string getName () const;
    std::string getDetails () const;
    std::vector<std::string> getHistory () const;

    // Mutator Methods.
    void setName (std::string name);
    void depositFunds (double amount);
    virtual bool withdrawFunds (double amount);

 * Chequing account type
class ChequingAccount : public Account
        ChequingAccount (int id, int userId, double balance = 0,
                std::string name = "") :
                Account(id, userId, balance, name)
            // Chequing account type.
            m_type = CHEQ;

            // If no name was given.
            if (name == "")
                // Give account a generic name.
                m_name = "Chequing Account #" + std::to_string(id);
                m_name = name;

        ~ChequingAccount ()

        virtual bool withdrawFunds (double amount);

 * Savings account type
class SavingsAccount : public Account
        SavingsAccount (int id, int userId, double balance, std::string name) :
                Account(id, userId, balance, name)
            // Savings account type.
            m_type = SAVE;

            // If no name was given.
            if (name == "")
                // Give account a generic name.
                m_name = "Savings Account #" + std::to_string(id);
                m_name = name;

        ~SavingsAccount ()

我将Account对象(主要是基本Account类派生类的Chequing / Savings Accounts)添加到Bank中:

 * Adds a new chequing account to the bank database.
void Bank::addChequing (int userId, double balance, std::string name)
    m_acctDb.add(new ChequingAccount(++m_accountCounter, userId, balance, name));

 * Adds a new savings account to the bank database.
void Bank::addSavings (int userId, double balance, std::string name)
    m_acctDb.add(new SavingsAccount(++m_accountCounter, userId, balance, name));

这一切都正常,我能够从数据库中提取对象并操纵我喜欢的方式。 问题在于删除,其定义如下:

 * Deletes the specified account from the bank database.
void Bank::deleteAccount (int accountId)
    std::vector<Account*> db = m_acctDb.getDatabase();
    std::vector<Account*>::iterator it = db.begin();
    cout << "Searching for account " << accountId << endl;
    while (it != db.end())
        if ((*it)->getId() == accountId)
            cout << "Found account 1" << endl;
            // Delete selected account.
            delete (*it);
            it = db.erase(db.begin());
        else ++it;


int main ()
    Bank bank;

    cout << "Num accounts in bank: " << bank.getNumAccounts() << endl << endl;

    cout << "Adding accounts to bank..." << endl;
    bank.addChequing(1, 1500.0, "testchq");
    bank.addSavings(1, 2000.0, "testsav");

    cout << "Num accounts in bank: " << bank.getNumAccounts() << endl;
    for (int i = 0; i < bank.getNumAccounts(); ++i)
        if (bank.getAccount(i + 1) == NULL) cout << "Account is NULL" << endl;
            cout << bank.getAccount(i + 1)->getDetails() << endl;
    cout << endl;

    cout << "Deleting account 1..." << endl;
    cout << endl;

    cout << "Num accounts in bank: " << bank.getNumAccounts() << endl;
    for (int i = 0; i < bank.getNumAccounts(); ++i)
        if (bank.getAccount(i + 1) == NULL) cout << "Account is NULL" << endl;
            cout << bank.getAccount(i + 1)->getDetails() << endl;


Num accounts in bank: 0

Adding accounts to bank...
Num accounts in bank: 2
Account #1 [C] testchq $1500.000000
Account #2 [S] testsav $2000.000000

Deleting account 1...
Searching for account 1
Found account 1

Num accounts in bank: 2
Account #1 [C] [C] $1500.000000
Account #2 [S] testsav $2000.000000

如您所见,它正确添加派生的Account类,并保留其派生类型而不进行对象切片。 在删除功能中,您可以看到删除功能正在查找应该正确删除的帐户。 问题是,虽然它应该删除帐户#1,但它没有,但它确实删除了帐户的名称(如Account #1 [C] [C] $1500.000000 vs Account #1 [C] testchq $1500.000000 )。

我在这里遇到的问题是什么? 我也不确定我这样做的方法,因此我们将非常感谢任何改进建议。



std::vector<T*> getDatabase () const;

std::vector<Account*> db = m_acctDb.getDatabase();


std::vector<T*>& getDatabase ();
const std::vector<T*>& getDatabase () const;

std::vector<Account*>& db = m_acctDb.getDatabase();


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