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[英]Implementing a Java interface featuring recursive type and bounds from Scala


public class Foo<T extends Foo> {}

public class Bar<T extends Foo> {}

public interface AnInterface {
    public <T extends Foo, S extends Bar<T>> void doSomething(T thing, S other);

我试图从Scala代码实现AnInterface ,这是我的IDE建议:

class AnImplementation extends AnInterface {
  override def doSomething[T <: Foo[_], S <: Bar[T]](thing: T, other: S): Unit = ???


type arguments [T] do not conform to class Bar's type parameter bounds [T <: foo.Foo[_ <: foo.Foo[_ <: foo.Foo[_ <: AnyRef]]]]

我尝试用几种方法解决这个问题; 一些失败的实验是:

// Failing with: method doSomething has incompatible type
override def doSomething[T <: Foo[_ <: Foo[_]], S <: Bar[T]](thing: T, other: S): Unit = ???

// Failing with: illegal cyclic reference involving type T
override def doSomething[T <: Foo[_ <: T], S <: Bar[T]](thing: T, other: S): Unit = ???

// Failing with: illegal cyclic reference involving type T
override def doSomething[T <: Foo[V] forSome { type V <: T }, S <: Bar[T]](thing: T, other: S): Unit = ???

// Failing with: method doSomething has incompatible type
override def doSomething[T <: Foo[V] forSome { type V <: Foo[_] }, S <: Bar[T]](thing: T, other: S): Unit = ???

有没有人知道如何解决这个问题? 是不是可以从Scala实现这样的Java接口?

看起来你没有正确地参数化类。 我相信这就是你所追求的:

public class Foo<T extends Foo<T>> {}

public class Bar<T extends Foo<T>> {}

public interface AnInterface {
  <T extends Foo<T>, S extends Bar<T>> void doSomething(T thing, S other);


class AnImplementation extends AnInterface {
  override def doSomething[T <: Foo[T], S <: Bar[T]](thing:T, other:S):Unit = ???


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